# This project is in its infancy.
# Please allow some time for the site to be built and our various public and private offerings
# to be developed.
$ echo -ne "\n${A_LBLUE}${A_BOLD}Thank you!${A_RESET}\n";
# Please contact us via email or discord.
# WARNING -- site not live yet!
$ curl -sL https://evilsteam.team/contact | grep -oP '(?<=mailto:).*(?=")'
# or
$ curl -sL https://evilsteam.team/contact | grep -oP '(?<=href="discord).*(?=")'
# finally
$ echo -ne "\n${A_RED}${A_BOLD}Welcome.${A_RESET}\n";
last updated 2023/07/16