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Make text banners to visually divide segments in your code with fart.
What's a fart?
//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // This is a fart. // //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// #=============================================================================# # ____ _ _ _ _ # # / ___| ___ (_) ___ | |_ | |__ (_) ___ # # \___ \ / _ \ | | / __| | __| | '_ \ | | / __| # # ___) | | (_) | | | \__ \ | |_ | | | | | | \__ \ # # |____/ \___/ |_| |___/ \__| |_| |_| |_| |___/ # # # #=============================================================================#
Fart is short for Figlet ART. This program is very similar to Figlet, and most fonts are borrowed from from it. Fart is focused on making text banners for use in code documentation.
As such, all generated text is encapsulated by commenting characters and copied to clipboard, so you can easily paste your fart into your code.
There are two types of farts currently supported:
$ fart text-box style #=============================================================================# # text-box style # #=============================================================================# $ fart -o one-line text-box style #========================= one-line text-box style =========================#
$ fart --font big figlet style #=============================================================================# # __ _ _ _ _ _ # # / _| (_) | | | | | | | | # # | |_ _ __ _ | | ___ | |_ ___ | |_ _ _ | | ___ # # | _| | | / _` | | | / _ \ | __| / __| | __| | | | | | | / _ \ # # | | | | | (_| | | | | __/ | |_ \__ \ | |_ | |_| | | | | __/ # # |_| |_| \__, | |_| \___| \__| |___/ \__| \__, | |_| \___| # # __/ | __/ | # # |___/ |___/ # # # #=============================================================================#
You can specify which characters to use for the commenting char ("cap") and line char ("line"). For example:
$ fart C++ -f georgia11 -c // -l '#' //#############################################################################// // // // .g8"""bgd // // .dP' `M // // dM' ` M M // // MM M M // // MM. mmmmMmmmm mmmmMmmmm // // `Mb. ,' M M // // `"bmmmd' M M // // // //#############################################################################//
You can also optionally pad the inside of "cap" char with a space, as it 'space following a comment char' is a common linting rule and will ruin your farts.
If you can't fart around your linter due to this rule, this is the option for you!
Specify the -p
$ fart -p -f small Nice try Black! # =============================================================================== # # _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ # # | \| | (_) __ ___ | |_ _ _ _ _ | _ ) | | __ _ __ | |__ | | # # | .` | | | / _| / -_) | _| | '_| | || | | _ \ | | / _` | / _| | / / |_| # # |_|\_| |_| \__| \___| \__| |_| \_, | |___/ |_| \__,_| \__| |_\_\ (_) # # |__/ # # # # =============================================================================== #
Farts are automatically copied to your clipboard for convenience.
To disable this functionality, make sure to flag your farts with -n
To see all available fonts and their supported character-sets,
enter fart -s
or fart --sample
Install through pip:
pip install fart
This package was built for use in Python 3 in Linux. I expect this package should work for other environments, but no support for other OS is planned.
FIGlet fonts are licensed under the BSD-3 by the original authors at http://www.figlet.org.
This package also uses pyperclip code to copy farts to the clipboard.
Big thanks to the members of the Laboratory of Plasma Physics (LPP) who were the original farters on PyPi with Find All Roots with a Tree, but graciously allowed me fart on PyPi.
Code is licensed under BSD-3 and any font assets are copyright by original authors.