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Lightweight and easy to use Swift network manager. Based on URLSession and Swift.Codable.

Supported features:

  • Performing http requests
  • Easy response mapping
  • Easy response stubbing


With CocoaPods:

source ''
source ''

pod 'Flamingo'

With Carthage:

github "elegion/ios-Flamingo"


Basic usage

Setup configuration

Create default network configuration:

let configuration = NetworkDefaultConfiguration(baseURL: "")

Setup network client

let networkClient = NetworkDefaultClient(configuration: configuration, session: .shared)

Setup request info

Satisfy NetworkRequest protocol to add request (see more information below about response mapping):

struct UsersRequest: NetworkRequest {

    init() {


    // MARK: - Implementation

    var URL: URLConvertible {
        return "users"

    var useCache: Bool {
        return true

    var responseSerializer: CodableJSONSerializer<[User]> {
        return CodableJSONSerializer<[User]>()

Map responses

Map responses with custom implementation of ResponseSerialization or use one of the predefined DataResponseSerializer, StringResponseSerializer, CodableJSONSerializer:

struct UsersRequest: NetworkRequest {
    var responseSerializer: CodableJSONSerializer<[User]> {
        return CodableJSONSerializer<[User]>()

class Address: Codable {
    var street: String
    var suite: String
    var city: String
    var geo: GeoLocation

class Company: Codable {
    var name: String
    var catchPhrase: String
    var bs: String

class User: Codable {
    var id: Int
    var name: String
    var username: String
    var email: String
    var address: Address
    var phone: String
    var website: String
    var company: Company

You can also create your own serializers. See ResponseSerialization for more details.

Send request

let request = UsersRequest()

networkClient.sendRequest(request) {
    (result, _) in

    switch result {
    case .success(let users):
        XCTAssert(!users.isEmpty, "Users array is empty")
    case .failure(let error):
        XCTFail("User not recieved, error: \(error)")

Client customization

Custom configuration types

Create custom configuration structure if you need more information to initialize client:

public struct NetworkCustomConfiguration: NetworkConfiguration {
    public let baseURL: URLStringConvertible?
    public let useMocks: Bool
    public let completionQueue: DispatchQueue
    public let defaultTimeoutInterval: TimeInterval
    public let clientToken: String?
    public init(baseURL: URLStringConvertible? = nil,
                debugMode: Bool = false,
                completionQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main,
                defaultTimeoutInterval: TimeInterval = 60.0,
                clientToken: String?) {
        self.baseURL = baseURL
        self.useMocks = useMocks
        self.debugMode = debugMode
        self.completionQueue = completionQueue
        self.defaultTimeoutInterval = defaultTimeoutInterval
        self.clientToken = clientToken
let configuration = NetworkCustomConfiguration(baseURL: "",
                                               clientToken: "202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70")

Stubs and mocks

There is StubsDefaultManager that can handle almost all mock logic, but still you can create your own, by conforming to NetworkClientMutater. StubsDefaultManager can be easily created from file by using StubsManagerFactory. StubsList.json is a great stubs file example. Stubs also can be added using protocol StubsManager methods.

Logging and reporting

To log requests and responses you can create instance of LogginClient and pass it to your network client using func addReporter(_ reporter: NetworkClientReporter, storagePolicy: StoragePolicy). LogginClient can be constructed with SimpleLogger or your own implementation of Logger protocol. Also OfflineCacheManager is a great example of implementing NetworkClientReporter, NetworkClientMutater protocols.

Codable extensions is integrated, so you don't need to embed them as a framework.


Swift 4.1, xCode 9.1




Flamingo is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


  1. Documentation about stubs and mocks
  2. Redirect handle
  3. Null in stubs


Pull requests are welcome 💪🏻