A configurable wrapper of the console that keeps the log call position.
Made with Typescript, usable as es6 module and iife (with IE10 support).
You need to control when activate or deactivate your app or website logging but when your put console.log
inside another class or function the console call position is lost. Well not anymore!
npm install @saninn/logger
If you want to use it as es6, commonjs or iife download the respective assets in the Releases Page. As alternative you can clone this project, run npm install
and npm run build-bundles
Note: The iife version contains a Polyfill for Javascript Proxy Api.
- Set a prefix to all your console calls(log, warn, error, etc) so it is easy to filter while debugging;
- Add a color to each console calls (supported in all browsers but Internet Explorer).
- Set logger levels to prevent console flood (Debug, Info, Warn, Error and Fatal);
- Process external loggers (like server side) with the same call as the local log.
- Process just external loggers.
- Procces just local loggers.
- Register external loggers on run time.
- Remove external loggers on run time.
import { SaninnLogger } from '@saninn/logger';
const myLogger = new SaninnLogger('my-logger-prefix');
myLogger.log('this is a log'); // [my-logger-prefix]: this is a log.
<script src="main.js" type="module"></script>
import { SaninnLogger } from './node_modules/@saninn/logger/dist/@saninn__logger.js';
const myLogger = new SaninnLogger('my-logger-prefix');
myLogger.log('this is a log'); // [my-logger-prefix]: this is a log.
- First download the Immediately-invoked function expression (iife) from the Releases Page and import it before your javascript entry point
<script src="@saninn__logger.js"></script>
<script src="main.js"></script>
var myLogger = new SaninnLogger('my-logger-prefix');
myLogger.log('this is a log'); // [my-logger-prefix]: this is a log.
enableGlobalLoggerFunctions(): void
disableGlobalLoggerFunctions(): void
enableLoggerProcessors(): void
disableLoggerProcessors(): void
addLoggerProcessor(logType: LoggerTypesEnum, loggerProcessor: LoggerProcessor): void
removeLoggerProcessor(logType: LoggerTypesEnum, loggerProcessor: LoggerProcessor): void
setLoggerLevelTo(level: LogLevelsEnum): void
A log level set to INFO
will print logger.log()
, logger.info()
and logger.dir()
See the Documentation in https://logger.saninnsalas.com for full details.
You can see the Wiki for ideas and use cases where @saninn/logger can help you!
const loggerWithFullConfigAndProcessors = new SaninnLogger({
useGlobalPreLoggerFunctions: true,
globalPreLoggerFunctions: {
dir: (prefix) => {
'This is a DIR preLoggerFunction that is not the direct console.dir',
'This is The Prefix: ' + prefix
error: (prefix) => {
'This is a ERROR preLoggerFunction that is not the direct console.error',
'This is The Prefix: ' + prefix
log: (prefix) => {
'This is a LOG preLoggerFunction that is not the direct console.log',
'This is The Prefix: ' + prefix
warn: (prefix) => {
'This is a WARN preLoggerFunction that is not the direct console.warn',
'This is The Prefix: ' + prefix
prefix: 'full-config-logger',
prefixColors: {
error: 'blue',
log: 'green',
warn: 'red',
printToConsole: true,
useLoggerProcessors: true,
loggerProcessors: {
log: [
(prefix, args) => {
console.log('FIRST logger Processor para saninnLogger.log');
console.log('prefix: ', prefix);
console.log('args: ', args);
(prefix, args) => {
console.log('SECOND logger Processor para saninnLogger.log');
console.log('prefix: ', prefix);
console.log('args: ', args);
const dummyObject = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: {
d: 3,
e: 4,
const dummyFunction = function () {
console.log('dummy function');
loggerWithFullConfigAndProcessors.log('log of loggerWithFullConfigAndProcessors', dummyObject, dummyFunction);
loggerWithFullConfigAndProcessors.warn('warn of loggerWithFullConfigAndProcessors');
loggerWithFullConfigAndProcessors.error('error of loggerWithFullConfigAndProcessors');
loggerWithFullConfigAndProcessors.dir('dir of loggerWithFullConfigAndProcessors');
If you use jest as test runner you need to tell jest not to transform @saninn/logger using this in your jest config:
transformIgnorePatterns: ['<rootDir>/node_modules/(?!@saninn|@someOtherPackage)']
This project uses:
- Typescript in strict mode.
- Prettier as code formater.
- commitlint to assure the commits follow the conventional commit format.
- jest as test runner.
There are 3 scripts I use together for dev (each in their own console): 'watch', 'serve' and 'test'.
- 'npm run watch' will look for Typescript changes and compile it to es6.
- 'npm run serve' will load a local server with './index-es6.html' as entry point. It uses './script.js' as module loader.
- 'npm run test -- --watch --coverage --silent' will run jest tests on each typescript change.
- Pack all development scripts into just one...
- Project
- Website https://www.saninnsalas.com
- Twitter @SaninnSalas
- Facebook @SaninnSalas