StateExample Public
A way to handle state in Android ViewModel using Flow and LiveData
CreditCardScanner Public
Android Credit Card Scanner using CameraX and ML Kit
Stargazers Public
Show who starred a repo using GitHub Api
UnderlinePageIndicator Public
Paging indicator widget compatible with the ViewPager
Android-Boilerplate Public
An android boilerplate project using Architecture Components and Dagger 2
apollo-kotlin-tutorial Public
Forked from apollographql/apollo-kotlin-tutorialThe code for the Apollo Android Tutorial
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedMay 27, 2022 -
mosaic Public
Forked from JakeWharton/mosaicAn experimental tool for building console UI in Kotlin using the Jetpack Compose compiler/runtime
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 26, 2021 -
GLTFDemo Public
Kotlin Multiplatform App to test KhronosGroup glTF Sample Models
FirstAWSLambdaMicronaut Public
My first aws lambda with Kotlin and Micronaut
FirstAWSLambda Public
My first aws lambda with Kotlin
Retry Public
Automatic retry of network requests based on Coroutines and Viewmodel
applink Public
AndroidFunctionalValidation Public
Simple form validation using Arrow
polyjokes Public
A polymorphic approach using Arrow
InstaTools Public
Download photos from Instagram, the fastest way
android-UniversalMusicPlayer Public
Forked from android/uampThis sample shows how to implement an audio media app that works across multiple form factors and provide a consistent user experience on Android phones, tablets, Auto, Wear and Cast devices
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 8, 2018 -
ViewPagerSlidingLottie Public
Animate LottieAnimationView with a viewpager
funfit Public
A Retrofit 2 (Experimental) CallAdapter.Factory bringing map and flatmap to calls.