PowerBI examples to work with Cropwise Operations HTTP API
Using examples of PowerBI scripts requires installed PowerBI Desktop application. You can download this application from official Microsoft page.
Step 1: Open PowerBI Desktop app and find Edit Queries navigation button as on the screenshot below:
PowerBI will request you to enter credentials to authrozie queries to Cropwise Operations API.
- Press on Edit credentials button.
- Press on Web API tab.
- Insert Cropwise Operations API Token (X-User-Api-Token) into Key field.
- You can create you API Token in https://operations.cropwise.com/user/linked_devices.
- Press Connect button to proceed.
PowerBI will save credentials. This step should be done only once.
Step 6: After running script Select the column split icon in the ResourceName header. Select columns what you need and select OK button.
NOTE: Without adding X-User-Api-Token to PowerBI Credentials, Query won't work.
NOTE: You can choose any valid resource instead of
. Example:ResourceName = "agro_operations"
. List of available resources you can find at Cropwise Operations API reference description. NOTE: This example would iterate over pages in Cropwise Operations API to get full list of records (not only first 100 or 1000).
PowerBI example for list of Fields:
// Cropwise Operations API reference: https://cropwiseoperations.docs.apiary.io/
// Resource name from Cropwise Operations API reference.
// Change to resource name you want to extract data from.
ResourceName = "fields",
// Additional query parameters for filtering/sorting.
// Available filtering and soring options should be taken from Cropwise Operations API reference.
// If not needed, leave empty record [].
AdditionalQueryParameters = [
// Add parameters here.
// Example:
// updated_at_gt_eq = "2023-01-01 00:00"
// Base Cropwise Operations API URL
BaseUrl = "https://operations.cropwise.com/api/",
// Cropwise Operations API version. By default, "v3". Sometimes may be "v3a" or "v3b".
// Should be taken from Cropwise Operations API reference.
ApiVersion = "v3",
// Relative resource path for API request.
ResourceRelativePath = ApiVersion & "/" & ResourceName,
GetJson = (QueryParams) =>
let Options = [
ApiKeyName = "user_api_token",
RelativePath = ResourceRelativePath,
Query = QueryParams
RawData = Web.Contents(BaseUrl, Options),
Json = Json.Document(RawData)
in Json,
GetPage = (FromId) =>
let QueryParams = AdditionalQueryParameters & [from_id=Text.From(FromId)],
Json = GetJson(QueryParams)
in Json,
GetObtainedRecordsCount = (Json) =>
let Count = Json[meta][response][obtained_records]
in Count,
GetRecordsLimit = (Json) =>
let Limit = Json[meta][response][limit]
in Limit,
GetLastRecordId = (Json) =>
let Id = Json[meta][response][last_record_id] + 1
in Id,
Json = GetPage(0),
Response = List.Generate(() => Json, each (GetObtainedRecordsCount(_)) > 0, each GetPage(GetLastRecordId(_))),
Data = List.Transform(Response, each _[data]),
DataToTable = Table.FromList(Data, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
DataToColumn = Table.ExpandListColumn(DataToTable, "Column1"),
ResultTable = Table.RenameColumns(DataToColumn,{{"Column1", ResourceName}})
NOTE: Without adding X-User-Api-Token to PowerBI Credentials, Query won't work.
NOTE: You can choose any valid resource instead of
. Example:ResourceName = "agro_operations"
.List of available resources you can find at Cropwise Operations API reference description.
NOTE: As result of UPDATE request you will receive updated record.
PowerBI example to UPDATE Field name:
// Cropwise Operations API reference: https://cropwiseoperations.docs.apiary.io/
// Resource name from Cropwise Operations API reference.
ResourceName = "fields",
// ID of record we want to update in Cropwise Operations.
// Example: ResourceID = "1",
// Base Cropwise Operations API URL
BaseUrl = "https://Cropwise Operations.com/api/",
// Cropwise Operations API version. By default, "v3". Sometimes may be "v3a" or "v3b".
// Should be taken from Cropwise Operations API reference.
ApiVersion = "v3",
// Data we want to update.
// In this case we want set Field name to "MyFieldName123".
ResourceContentToUpdate = "{ ""data"": { ""name"": ""MyFieldName123""} }",
// UpdateResource function.
UpdateResourceItem = (ResourceName, ResourceID, ContentToUpdate) =>
// Relative resource path to send UPDATE request.
let ResourceRelativePath = ApiVersion & "/" & ResourceName & "/" & Text.From(ResourceID),
// Request Options.
RequestOptions = [
ApiKeyName = "user_api_token",
Content = Text.ToBinary(ContentToUpdate),
Headers = [
#"Accept" = "application/json",
#"Content-Type" = "application/json",
#"X-HTTP-Method-Override" = "PATCH"
RelativePath = ResourceRelativePath
RawData = Web.Contents(BaseUrl, RequestOptions),
Json = Json.Document(RawData)
in Json,
// Send UPDATE request and receive response.
Source = UpdateResourceItem(ResourceName, ResourceID, ResourceContentToUpdate)[data]
NOTE: Without adding X-User-Api-Token to PowerBI Credentials, Query won't work.
NOTE: You can choose any valid resource instead of
. Example:ResourceName = "agro_operations"
.List of available resources you can find at Cropwise Operations API reference description.
NOTE: In this example we updating
attribute. But you could update any other valid attributes.List of available attributes for each resource you can find at Cropwise Operations API reference description.
NOTE: IN this example we use
PowerBI table withid
columns as input. Yo could use any other PowerBI table.
PowerBI example to update Cropwise Operations Machine Tasks end_time
// Cropwise Operations API reference: https://cropwiseoperations.docs.apiary.io/
// Resource name from Cropwise Operations API reference.
ResourceName = "machine_tasks",
// Base Cropwise Operations API URL
BaseUrl = "https://operations.cropwise.com/api/",
// Cropwise Operations API version. By default, "v3". Sometimes may be "v3a" or "v3b".
// Should be taken from Cropwise Operations API reference.
ApiVersion = "v3",
// UpdateResource function.
UpdateResourceItem = (ResourceName, ResourceID, ContentToUpdate) =>
// Relative resource path to send UPDATE request.
let ResourceRelativePath = ApiVersion & "/" & ResourceName & "/" & Text.From(ResourceID),
// Request Options.
RequestOptions = [
ApiKeyName = "user_api_token",
Content = Text.ToBinary(ContentToUpdate),
Headers = [
#"Accept" = "application/json",
#"Content-Type" = "application/json",
#"X-HTTP-Method-Override" = "PATCH"
RelativePath = ResourceRelativePath
RawData = Web.Contents(BaseUrl, RequestOptions),
Json = Json.Document(RawData)
in Json,
// Build JSON from end_time value
ResourceContentToUpdateData = (data) =>
let Res = "{ ""data"": { ""end_time"": """ & data & """} }"
in Res,
JsonDocument = Json.Document(Json.FromValue(MACHINE_TASKS)),
RowCount = Table.RowCount(MACHINE_TASKS)
() => 0,
each _ < RowCount,
each _ + 1,
each UpdateResourceItem(
For multiple params update (start_time
and end_time
ResourceContentToUpdateData = (start_time, end_time) =>
let Res = "{
""data"": {
""start_time"": """ & start_time & """,
""end_time"": """ & end_time & """
in Res,
JsonDocument = Json.Document(Json.FromValue(MACHINE_TASKS)),
RowCount = Table.RowCount(MACHINE_TASKS)
() => 0,
each _ < count,
each _ + 1,
each UpdateResourceItem(
Source = Json.Document("[
TableFromList = Table.FromList(Source, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
TableExpandedRecords = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(TableFromList, "Column1", {"id", "end_time"}, {"Column1.id", "Column1.end_time"})
JsonDocument = Json.Document(Json.FromValue(TABLE_NAME))
// Cropwise Operations API reference: https://cropwiseoperations.docs.apiary.io/
// Resource name from Cropwise Operations API reference.
// Change to resource name you want to extract data from.
ResourceName = "fields",
// Additional query parameters for filtering/sorting.
// Available filtering and sorting options should be taken from Cropwise Operations API reference.
// If not needed, leave empty record [].
AdditionalQueryParameters = [
// Add parameters here.
// Example:
// updated_at_gt_eq = "2021-01-01 00:00"
//Paste you api token here
user_api_token = "You api token"
// Base Cropwise Operations API URL
BaseUrl = "https://operations.cropwise.com/api/",
// Cropwise Operations API version. By default, "v3". Sometimes may be "v3a" or "v3b".
// Should be taken from Cropwise Operations API reference.
ApiVersion = "v3",
// Relative resource path for API request.
ResourceRelativePath = ApiVersion & "/" & ResourceName,
GetJson = (QueryParams) =>
let Options = [
ApiKeyName = "user_api_token",
RelativePath = ResourceRelativePath,
Query = QueryParams
RawData = Web.Contents(BaseUrl, Options),
Json = Json.Document(RawData)
in Json,
GetPage = (FromId) =>
let QueryParams = AdditionalQueryParameters & [from_id=Text.From(FromId)],
Json = GetJson(QueryParams)
in Json,
GetObtainedRecordsCount = (Json) =>
let Count = Json[meta][response][obtained_records]
in Count,
GetRecordsLimit = (Json) =>
let Limit = Json[meta][response][limit]
in Limit,
GetLastRecordId = (Json) =>
let Id = Json[meta][response][last_record_id] + 1
in Id,
Json = GetPage(0),
Response = List.Generate(() => Json, each (GetObtainedRecordsCount(_)) > 0, each GetPage(GetLastRecordId(_))),
Data = List.Transform(Response, each _[data]),
DataToTable = Table.FromList(Data, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
DataToColumn = Table.ExpandListColumn(DataToTable, "Column1"),
ResultTable = Table.RenameColumns(DataToColumn,{{"Column1", ResourceName}})
PowerBI example to CREATE Chemical:
url = "https://operations.cropwise.com/api/v3/chemicals",
headers = [
#"X-User-Api-Token" = "You api key",
#"Content-Type" = "application/json"
//Data we want to create
data = "{""data"": {""name"": ""Roundup Super"", ""chemical_type"": ""herbicide"", ""units_of_measurement"": ""liter"", ""toxicity_class"": 1, ""action_term"": 5, ""action_term_units"": ""day"", ""active_substance"": ""100%"", ""drug_form"": ""liquid"", ""influence_method"": ""intestinal"", ""bees_isolating_recommended_term"": 10, ""bees_isolating_recommended_term_units"": ""day"", ""crop_ids"": [2920, 1158], ""sale_term"": ""2023-05-10"", ""term_of_use"": ""2023-02-11""}}",
options = [
Headers = headers,
Content = Text.ToBinary(data)
response = Json.Document(Web.Contents(url, options)),
Navigation = response[data]
List of available resources you can find at Cropwise Operations API reference description.
NOTE: As result of UPDATE request you will receive updated record.
PowerBI example to UPDATE Chemical name:
// Cropwise Operations API reference: https://cropwiseoperations.docs.apiary.io/
// Replace "123" with the unique identifier of the record you want to edit
url = "https://operations.cropwise.com/api/v3/chemicals/123",
headers = [
#"X-User-Api-Token" = "You api token",
#"Content-Type" = "application/json",
#"X-HTTP-Method-Override" = "PATCH"
// Data we want to update.
// In this case we want set Chemical name to "Updated Name".
data = "{""data"": {""name"": ""Updated Name""}}",
options = [
Headers = headers,
Content = Text.ToBinary(data)
response = Json.Document(Web.Contents(url, options)),
Navigation = response[data]