Swaggy Jenkins CLI is a utility tool for Swaggy Jenkins library.
It's used for generating OpenAPI definitions YAML from a set of Jenkins response JSON files for both Remote Access API and Blue Ocean API.
npm install -g swaggy-jenkins-cli
Generate OpenAPI definitions YAML from a set of Remote Access API's response JSON files under a directory:
swaggy-jenkins response2definition examples/responses/ --api-type remote-access
Generate definitions from a single response JSON file and write the output to both console and file:
swaggy-jenkins response2definition examples/responses/getComputer.json --api-type remote-access --reporter console,file --out-file examples/definitions.yml
Build reports:
- Code complexity report
- Unit tests report
- Test coverage report
- Integration tests report
- API Documentation
Related Projects:
- swaggy-jenkins - Generated Jenkins API clients based on OpenAPI spec
- swaggy-c - Builder for Swagger CodeGen-generated API clients in multiple languages