Just-in-time file provider
Status: under development
Just-in-time-file-provider is used for a long running computations where large numbers of files are loaded one after the other and where the files need to be extracted from an archive. In mass-spectrometry analysis, for example, thousands of mass-spectrometry files are read one after the other by the analysis software.
The program logic is implemented as a pre-loaded shared library. It observes all attempts to access a file by the analysis software. For files with a specific name or path, a shell script hook.sh is called to load the file or to mount the containing archive.
Optionally, a file list can be provided such that the successor file can already be obtained in advance to save the time.
We are processing huge mass spectrometry data on a high performance LINUX cluster.
The data is located in ZIP archives on a WORM storage.
Fuse file systems are not supported on the cluster. The application would not work well with files on remote or fuse file systems anyway. This is because file reading is saltatoric and not sequential.
The normal approach is to copy all required files to the cluster prior running the computation. However, this takes some hours and requires large disk space on the cluster such that the disk quota might get exceeded.
Method calls to the C-library are intercepted in order to know what files are going to be loaded by the application. The pre-loaded library will call a Bash script hook.sh which loads the required file or files.
In configuration files, the user gives rules how files are obtained. For example
a file may be loaded by running /usr/bin/unzip:
sshpass -e ssh user@hostname nocache unzip -p zip-file.zip zip-entry > file
Subsequently, the crc32-checksum is compared to the checksum in the Zip file.
The last-access time is used for clean-up. Files which have not been used for some time are removed to free disk space on the cluster. The last-access time is updated explicitly, since the volume might be mounted with the option noatime.
JIT file provider is compiled on the target machine like the HPC cluster by running the installer script libjit_file_provider.compile.sh.
The C compiler gcc or clang is sufficient.
Three files are generated:
- ~/.jit_file_provider/libjit_file_provider.so
- ~/.jit_file_provider/hook.sh
- ~/.jit_file_provider/hook_configuration.sh
The user defines the rules how files are obtained by editing two or three configuration files. Program functions which can be customized by the user start with configuration_.
jit_file_provider_symbols_configuration.c This file lists the function names of the C-library or of other program libraries which need to be observed by jit_file_provider. In most cases, this file does not need to be modified. jit_file_provider reports all caught functions once. Look for the text string Calling hook in the standard error output along with the file path. If the required file path does not appear, then this file needs to be edited. Problems occure when C functions are implemented by different library functions. For example jit_file_provider worked fine on our development machine, but failed on the HPC cluster because a call to stat() is internally a call to statx(). This was detected with the tool
/usr/bin/strace. We added statx() to the list in jit_file_provider_symbols_configuration.c and solved the problem. Please report problems like this. -
jit_file_provider_configuration.c: When jit_file_provider.so catches calls to methods like fopen() the paths are subjected to configuration_filelist(). This function should return a NULL terminated list of files needed along with the given path. This list may be empty for files not to be managed by jit-file-provider. For managed files, typically the list has only one entry - the file itself.
hook_configuration.sh This script describes the methods how files are obtained from the file source. This can be scp, ssh unzip or fuse-zip. It also contains the rules for cleanup i.e. the removal of files which have not been used for some time.
To check the setup, the value of VERBOSE can be set to 1 in both files.
Then a test command like the following may be used:
LD_PRELOAD=~/.jit_file_provider/libjit_file_provider.so head ~/.jit_file_provider/files/file-path | strings
The settings need to be adjusted such that the requested file automatically appears in the $HOME/.jit_file_provider/files file tree.
The jit-file-provider is installed on the machine where the software is run.
The command line for the software is prefixed with LD_PRELOAD:
LD_PRELOAD=~/.jit_file_provider/libjit_file_provider.so the-command the arguments
Computation time on the cluster is valuable. We want to prevent idle states of the CPU of the cluster node due to file loading.
The idea is to run network loading and number crunching simultaneously.
By providing a list of files in the environment variable FILELIST, libjit_file_provider.so knows what file will be needed next whenever a file is loaded.
Often the shell script itself can serve as this list because libjit_file_provider.so will pick only strings that look like an absolute path.
Instead of copying the files, the software can also mount ZIP files. This can be used when the ZIP files are available in the file system of the computer. It is possible to mount all ZIP files before starting the software. However, very large numbers of simultaneous mounts (>5000) create problems.
With jit-file-provider, the number of simultaneous mounts is small because the cleanup mechanism will unmount archives that have not been used recently.