SoloX - Real-time collection tool for Android/iOS performance data.
We are committed to solving inefficient, cumbersome test execution, and our goal is Simple Test In SoloX!
- Install Python 3.10 + Download
- Install adb and configure environment variables (SoloX's adb may not necessarily fit your computer) Download
💡 Python 3.6 ~ 3.9 , please download a version of solox lower than 2.5.4.
💡 If Windows users need to test ios, install and start Itunes. Documentation
pip install -U solox (pip install solox=={version})
pip install -i -U solox
💡 If your network is unable to download through [pip install -U solox], please try using mirrors to download, but the download of SoloX may not be the latest version.
python -m solox
python -m solox --host={ip} --port={port}
from solox.public.apm import APM
from solox.public.common import Devices
d = Devices()
pids = d.getPid(deviceId='ca6bd5a5', pkgName='') # for android
apm = APM(pkgName='',platform='Android', deviceId='ca6bd5a5',
surfaceview=True, noLog=True, pid=None)
# apm = APM(pkgName='', platform='iOS') only supports one device
# surfaceview: False = gfxinfo (Developer - GPU rendering mode - adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo)
# noLog : False (Save test data to log file)
# ************* Collect a performance parameter ************* #
cpu = apm.collectCpu() # %
memory = apm.collectMemory() # MB
flow = apm.collectFlow(wifi=True) # KB
fps = apm.collectFps() # HZ
battery = apm.collectBattery() # level:% temperature:°C current:mA voltage:mV power:w
gpu = apm.collectGpu() # % only supports ios
# ************* Collect all performance parameter ************* #
apm = APM(pkgName='',platform='Android', deviceId='ca6bd5a5',
surfaceview=True, noLog=False, pid=None, duration=20, record=False)
# duration : second record: record android screen
# apm = APM(pkgName='', platform='iOS', deviceId='xxxx', noLog=False, duration=20, record=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
apm.collectAll() # will generate HTML report
# solox version >= 2.1.5
macOS/Linux: nohup python3 -m solox &
Windows: start /min python3 -m solox &
Android: http://{ip}:{port}/apm/collect?platform=Android&deviceid=ca6bd5a5&
iOS: http://{ip}:{port}/apm/collect?platform=iOS&
target in ['cpu','memory','network','fps','battery','gpu']
No ROOT/Jailbreak: No need of Root for Android devices, Jailbreak for iOS devices. Efficiently solving the test and analysis challenges in Android & iOS performance.
Data Integrality: We provide the data about CPU, GPU, Memory, Battery, Network,FPS, Jank, etc., which you may easy to get.
Beautiful Report: A beautiful and detailed report analysis, where to store, visualize, edit, manage, and download all the test cases collected with SoloX no matter where you are or when is it.
Useful Monitoring Settings: Support setting alarm values, collecting duration, and accessing mobile devices on other PC machines during the monitoring process.
PK Model: Supports simultaneous comparative testing of two mobile devices.
- 🌱2-devices: test the same app on two different phones.
- 🌱2-apps: test two different apps on two phones with the same configuration.
Collect In Python/API: Support Python and API to collect performance data, helping users easily integrate into automated testing processes.
- remove [solox] moudel in all python file
from solox.view.apis import api
change to
from view.apis import api
- run [python ./solox/]
cd solox
- windows: PowerShell
- macOS:iTerm2 (