Fastest 0.5kb(gzip) JavaScript implementation of Cyan4973's XXH32 (xxHash32) algorithm.
npm i xxh32
and import it:
import { xxh32 } from "xxh32";
You can directly import URL in ES Modules. (works in Browser, Deno)
import { xxh32 } from "[email protected]/dist/index.bundle.js";
import { xxh32r } from "[email protected]/dist/raw.bundle.js"; // for Uint8Array
or use dynamic import.
const { xxh32 } = await import("[email protected]/dist/index.bundle.js");
xxh32("test") // === 1042293711
xxh32r(new TextEncoder().encode("test")) // === 1042293711
const seed = 1234;
xxh32("test", seed) // === 1983208713
xxh32r(new Uint8Array(222)) // === 2025467952
xxh32r(new Uint8Array(222), seed) // === 2335345817
import { xxh32sr } from "xxh32/dist/stream-raw.js";
import { xxh32sr } from "[email protected]/dist/stream-raw.bundle.js";
xxh32sr().update(new Uint8Array(222)).digest() // === 2025467952
.update(new TextEncoder().encode("te"))
.update(new TextEncoder().encode("st"))
.digest() // === 1042293711
const seed = 1234;
.update(new Uint8Array(111))
.update(new Uint8Array(111))
.digest() // === 2335345817