The playground of Yjs.
- Connect to a Yjs demo.
- Inspect the Yjs document model
- Advanced Filters
- Edit the Yjs document model.
- Export the YDoc snapshot
- Dark mode
Migrated to V2 functions for these listed ( (NOTE I don't think there's a V2 version of encodeStateVector... docs are just wrong?)
Y.encodeStateAsUpdateV2(doc): Encodes the state of the document into the new v2 update format. Y.applyUpdateV2(doc, update): Applies a binary update in the new v2 format to the Yjs document. Y.diffUpdateV2(update, stateVector): Computes the difference between a full update and the state vector using the new v2 format. Y.mergeUpdatesV2(updates): Merges multiple updates into a single update using the new v2 format. Y.logUpdateV2(update): Logs the contents of an update in the new v2 format, mainly for debugging purposes.