This is a ShowOff presentation about Riak for CoMO Rich Web's NoSQL Smackdown.
- Intro.
- Basho
- What Riak is
- Distributed data store, et. al.
- CAP Theorem
- How Riak works
- Buckets/Keys (example output of bucket/key)
- Links/Metadata
- Nodes, Vnodes, and Partitions
- Distribution
- Using Riak
- API: Reading, writing, and MapReduce
- curl ex.
- New Hotness
- Secondary Indexes
- Search
- Pipe
You can view the presentation here:
If you want to view it locally, you need to install Showoff, clone the repo, and then run serve
$ gem install showoff
$ git clone git://
$ cd riak-talk
$ showoff serve
Go to to view the presentation.