Simple, flexible and fast Apple Push Notifications on iOS, OSX and Safari using the HTTP/2 Push provider API.
- Uses the new Apple APNs HTTP/2 protocol with persistent connections
- Supports token-based authentication (no need to renew your certificates anymore) and certificate-based authentication
- Uses the httpx HTTP client library
- Supports the new iOS 10 features such as Collapse IDs, Subtitles and Mutable Notifications
- Makes the integration and error handling really simple with auto-retry on APNs errors
- Supports asynchronous sending of notifications
- Works only with Python 3.6 and higher
Install using pip:
pip install pyapns_client3
from pyapns_client import APNSClient, TokenBasedAuth, IOSPayloadAlert, IOSPayload, IOSNotification, APNSDeviceException, APNSServerException, APNSProgrammingException, UnregisteredException
device_tokens = ['device_token_1', 'device_token_2']
alert = IOSPayloadAlert(title='Title', subtitle='Subtitle', body='Some message.')
payload = IOSPayload(alert=alert)
notification = IOSNotification(payload=payload, topic='')
# `root_cert_path` is for the AAACertificateServices root cert (
# with token-based auth you don't need to create / renew your APNS SSL certificates anymore
# you can pass `None` to `root_cert_path` if you have the cert included in your trust store
# httpx uses 'SSL_CERT_FILE' and 'SSL_CERT_DIR' from `os.environ` to find your trust store
with APNSClient(
) as client:
for device_token in device_tokens:
client.push(notification=notification, device_token=device_token)
except UnregisteredException as e:
print(f'device is unregistered, compare timestamp {e.timestamp_datetime} and remove from db')
except APNSDeviceException:
print('flag the device as potentially invalid and remove from db after a few tries')
except APNSServerException:
print('try again later')
except APNSProgrammingException:
print('check your code and try again later')
print('everything is ok')
from pyapns_client import AsyncAPNSClient, TokenBasedAuth, IOSPayloadAlert, IOSPayload, IOSNotification, APNSDeviceException, APNSServerException, APNSProgrammingException, UnregisteredException
device_tokens = ['device_token_1', 'device_token_2']
alert = IOSPayloadAlert(title='Title', subtitle='Subtitle', body='Some message.')
payload = IOSPayload(alert=alert)
notification = IOSNotification(payload=payload, topic='')
# `root_cert_path` is for the AAACertificateServices root cert (
# with token-based auth you don't need to create / renew your APNS SSL certificates anymore
# you can pass `None` to `root_cert_path` if you have the cert included in your trust store
# httpx uses 'SSL_CERT_FILE' and 'SSL_CERT_DIR' from `os.environ` to find your trust store
async with AsyncAPNSClient(
) as client:
for device_token in device_tokens:
await client.push(notification=notification, device_token=device_token)
except UnregisteredException as e:
print(f'device is unregistered, compare timestamp {e.timestamp_datetime} and remove from db')
except APNSDeviceException:
print('flag the device as potentially invalid and remove from db after a few tries')
except APNSServerException:
print('try again later')
except APNSProgrammingException:
print('check your code and try again later')
print('everything is ok')