This projects attempts to give the user the ability to control their Sharp Aquos Television from a Node.JS project via their TCP interface.
- Ensure the television is turned on.
- Hit the 'Menu' button on your remote.
- Navigate to 'Initial Setup'
- Navigate to 'Internet Setup'
- Navigate to 'Aquos Remote Control'
- Enable the Remote Control functionality.
- Go to Detailed Settings and set a username/password.
npm install benburkhart1/sharp-aquos-remote-control
Check out the sharp aquos remote control example application at:
The following program connects to my television on IP port 10002, with the username 'admin' and the password 'password', turns on the television, checks if the input# is 5 (which is Component (digital cable) here), if it is, it then turns the volume to level 15, otherwise it mutes the volume.
var Aquos = require("sharp-aquos-remote-control").Aquos;
var gw = new Aquos("", 10002, 'admin', 'password');
gw.connect(function(err) {
if (err)
gw.power(true, function(err, data) {
// Get the Input #
gw.input(null, function(err, data) {
if (err)
// If input # is 5 (Component here)
if (data == 5)
console.log("Input # is 5, setting volume to 15");
// Set the volume to 15
gw.volume(15, function(err, data) {
if (!err)
console.log("Volume set to 15");
console.log("Input # is " + data + ", muting volume");
gw.mute(true, function(err, data) {
if (!err)
console.log("Muted volume");
Some models of the Sharp Aquos TV series contain a "Remote Control" setting that allows the teleivision to be controlled via a TCP socket server. This library connects and sends commands in the following format:
Command | Options | Newline |
4 bytes | 4 bytes | 1 byte 0x0d |
The options are always "? " which means "Get the value for this" or 1-4 numbers, space-right-padded, meaning 1 would be: "1 "
168 would be: "168 "
The commands are one of the following
Command | Description |
RSPW | Restrict Power |
POWR | Power |
VOLM | Volume |
CLCP | Closed Captioning |
IAVD | Input |
CHUP | Channel Up |
CHDW | Channel Down |
Command | Description |
ACSU | Surround |
WIDE | Widescreen Mode |
OFTM | Off Timer |
DCCH | Change Channel |