A Sass mixin to allow easy, efficient usage of Google Web Fonts.
You can clone this repo and include _web-fonts.scss in your project manually, or you can install the sass-web-fonts package from npm or Bower.
Sass Web Fonts 2.x introduces breaking changes from 1.x. If you're upgrading from Sass Web Fonts 1.x, read the upgrading guide. It's very easy. :)
First, import Sass Web Fonts like this:
@import "web-fonts";
Add Sass-Web-Fonts as a dependency:
npm install --save sass-web-fonts
You’ll need to add Sass-Web-Fonts to your node-sass
option. Commonly in this way:require("sass-web-fonts").includePaths
. But specifically you have to refer to the framework you are using.
const sass = require( "node-sass" );
module.exports = function( grunt ) {
require( "load-grunt-tasks" )( grunt );
grunt.initConfig( {
sass: {
options: {
implementation: sass,
sourceMap: false,
outputStyle: "compressed",
sourceComments: false,
includePaths: [
//require( "module-one" ).includePaths,
//require( "module-two" ).includePaths,
require( "sass-web-fonts" ).includePaths
public: {
files: {
"master.css": "master.scss"
} );
var gulp = require( "gulp" );
var sass = require( "gulp-sass" );
gulp.task( "sass", function () {
gulp.src( "input.scss" )
.pipe( sass( {
includePaths: require( "sass-web-fonts" ).includePaths
} ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( "output.css" ) );
} );
Using with libsass
If you are using libsass, you can't pass the result of web-fonts-url()
directly into @import url()
. You have to store it in a variable first. This is due to the compiler not supporting importing urls from functions.
// This won't work with libsass
@import url(web-fonts-url("Open Sans"));
// This will work with libsass
$url: web-fonts-url("Open Sans");
@import url($url);
@import url(web-fonts-url("Open Sans"));
@import url(web-fonts-url(("Open Sans": "bold")));
@import url(web-fonts-url(("Open Sans": ("500", "600 italic"))));
@import url(web-fonts-url("Open Sans", ("Ubuntu": ("400", "italic"))));
By default, the web-fonts
mixin will attempt to load fonts with the same
protocol that was used to access the stylesheet it was called in. However,
in some circumstances, most notably when the stylesheet was loaded as a local
file (using a file:// url), this will not work. In this situation, it is
possible to override the automatic protocol detection by setting the
variable prior to calling the mixin.
$web-fonts-protocol: "https"; // fonts will be loaded over HTTPS from here on.
@import url(web-fonts-url("Open Sans"); // uses HTTPS);
To add additional parameters to the web fonts URL, you can override the $web-fonts-params
variable with a map containing the extra URL params. For example, you can use it to specify character subsets:
$web-fonts-params: (subset: "latin,latin-ext");
@import url(web-fonts-url("Open Sans"));
/* Generated CSS */
@import url("//fonts.googleapis.com/css?subset=latin%2Clatin-ext&family=Open%20Sans");
A list of available parameters can be found in the Google Web Fonts documentation.
Development of this mixin uses SassUnit for unit tests. To run the tests after making a change to the mixin, do this:
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec sassunit
If you get a Sass::SyntaxError
when using the library, you probably need to update Sass. See issue #7 for more information.
Requires Sass 3.3 or later version. Pull requests welcome.