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Created March 13, 2022 15:55
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Imaginary Book Club

Welcome to imaginary book club! I hope everyone finished the reading this week. No? Fine, we'll just wing it. At least there's snacks.

There is a deck of cards. Each has a question on it. Play starts with a random player and proceeds in a circle, with each player drawing a card and answering the question. The first two are always:

  • What is the book's title?
  • What is the book's genre?

and the remaining ones are some random selection from the deck.

It is legal to choose an actual book's title, in which case it is encouraged to proceed by creating an entirely different re-imagining of it.

"title?" "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." "genre?" "Hard-boiled detective murder mystery."

Other questions in the deck include:

  • Who was your favorite character?
  • Who was your least favorite character?
  • Who was the most morally upstanding character?
  • Who was the most villainous character?
  • Which pairing of characters was the most satisfying?
  • Which characters did you think should have paired up?
  • What was the biggest surprise in the plot?
  • Which setting did you long to visit?
  • What did you like about the writing style?
  • What did you hate about the writing style?
  • How did the book treat the theme of family?
  • How did the book treat the theme of death?
  • How did the book treat the theme of money?
  • How did the book treat the theme of magic?
  • How did the book treat the theme of knowledge?
  • How did the book treat the theme of justice?
  • How did the book treat the theme of honesty?
  • How did the book treat the theme of love?
  • How did this book compare to the author's other books?
  • What was the author's name?
  • How old was the author when they wrote it?
  • What real-world events were an influence/inspiration?
  • What character choice did you think was least realistic?
  • What mystery remained after you finished reading?
  • What was something satisfying about the ending?
  • What was something unsatisfying about the ending?
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