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O Uicipeid
stàit neo-eisimeileach, unitary state, grand duchy, landlocked country, dùthaich
Pàirt deAonadh Eòrpach, European Economic Area, Western Europe Deasaich
Cur air cois1815 Deasaich
Ainm dùthchasachLëtzebuerg, Luxembourg, Luxemburg Deasaich
Ainm goirid🇱🇺 Deasaich
Tar-sgrìobhadh IPAˈlʉksəmbʉɾɡ Deasaich
Ainmichte às dèidhLucsamburg Deasaich
Cànan oifigeilLucsamburgais, Fraingis, Gearmailtis Deasaich
LaoidhOns Heemecht Deasaich
Cultureculture of Luxembourg Deasaich
Mòr-roinnAn Roinn-Eòrpa Deasaich
DùthaichLucsamburg Deasaich
Prìomh-bhaileLucsamburg Deasaich
Sgìre riaghaltais ionadail Deasaich
Roinn-tìdeUTC+01:00 Deasaich
Domhan-leud is -fhad49°46′12″N 6°7′48″E Deasaich
Coordinates of geographic center49°46′38″N 6°5′43″E Deasaich
Coordinates of easternmost point49°48′21″N 6°31′53″E Deasaich
Coordinates of northernmost point50°10′58″N 6°1′29″E Deasaich
Coordinates of southernmost point49°26′52″N 6°2′30″E Deasaich
Coordinates of westernmost point49°53′49″N 5°44′8″E Deasaich
Puing as àirdeKneiff Deasaich
Lowest pointMoselle Deasaich
Basic form of governmentconstitutional monarchy Deasaich
Oifis aig ceann-stàiteMonarch of Luxembourg Deasaich
Ceannard na stàiteHenri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg Deasaich
Oifis aig ceann an riaghaltaisPrime Minister of Luxembourg Deasaich
Ceannard an riaghaltaisXavier Bettel Deasaich
Executive bodyGovernment of Luxembourg Deasaich
Legislative bodyChamber of Deputies Deasaich
Highest judicial authoritySuperior Court of Justice of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg Deasaich
CurrencyEuro Deasaich
A’ gabhail a-steachPfaffenthal-Kirchberg railway station, Luxembourg railway station, Howald railway station Deasaich
Crìoch còmhla riA' Ghearmailt, An Fhraing, A' Bheilg Deasaich
Coextensive withLuxembourg constituency of the European Parliament Deasaich
Teacsa stéidheachaidhTreaty of Paris, Treaty of London, Treaty of London Deasaich
Driving sideright Deasaich
Electrical plug typeEuroplug, Schuko Deasaich
Na bha roimheCaidreachas na Gearmailte Deasaich
Na bh’ann roimheCaidreachas na Gearmailte Deasaich
Language usedLucsamburgais, Gearmailtis, Fraingis Deasaich
TachartasSiege of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Crisis Deasaich
Duais a fhuair eCharlemagne Prize Deasaich
Làrach-lìnhttps://luxembourg.public.lu Deasaich
HashtagLuxembourg Deasaich
Top-level Internet domain.lu Deasaich
Bratachflag of Luxembourg Deasaich
Gearradh-armcoat of arms of Luxembourg Deasaich
Geography of topicgeography of Luxembourg Deasaich
Feartfree country Deasaich
History of topichistory of Luxembourg Deasaich
List of monumentsQ3491575 Deasaich
Railway traffic sideright, left Deasaich
Open data portaldata.public.lu Deasaich
Economy of topiceconomy of Luxembourg Deasaich
Demographics of topicdemographics of Luxembourg Deasaich
Mobile country code270 Deasaich
Country calling code+352 Deasaich
Trunk prefixno value Deasaich
Emergency phone number112, 113 Deasaich
GS1 country code540-549 Deasaich
Licence plate codeL Deasaich
Maritime identification digits253 Deasaich
Caractar Unicode🇱🇺 Deasaich
Category for mapsCategory:Maps of Luxembourg Deasaich

'S e dùthaich bheag anns an Eòrpa an iar a tha ann an Lucsamburg[1][2] neo Lucsambourg[3] neo Lugsamburg.[4]

Tha i suidhichte san taobh an ear na Gearmailt, sa taobh tuath na Frainge agus san earra-dheas na Beilge.

Tha Lucsamburg suidhichte aig crìoch nan Cànanan Ròmanach agus Cànanan Gearmanach. Mar sin dheth tha trì cànanan oifigeil ann: Fraingis, Gearmailtis agus Lucsamburgais.

Tha Lucsamburg na phrìomh-bhaile.


[deasaich | deasaich an tùs]
  1. Am Faclair Gàidhlig-Beurla, Colin Mark, foillsichte aig Routledge, Lunnainn (2004), ISBN 0-415-29761-3
  2. Brigh nam Facal, Faclair Ur don Bhun-sgoil (deas. Cox, Richard A.V.) - ISBN 0-903204-21-5
  3. Feuch Facal, Gairm (1995), ISBN 1-871901-39-1
  4. Atlas Sgoile Oxford le Stòrlann Nàiseanta, Oxford University Press (2010)
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