Postanowienia ogólne
Artykuł 53 - Poziom ochrony
Żadne z postanowień niniejszej Karty nie będzie interpretowane jako ograniczające lub naruszające prawa człowieka i podstawowe wolności uznane, we właściwych im obszarach zastosowania, przez prawo Unii i prawo międzynarodowe oraz konwencje międzynarodowe, których Unia lub wszystkie Państwa Członkowskie są stronami, w szczególności przez europejską Konwencję o ochronie praw człowieka i podstawowych wolności oraz przez konstytucje Państw Członkowskich..
Postanowienie to ma na celu utrzymanie poziomu ochrony zapewnionego obecnie, w ramach ich odpowiedniego zakresu zastosowania, przez prawo Unii, prawo krajowe i międzynarodowe. Z uwagi na jej znaczenie, w artykule została zawarta wzmianka o europejskiej Konwencji o ochronie praw człowieka i podstawowych wolności.
Artikel 94 Binnen het Koninkrijk geldende wettelijke voorschriften vinden geen toepassing, indien deze toepassing niet verenigbaar is met een ieder verbindende bepalingen van verdragen en van besluiten van volkenrechtelijke organisaties.
Section 3 Interpretation of legislation. (1) So far as it is possible to do so, primary legislation and subordinate legislation must be read and given effect in a way which is compatible with the Convention rights. (2) This section— (a) applies to primary legislation and subordinate legislation whenever enacted; (b) does not affect the validity, continuing operation or enforcement of any incompatible primary legislation; and (c) does not affect the validity, continuing operation or enforcement of any incompatible subordinate legislation if (disregarding any possibility of revocation) primary legislation prevents removal of the incompatibility.
Kaptiel 2, artikel 19. Lag eller annan föreskrift får inte meddelas i strid med Sveriges åtaganden på grund av den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna. Kapitel 10, artikel 6. Inom ramen för samarbetet i Europeiska unionen kan riksdagen överlåta beslutanderätt som inte rör principerna för statsskicket. Sådan överlåtelse förutsätter att fri- och rättighetsskyddet inom det samarbetsområde till vilket överlåtelsen sker motsvarar det som ges i denna regeringsform och i den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna. Kapitel 11, artikel 14. Finner en domstol att en föreskrift står i strid med en bestämmelse i grundlag eller annan överordnad författning får föreskriften inte tillämpas. Detsamma gäller om stadgad ordning i något väsentligt hänseende har åsidosatts vid föreskriftens tillkomst. Vid prövning enligt första stycket av en lag ska det särskilt beaktas att riksdagen är folkets främsta företrädare och att grundlag går före lag.
Article 15 (Exercise and Limitation of Rights) Human rights and fundamental freedoms shall be exercised directly on the basis of the Constitution. The manner in which human rights and fundamental freedoms are exercised may be regulated by law whenever the Constitution so provides or where this is necessary due to the particular nature of an individual right or freedom. Human rights and fundamental freedoms shall be limited only by the rights of others and in such cases as are provided by this Constitution. Judicial protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the right to obtain redress for the violation of such rights and freedoms, shall be guaranteed. No human right or fundamental freedom regulated by legal acts in force in Slovenia may be restricted on the grounds that this Constitution does not recognise that right or freedom or recognises it to a lesser extent.
15. člen (uresničevanje in omejevanje pravic) Človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine se uresničujejo neposredno na podlagi ustave. Z zakonom je mogoče predpisati način uresničevanja človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, kadar tako določa ustava, ali če je to nujno zaradi same narave posamezne pravice ali svoboščine. Človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine so omejene samo s pravicami drugih in v primerih, ki jih določa ta ustava. Zagotovljeni sta sodno varstvo človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin ter pravica do odprave posledic njihove kršitve. Nobene človekove pravice ali temeljne svoboščine, urejene v pravnih aktih, ki veljajo v Sloveniji, ni dopustno omejevati z izgovorom, da je ta ustava ne priznava ali da jo priznava v manjši meri.
Articolul 53: (1) Exercitiul unor drepturi sau al unor libertati poate fi restrâns numai prin lege si numai daca se impune, dupa caz, pentru: apararea securitatii nationale, a ordinii, a sanatatii ori a moralei publice, a drepturilor si a libertatilor cetatenilor; desfasurarea instructiei penale; prevenirea consecintelor unei calamitati naturale, ale unui dezastru ori ale unui sinistru deosebit de grav. (2) Restrângerea poate fi dispusa numai daca este necesara într-o societate democratica. Masura trebuie sa fie proportionala cu situatia care a determinat-o, sa fie aplicata în mod nediscriminatoriu si fara a aduce atingere existentei dreptului sau a libertatii.
ARTICLE 53 - (1) The exercise of certain rights or freedoms may only be restricted by law, and only if necessary, as the case may be, for: the defence of national security, of public order, health, or morals, of the citizens' rights and freedoms; conducting a criminal investigation; preventing the consequences of a natural calamity, disaster, or an extremely severe catastrophe. (2) Such restriction shall only be ordered if necessary in a democratic society. The measure shall be proportional to the situation having caused it, applied without discrimination, and without infringing on the existence of such right or freedom.
Artigo 16.º (Âmbito e sentido dos direitos fundamentais) 1. Os direitos fundamentais consagrados na Constituição não excluem quaisquer outros constantes das leis e das regras aplicáveis de direito internacional. 2. Os preceitos constitucionais e legais relativos aos direitos fundamentais devem ser interpretados e integrados de harmonia com a Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem. Artigo 18.º (Força jurídica) 1. Os preceitos constitucionais respeitantes aos direitos, liberdades e garantias são directamente aplicáveis e vinculam as entidades públicas e privadas. 2. A lei só pode restringir os direitos, liberdades e garantias nos casos expressamente previstos na Constituição, devendo as restrições limitar-se ao necessário para salvaguardar outros direitos ou interesses constitucionalmente protegidos. 3. As leis restritivas de direitos, liberdades e garantias têm de revestir carácter geral e abstracto e não podem ter efeito retroactivo nem diminuir a extensão e o alcance do conteúdo essencial dos preceitos constitucionais.
Article 16 (Scope and interpretation of fundamental rights) (1) The fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution shall not exclude any other set out in applicable international laws and legal rules. (2) The constitutional precepts concerning fundamental rights must be interpreted and completed in harmony with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 18 (Legal force) (1) The constitutional precepts with regard to rights, freedoms and guarantees are directly applicable and are binding on public and private entities. (2) The law may only restrict rights, freedoms and guarantees in cases expressly provided for in the Constitution, and such restrictions must be limited to those needed to safeguard other constitutionally protected rights and interests. (3). Laws that restrict rights, freedoms and guarantees must have a general and abstract nature and may not have a retroactive effect or reduce the extent or scope of the essential content of the constitutional precepts.
Article 25 The general rules of international law shall be an integral part of federal law. They shall take precedence over the laws and directly create rights and duties for the inhabitants of the federal territory.
Artikel 25 Die allgemeinen Regeln des Völkerrechtes sind Bestandteil des Bundesrechtes. Sie gehen den Gesetzen vor und erzeugen Rechte und Pflichten unmittelbar für die Bewohner des Bundesgebietes.
§ 10. The rights, freedoms and duties set out in this chapter do not preclude other rights, freedoms and duties which arise from the spirit of the Constitution or are in accordance therewith, and which are in conformity with the principles of human dignity, social justice and democratic government founded on the rule of law.
§ 11. Rights and freedoms may only be circumscribed in accordance with the Constitution. Such circumscription must be necessary in a democratic society and may not distort the nature of the rights and freedoms circumscribed.
ARTICLE 1A No provision of the Constitution is deemed as annulling laws adopted, deeds carried out or measures taken by the Republic which are rendered necessary as a result of the obligations of the Republic as a member state of the European Union nor does it preclude Regulations, Directives or other acts or binding measures of a legislative character adopted by the European Union or by the European Communities or by the institutions or competent bodies under the treaties setting up the European Communities or the European Union from having legal force in the Republic. ARTICLE 33 1. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution relating to a state of emergency, the fundamental rights and liberties guaranteed by this Part shall not be subjected to any other limitations or restrictions than those in this Part provided. 2. The provisions of this Part relating to such limitations or restrictions shall be interpreted strictly and shall not be applied for any purpose other than those for which they have been prescribed.
ΑΡΘΡΟ 1Α: Ουδεμία διάταξη του Συντάγματος θεωρείται ότι ακυρώνει νόμους που θεσπίζονται, πράξεις που διενεργούνται ή μέτρα που λαμβάνονται από τη Δημοκρατία τα οποία καθίστανται αναγκαία από τις υποχρεώσεις της ως κράτους μέλους της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης ούτε εμποδίζει Κανονισμούς, Οδηγίες ή άλλες πράξεις ή δεσμευτικά μέτρα νομοθετικού χαρακτήρα που θεσπίζονται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ή από τις Ευρωπαϊκές Κοινότητες ή από τα θεσμικά τους όργανα ή από τα αρμόδιά τους σώματα στη βάση των συνθηκών που ιδρύουν τις Ευρωπαϊκές Κοινότητες ή την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση από του να έχουν νομική ισχύ στη Δημοκρατία. ΑΡΘΡΟΝ 33 1. Τηρουμένων των διατάξεως του Συντάγματος των σχετικών προς την κατάστασιν εκτάκτου ανάγκης, τα υπό του παρόντος μέρους ηγγυημένα θεμελιώδη δικαιώματα και ελευθερίαι δεν υπόκεινται εις οιονδήποτε έτερον όρον, δέσμευσιν ή περιορισμόν πλην των εν τω παρόντι μέρει οριζομένων. 2. Αι διατάξεις του παρόντος μέρους αι αναφερόμεναι εις τοιούτους όρους, δεσμεύσεις ή περιορισμούς δέον να ερμηνεύωνται στενώς και να μη εφαρμόζωνται δι’ οιονδήποτε σκοπόν διάφορον εκείνου δι’ ον εθεσπίσθησαν.
Article 53
Nothing in this Convention shall be construed as limiting or derogating from any of the human rights and fundamental freedoms which may be ensured under the laws of any High Contracting Party or under any other agreement to which it is a party.
Artikel 53 Keine Bestimmung dieser Konvention darf als Beschränkung oder Minderung eines der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten ausgelegt werden, die in den Gesetzen eines Hohen Vertragschließenden Teils oder einer anderen Vereinbarung, an der er beteiligt ist, festgelegt sind.