From Fedora Project Wiki
= David Nalley =
- Name: David Nalley
- Email: [email protected]
- IRC: ke4qqq on freenode
- Location: Liberty, SC, USA (about 30 minutes outside of Greenville, SC)
- GPG KeyID: 0xE70D2357
- GPG Key Fingerprint: 7D6C 0645 3BB5 5313 977F 9193 988F E70D 2357
- Fedora Talk extension: 5100435
I am a recovering sysadmin who works as a Community guy for the CloudStack open source project
With Fedora I am involved in the following groups:
- Ambassadors
- Docs Project
- Marketing
- Infrastructure (I said I was recovering right?)
- Board (currently serving my first term in an appointed slot)
- Cloud-SIG
- Packaging