ARIA 2024: meet the winners!
Discover the six winners of the Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards - ARIA2024, and celebrate outstanding CAP-funded projects that are truly making a difference for European rural areas!
News Highlights
Assessment of results-based interventions
Experts analysed examples of result-based interventions in EU countries and outside the EU. They highlighted the role of evaluation in designing these interventions to protect the environment.
Much to digest from the 4th agri-food Forum
Many EU CAP Network activities are bringing agri-food chain stakeholders together, creating opportunities for dialogue and better use of CAP tools to improve the way we produce and consume food.
EU CAP Network cross-visits 2025 - call for hosting EIP-AGRI Operational Groups
Apply to become a host for one of the three new EU CAP Network cross-visits for Operational Groups.
Latest news
EU CAP Network Cross-visits 2025 - call for participating EIP-AGRI Operational Groups
Three EU CAP Network Cross-visits, each lasting 1.5 days, will take place in the week of 5 May 2025.
Smart Rural 27 - Final report
The final report of the 2nd Preparatory Action on Smart Rural Areas in the 21st century, commonly called Smart Rural 27, the Executive summary and the leaflet are now available.
Common Network Statistics get a makeover
The latest Common Network Statistics (CNS) report is now also available as an appealing infographic that highlights key information on the National Networks’ activities across the EU in 2023.
Much to digest from the 4th agri-food Forum
Many EU CAP Network activities are bringing agri-food chain stakeholders together, creating opportunities for dialogue and better use of CAP tools to improve the way we produce and consume food.
Monitoring the progress of the RDPs 2014-2020
The latest monitoring summaries show the progress of the Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020 and provide the most up-to-date information on the RDP monitoring indicators.
Support for information measures relating to the CAP for 2025
Submissions for proposals are open now for a new EU project grant: Support for information measures relating to the CAP for 2025. The call closes on 23 January 2025.