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See also: edru





Borrowed from Danish ædru.[1]





edrú (indeclinable)

  1. sober (not drunk)
    • 1912 January 24, Ingimundur, “Vísan um Romskí og sveina hans [The poem about Romski and his lads]”, in Ingólfur[1], volume 10, number 4, Reykjavík, page 16:
      Úr augunum fránu eldur brann
      af ógnarbræði og heift með sann,
      svo undarlegt engum þyki:
      af hræðslu urðu’ allar hetjurnar
      er hvergi áður sást bregða par,
      „ædru“ á augnabliki.
      From the keen eyes fire burned
      with terrible rage and fury, truly,
      so none will find it strange:
      out of fear all the heroes
      that had never before been seen startled at all
      sober in the blink of an eye.
    • 1924 March 13, “Skift um brækur [A change of breeches]”, in Baunir[2], volume 1, number 2, Ísafjörður: Einherjar, page 6:
      ekki sýndist þeim Gunnar „edru“ vera, en með aðstoð góðra manna komst hann þó á fundinn.
      Gunnar did not seem sober to them, but with the aid of good men he made it to the meeting.
    • 1999 December 21, “Ég hef öðlast kjark til að lifa [I have gotten the courage to live]”, in Vikan[3], volume 61, number 42, Reykjavík, page 57:
      Ég fór í meðferð og átta mánuðum síðar var ég komin heim til pabba. Hann hafði farið í meðferð fyrir tveimur árum og verið edrú síðan.
      I went to therapy and eight months later I was home with Dad. He had been to therapy two years ago and been sober since.


  1. ^ Icelandic Web of Science: Hvaðan kemur orðið edrú? (“Where does the word edrú come from?”)