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Page:VCH Kent 1.djvu/202

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A HISTORY OF KENT Parnid^ Elmis aeneus, Mull. In running water, clinging to stones, logs, or bits of wood ; locally common — volkmari, Panz. As the preceding ; rare. Maithtone Limnius tuberculatus, Mull. In running water ; locally common. Lnvhbam ; probably widely distributed. — rivularis, Rosenh. In running water ; rare. Birchingtofi near Alargate Parnus prolifericornis, F. Pond sides, under stones in damp places, etc. ; gene- rally distributed and common — auriculatus, 111. As the preceding ; local and not uncommon as a rule. Snodland (scarce), Lee, Favers/xim Heterocerus femoralis, Kies. Banks of ponds and ditches ; not common. Sheerness, Gravesend, Deal . — obsoletus. Curt. Banks of brackish ditches ; sometimes in tidal refuse and seaweed ; local. Gravesend, Rochester, Chatham, Sheerness — marginatus, F. Banks of ponds and ditches ; not uncommon, especially near the coast. Lee, Sheerness, Rain- ham, Gravesend, JFhitstable, Maid- stone — Isvigatus, Panz. Banks of ponds and ditches ; local. Lee, Darenth Wood — britannicus, Kuwert. (sericans, Brit. Col. ; nec Kies). Rare. Gravesend, Sheerness, Pegwell Bay LUCANID^ Lucanus cervus, L. On trunks of trees and flying at dusk about midsummer; common and generally distributed Dorcus parallelopipedus, L. In decaying ash trees ; rather common Sinodendron cylindricum, L. In rotten wood of ash, beech, willow, etc. ; not uncommon SCARAB.€ID^ Copris lunaris, L. Sandy places ; in dung ; local, and as a rule rare. Greenwich, Char/ton, Bexley, Chatham, Birch Wood, Sittingboiirne Onthophagus nutans, F. In dung ; rare. Darenth Wood — ovatus, L, In dung and decaying fungi ; generally distributed and common — coenobita, Herbst. In dung ; common as a rule — vacca, L. In dung ; common — fracticornis, Payk. In dung ; local ; found especially near the coast. Whitstable, Deal, Dover — nuchicornis. In dung ; local. Green- ScARABiUDiE [continued) wich, Gravesend, Whitstable, Belvedere, Cobham Park (scarce, in deer's dung), Deal Aphodius erraticus, L.* Common — subterraneus, L. Local, but not un- common — fossor, L. Very common — haemorrhoidalis, L. Common ■ — foetens, F. Not common. St. Peter's {Isle of Thanet), Pegwell Bay, Folke- stone, Dover — fimetarius, L. Common everywhere — scybalarius, F. Common — ater, De G. Common and generall) distributed — constans, Duft. Rare. Belvedere (T. Wood) — granarius, L. Very common through- out the county — nitidulus, F. Not very common. Darenth Wood, Pliimstead, Sand- wich, Deal ■ — sordidus, F. Rare. Greenwich, Belve- dere, Plumstead — rufescens, F. Local. Greenwich, Whitstable, Belvedere, Cobham Park, Tonbridge, Pegwell Bay, Hythe, Dover — putridus, Sturm. Rare. Cobham Park, Tonbridge — plagiatus, L. Under stones, in flood refuse, etc. ; rarely in dung ; locally common. Sheerness, Deal, Dover ■ — lividus, Ol. Very local. Lee, Darenth Wood, Greenwich, Sitting- bourne, Kingsgate (in abundance, T. Wood) — porcus, F. Not common. Chatham Lines, St. Peter's {Isle of Thanet), Kingsgate, Ramsgate — tristis, Panz. Very local. Whitstable — pusillus, Herbst. Somewhat local, but by no means uncommon — merdarius, F. Generally distributed and common — inquinatus, F. Local. Birch and Da- renth Woods, Chatham, Deal — tessulatus, Payk. Rare. Darland Hill, Walderslade, Chatham, Tunhridge Wells, Kingsgate, Broadstairs, Deal, Folkestone — sticticus, Panz. Very local. Belve- dere, Tonbridge, Darenth Wood — consputus, Cr. Very local and usually rare. Gravesend, New Brompton,

  • All the species of Aphodius are found in dung

of various animals ; also in hotbeds and manure heaps, and very often on the wing in numbers.