List of Marilyn Monroe's photographers
Alphabetical order (first name)
edit- Al Pucci
- Al St. Hilaire
- Alfred Eisenstaedt
- Allan Grant
- Allan Snyder "Whitey" (Marilyn's makeup artist)
- André De Dienes
- Ann Pedersen
- Anthony Beauchamp
- Antonio Caballero
- Arnold Johnson
- Arnold Newman
- Art Adams
- Art Weissman
- Arthur Julius Marx (Groucho Marx's son)
- Arthur Rickerby
- Barney Stein
- Barry Feinstein
- Ben Ross
- Bernie Abramson
- Bert Parry
- Bert Reisfeld
- Bert Stern
- Bill Bach
- Bill Burnside
- Bill Kobrin
- Bill Mark
- Bill Murphy
- Bill Ray
- Bill Young
- Bob Beerman
- Bob East
- Bob Gomel
- Bob Grosh
- Bob Haswell
- Bob Henriques
- Bob Jennings
- Bob Landry
- Bob Lippman
- Bob Sandberg
- Bob Thomas
- Bob Willet
- Bob Willoughby
- Brian Seed
- Bruce Bailey
- Bruce Davidson
- Bruce Hopkins
- Bruno Bernard (aka Bernard of Hollywood)
- Bud Graybell
- Burt Glinn
- Carl K
- Carlyle Blackwell
- Cecil Beaton
- Cecil B. Stoughton
- Charles Carbone
- Charles Carson
- Charles G. Hagedorn
- Charles Rhodes
- Claude Azoulay
- Cornell Capa
- Cpl Robert Fifert
- Cpt. Welshman
- Dan Mcelleney
- Dan Weiner
- Darlene Hammond
- Dave Cicero (David)
- David Geary
- David Preston
- David Sutton
- David Workman
- Delmar Watson
- Dennis Stock
- Dick Miller
- Doc Kaminsky (Thomas)
- Dolores Hope Masi
- Don Dondero (aka Donald Dondero)
- Don Ornitz
- Douglas Kirkland
- Earl Wilson
- Ed Baird
- Ed Braslaff
- Ed Clark (Edward)
- Ed Cronenweth
- Ed Pfizenmaier
- Edward DeLuga
- Elliott Erwitt
- Emerson Hall
- Eric Skipsey
- Erich Hartmann
- Ernest Bachrach
- Ernst Haas
- Erwin Steinmeyer "Steinie"
- Eve Arnold
- Farr-Hueth
- Fink Smith
- Francis L. Orkin
- Franck Livia
- Frank Hurley
- Frank Jurkoski
- Frank Mastro
- Frank Powolny
- Frank Worth
- Fred Bently
- Fred Morgan
- Fred Ward
- Friedman-Abeles
- Leo Friedman
- Joseph Abeles
- Leo Friedman and Joseph Abeles commenced their publicity photography parternship Friedman-Abeles in 1954 and produced comprehensive amounts of photographs using their handheld Rolleiflex camera.
- Florence Vandamm, of Vandamm Studio (in operation in New York from 1924 to 1964), has been posited as the "inventor" of the commercial head shot and noted for her use of lighting, costume and movement. Martha Swope, of Swope Associates, was a former dancer who also began her photographic career in the 1950s and like Friedman-Abeles shot backstage activities and the rehearsal process for publicity and documentary purposes.
- Garry Winogrand
- Gary Wagner
- Gene Daniels
- Gene Dauber
- Gene Kornman
- Gene Lester
- Gene Trindl
- George Barris
- George Fry
- George Lacks
- George Lockhart
- George Mattson
- George Miller
- George Silk
- George Snow
- George S. Zimbel
- Gerald Smith
- Gerry Murison
- Gilles Swinkels
- Gjon Mili
- Glenn Embree
- Gordon Parks
- Hal Berg
- Hal Bloom
- Hal Mathewson
- Hans Knopf
- Harold Clements
- Harold Davidson
- Harold Lloyd
- Harry Kerr
- H.J. Reinhart
- Henri Cartier-Bresson
- Henri Dauman
- Herb Scharfman
- Herman Leonard
- H. Maier Studios
- Howell Conant
- Humberto Zendejas
- Ichiro Fujimura
- Inge Morath
- Irving Haberman
- Irving Steinberg
- Irwin Tress
- Jack Cardiff
- Jack Clarity
- Jack Esten
- Jack Stager
- Jacques Lowe
- James Haspiel
- James Mitchell
- Janice Sargent
- Jean Howard
- Jerome Zerbe
- Jock Carroll
- John Loengard
- John Miehle
- John Randolph
- John Swope
- John Vachon
- Joseph Hepner
- Joseph Jaspur
- Joshua Logan
- J.R. Eyerman
- Julian Wasser
- Jurgen Jacobsen
- J.W. Richardson
- Kas Heppner
- Kashio Aoki
- L. Brady
- Lani Carlson
- Larry Barbier Jr
- Laszlo Willinger
- Lawrence Schiller
- Lee Lockwood
- Leif-Erik Nygards
- Leigh Wiener
- Len Steckler
- Leo Caloia
- Leo Friedman
- Leonard Balish
- Lester Cowan
- Loomis Dean
- Louis Dalmas
- Luiz Carlos Barreto
- Madison Lacy
- Manfred Linus Kreiner
- Marvin Scott
- Marvin "Windy" Wingrove
- Matty Zimmerman
- Max Peter Haas
- Mel Traxel
- Michael Rougier
- Mickey Senko
- Milton Gold
- Milton Greene
- Misha Pelz
- M.O. Schwartz
- Murray Garrett
- Nat Dallinger
- Nate Cutler
- Nelson Tiffany
- Nicholas Murray
- Nick De Morgoli
- Ossie Leviness
- Pat Candido
- Paul Melching
- Paul Parry
- Paul Schumach
- Paul Schutzer
- Peter Tearall
- Phil Burchman
- Phil Stanziola
- Phil Stern
- Philippe Halsman
- Potter Hueth
- Ralph Roberts
- Raphael Wolff
- Ray Andrews
- Ray Graham
- Ray O'Neill
- Richard Avedon
- Richard C. Miller
- Robert Eveson
- Robert Slatzer
- Robert Vose
- Robert W. Kelley
- Sterling Smith
- Stuart Heydinger
- Ted Baron
- Ted Holmes
- Ted Kell
- Ted Lau
- Terri Arden
- Tito Franco
- Tom Caffrey
- Tom Gallagher
- Tom Kelley
- Vasily Yegorov
- Walt Durrell
- Walter Daran
- Weegee (aka Arthur Fellig)
- William J. Carroll "Bill Carroll"
- At only 19 years old, this was Marilyn Monroe's first professional modeling job. Taken on the beach at Castle Rock, California
- Marilyn Monroe - Bill Carroll Interviewed (photographer)
- "William Carroll hired Norma Jeane for this one-day shoot at the beach for the sum of $20. Over 100 pictures were taken on Kodachrome film using a Mercury II camera. The best of these were used for a modest advertising campaign sponsored by Carroll's small chain of camera service shops. Carroll has photographed much of the western world and continues active in the field of video documentaries."
- William J. Carroll 1915 - 2014 "He was born to Charles Carroll and Caroline Rebholz on August 26, 1915 in San Francisco, California." San Diego Union Tribune. 2014-02-28
- William J. Carroll (1915-2014) A Day at Castle Rock with Norma Jeane Dougherty, 1945
- William Carroll, Auto Book Press, P.O. Bin 71, Raton, New Mexico 87740
Alphabetical order (last name)
edit- Aarons, Slim
- Abramson, Bernie
- Adams, Art
- Andrews, Ray
- Aoki, Kashio
- Arden, Terri
- Arnold, Eve
- Arthur, Zinn
- Avedon, Richard
- Azoulay, Claude
- Bach, Bill
- Bachrach, Ernest
- Bailey, Bruce
- Baird, Ed
- Balish, Leonard
- Barbier, Larry Jr
- Baron, Ted
- Barreto, Luiz Carlos
- Barris, George
- Basch, Peter
- Beaton, Cecil
- Beauchamp, Anthony
- Beerman, Bob
- Bently, Fred
- Berg, Hal
- Bernard, Bruno (aka Bernard of Hollywood)
- Bernard, Bruno (aka Bernard of Hollywood)
- Blackwell, Carlyle
- Bloom, Hal
- Brady, L.
- Braslaff, Ed
- Bryson, John
- Burchman, Phil
- Burnside, Bill
- Caballero, Antonio
- Caffrey, Tom
- Caloia, Leo
- Candido, Pat
- Capa, Cornell
- Carbone, Charles
- Cardiff, Jack
- Carlson, Lani
- Carroll, Jock
- Carroll, William
- Carson, Charles
- Cartier-Bresson, Henri
- Cicero, Dave (David) (David)
- Clarity, Jack
- Clark, Ed (Edward) (Edward)
- Claxton, William
- Clements, Harold
- Conant, Howell
- Conover, David
- Coudert, Joe
- Cowan, Lester
- Cronenwerth, Ed
- Cutler, Nate
- Dallinger, Nat
- Dalmas, Louis
- Daniels, Gene
- Daran, Walter
- Dauber, Gene
- Dauman, Henri
- Davidson, Bruce
- Davidson, Harold
- Davis, Sammy Jr.
- Dean, Loomis
- DeLuga, Edward
- Dienes, André De
- Dondero, Don (aka Donald Dondero)
- Dondero, Don (aka Donald Dondero)
- Durrell, Walt
- East, Bob
- Eisenstaedt, Alfred
- Embree, Glenn
- Engstead, John
- Erwitt, Elliott
- Esten, Jack
- Eveson, Robert
- Eyerman, J.R.
- Farr-Hueth
- Feingersh, Ed
- Feinstein, Barry
- Fellig, Arthur (aka Weegee)
- Fifert, Robert (Cpl.)
- Fland, Peter
- Florea, John
- Franco, Tito
- Friedman-Abeles
- Leo Friedman
- Joseph Abeles
- Leo Friedman and Joseph Abeles commenced their publicity photography parternship Friedman-Abeles in 1954 and produced comprehensive amounts of photographs using their handheld Rolleiflex camera.
- Florence Vandamm, of Vandamm Studio (in operation in New York from 1924 to 1964), has been posited as the "inventor" of the commercial head shot and noted for her use of lighting, costume and movement. Martha Swope, of Swope Associates, was a former dancer who also began her photographic career in the 1950s and like Friedman-Abeles shot backstage activities and the rehearsal process for publicity and documentary purposes.
- Friedman, Leo
- Fry, George
- Fujimura, Ichiro
- Gallagher, Tom
- Garrett, Murray
- Geary, David
- Glinn, Burt
- Gold, Milton
- Goldstein, Sam
- Gomel, Bob
- Graham, Ray
- Grant, Allan
- Graybell, Bud
- Greene, Milton
- Grosh, Bob
- Gustie, Earl
- Haas, Ernst
- Haas, Max Peter
- Haberman, Irving
- Hagedorn, Charles G.
- Hall, Emerson
- Halsman, Philippe
- Hammond, Darlene
- Hartmann, Erich
- Hart, Sgt Wayne
- Haspiel, James
- Haswell, Bob
- Hatrick, Joey
- Henriques, Bob
- Hepner, Joseph
- Heppner, Kas
- Heydinger, Stuart
- St. Hilaire, Al
- Holmes, Ted
- Hopkins, Bruce
- Howard, Jean
- Hueth, Potter
- Hurley, Frank
- Jacobsen, Jurgen
- Jaspur, Joseph
- Jennings, Bob
- Joel, Yale
- Johnson, Arnold
- Jurkoski, Frank
- Kaminsky, Doc (Thomas) (Thomas)
- K, Carl
- Kelley, Robert W.
- Kelley, Tom
- Kell, Ted
- Kerr, Harry
- Kirkland, Douglas
- Klinker, Zeno
- Knopf, Hans
- Kobrin, Bill
- Kornman, Gene
- Kreiner, Manfred Linus
- Lacks, George
- Lacy, Madison
- Landry, Bob
- Lau, Ted
- Leaf, Earl
- Leonard, Herman
- Lester, Gene
- Leviness, Ossie
- Lippman, Bob
- Livia, Franck
- Lloyd, Harold
- Lockhart, George
- Lockwood, Lee
- Loengard, John
- Logan, Joshua
- Lowe, Jacques
- Mangone, Peter
- Mark, Bill
- Marschutz, Roger
- Marx, Arthur Julius (Groucho Marx's son)
- Masi, Dolores Hope
- Mastro, Frank
- Mathewson, Hal
- Mattson, George
- Mcelleney, Dan
- Melching, Paul
- Miehle, John
- Mili, Gjon
- Miller, Dick
- Miller, George
- Miller, Richard C.
- Mitchell, James
- Moran, Earl
- Morath, Inge
- Morgan, Fred
- Morgoli, Nick De
- Murison, Gerry
- Murphy, Bill
- Murray, Nicholas
- Newman, Arnold
- Nygards, Leif-Erik
- O'Neill, Ray
- Orkin, Francis L.
- Ornitz, Don
- Parks, Gordon
- Parry, Bert
- Parry, Paul
- Pedersen, Ann
- Pelz, Misha
- Pfizenmaier, Ed
- Powolny, Frank
- Preston, David
- Pucci, Al
- Randolph, John
- Ray, Bill
- Reinhart, H.J.
- Reisfeld, Bert
- Rhodes, Charles
- Richardson, J.W.
- Rickerby, Arthur
- Ritchie, R.O.
- Rizzo, Willy
- Roberts, Ralph
- Ross, Ben
- Rougier, Michael
- Sandberg, Bob
- Sargent, Janice
- Scharfman, Herb
- Schatt, Roy
- Schiller, Lawrence
- Schulman, Sam
- Schumach, Paul
- Schutzer, Paul
- Schwartz, M.O.
- Scott, Marvin
- Seed, Brian
- Senko, Mickey
- Shaw, Sam
- Shere, Joe
- Silk, George
- Skipsey, Eric
- Slade, Paul
- Slatzer, Robert
- Smith, Fink
- Smith, Gerald
- Smith, Sterling
- Smith, William J.
- Snow, George
- Snyder, Allan "Whitey" (Marilyn's makeup artist)
- Snyder, Allan "Whitey" (Marilyn's makeup artist)
- Stackpole, Peter
- Stager, Jack
- Stanziola, Phil
- Steckler, Len
- Stein, Barney
- Steinberg, Irving
- Steinmeyer, Erwin "Steinie" "Steinie"
- Stern, Bert
- Stern, Phil
- Stock, Dennis
- Stoughton, Cecil B.
- Studios, H. Maier
- Sutton, David
- Swinkels, Gilles
- Swope, John
- Tearall, Peter
- Theisen, Earl
- Thomas, Bob
- Tiffany, Nelson
- Tolmie, Rod
- Traxel, Mel
- Tress, Irwin
- Trindl, Gene
- Vachon, John
- Vose, Robert
- Wagner, Gary
- Wally, Seymour
- Ward, Fred
- Wasser, Julian
- Watson, Delmar
- Weegee (aka Arthur Fellig)
- Weiner, Dan
- Weissman, Art
- Welshman, Cpt.
- White, Douglas
- Wiener, Leigh
- Willet, Bob
- Willinger, Laszlo
- Willoughby, Bob
- Wilson, Earl
- Wingrove, Marvin "Windy"
- Wingrove, Marvin "Windy"
- Winogrand, Garry
- Wolff, Raphael
- Woodfield, William Read
- Workman, David
- Worth, Frank
- Yegorov, Vasily
- Young, Bill
- Zendejas, Humberto
- Zerbe, Jerome
- Zimbel, George S.
- Zimmerman, Matty
American Masters
editMarilyn Monroe: Still Life - The Photographers of Marilyn Monroe
- Eve Arnold
- George Barris
- Cecil Beaton
- André De Dienes
- Elliott Erwitt
- Ed Feingersh
- Milton Greene
- Philippe Halsman
- Bob Henriques
- Tom Kelley
- Douglas Kirkland
- Arnold Newman
- Leif-Erik Nygards
- Ben Ross
- Roy Schatt
- Sam Shaw
- Phil Stern
- George Zimbel
edit- Allan “Whitey” Snyder
- Andre DeDienes
- Bert Stern
- Hal Berg
- Milton Greene
- Richard C. Miller
edit- In 1946, Hollywood photographer Joe Jasgur was asked to take some photos of Norma Jeane Dougherty
edit- Hans Bellmer, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Willy Ronis
edit- Ernest Cunningham
- Sheila O'Malley, of, of Slant Magazine
editNorma Jeane DiMaggio, mess line server, February 1954, Korea.
- Bettmann/Getty Images (Source: World History Project, Mashable)
editNorma Jeane DiMaggio, 1954 Non-Combatant ID, Department of Defense, USA
Marilyn Monroe, wearing no makeup, in a pool, 1960