Essays & Papers
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Overwhelmed by assignments? We give expert help across a variety of subjects,
ensuring your work is handled with precision and care
Subject matter experts
Our platform features specialists in various fields, ensuring well-researched and accurate assignments.
Fresh and trusted resources
We use up-to-date, reliable sources, giving you relevant and accurate research every time.
Custom approach
Writers follow instructions carefully and request any details needed to create a custom assignment.
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Prices and services
Prices start at $13.99/page and depend on the page count, deadline, and writer's level
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Title page
Reference page
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Early draft
+15% to the price
1-Page abstract
from $13.99
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Detailed outline
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Your EduBirdie journey
1. Create an order
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2. Choose a writer
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3. Make a payment
The deposit will stay on your balance until the order is ready.
4. Get your paper
Read through your paper to make sure it’s just as you want it.
Thousands of reviews from happy students
Trying so hard to manage working and studying simultaneously, but nothing seems to work? We know the story. Now, you are panicking and looking for the appropriate assignment services that are going to help you out. Guess what? You have found one already! Here, every student can buy assignments or write essay tasks with ease, getting rid of tedious work quickly. Wish to learn about the unique opportunities with our service? Then keep on reading.
There is nothing easier than making an assignment help online order with EduBirdie! If you want to buy homework or other kinds of assignments, simply register with your email and create a nickname to use during the order process. Then, provide all the necessary instructions for online assignment writing, including any additional materials you have. That’s it! How easy is that? After placing the order, just wait for the assignment to arrive in your email.
Our customers enjoy a ton of benefits when they order a paper from us. We always make sure you get the grade you deserve because we know how much you value your education. Some of the benefits you’ll enjoy include:
Yes, we work around the clock and without days off and holidays. It is important for us to be there for you if there is any question anytime during the day. Our friendly customer support representatives will be more than happy to assist you with any kind of requests and solve any problems. Just contact us via phone or chat, and we will help you!
If you Google, “I need to buy an essay,” then you are on the right path because EduBirdie is here to help. We are proud to say that, unlike many other writing services, we do not recycle old assignments and write everything from scratch.
Before the essay is sent to your email, it is checked by our editor for minor grammar mistakes, and then by the product manager to ensure it follows the initial instructions and is authentic. When you buy essays, dissertations, or request help from an assignment writer at EduBirdie, you receive a 100% original paper.
Once you buy an assignment online at EduBirdie, you get an opportunity to choose a writer. It happens the following way: numerous writers apply their bids to get the order, and you look at their skills and the prices they offer and make your choice. As soon as you pick the writing expert, be ready to work with them throughout the whole process. The result highly depends on how productive your communication is going to be.
If you buy an assignment at EduBirdie, it means you get online assignment help for a very low price. If you compare our prices with those of other writing companies, you'll see just how affordable our papers are. How do we maintain such low prices? We have a constant flow of customers, allowing us to keep prices competitive. With a huge number of clients and dozens of writers working for us, we are the best choice when you need someone to solve my homework or complete any other academic task.
If you need to format an assignment somehow, we are ready to help! Our writers know MLA, APSA, Harvard, Chicago, and Turabian rules by heart, and they are happy to demonstrate their knowledge. If you need some particular format, just mention all details to a chosen who will write my assignment. We appreciate it when our customers provide samples so that the writer knows exactly what to follow.
If you worry someone catches you using our service, relax because no one will. Just register with your email; we do not ask for any personal details. Create yourself a nickname, and here, your imagination will save you from unnecessary attention. Any personal data is never going to be disclosed to any third party. Simply give us a try to build a long-lasting relationship with our service.
That chemistry, biology, or physics assignment giving you sleepless nights will be completed as soon as you place an order with us. Whether you need help with a simple task or you're thinking, "I need someone to write my thesis for me," our online assignment service with professional writers is here to assist all students with any academic challenge!
Order any essay or paper
Our writers deliver high-quality papers almost in any case, but if, for some reason, you are not satisfied with a result of our work, you can always request a revision. If after multiple revisions you are still not satisfied, you may contact our customer support service and request your money back. We will review your claim and issue you a refund in case it is justified.
The tightest deadline that you can set up at our platform is 3 hours.
Prices at our platform may range according to the length of the assignment, its academic level, complexity, writer's level, and deadline. Our prices start from $13.99 per page, but usually a page will cost you around $20-$25.
You can always request a specific writer to complete your assignment. We do everything to make sure that the most appropriate professionals are working on your order.
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Mary, Head of Support
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