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The European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP) aims at providing European statisticians with the opportunity to participate in international training courses, workshops and seminars at postgraduate level in order to meet the challenges of comparable statistics at European and international level.

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The programme, coordinated by Eurostat, is tailored to meet the specific needs of the European Statistical System (ESS) by taking into account the different levels of statistical knowledge and working experiences. Courses focus on harmonised European concepts and legislation, as well as the implementation practices at national level.

The ESTP courses are delivered at Eurostat premises in Luxembourg or in national training sites of EU and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries.

The the ESTP classroom courses are increasingly complemented by online formats, reaching out to wider audiences. The ESTP catalogue has also adopted a new rolling format to allow for flexible responses to emerging needs.

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Topic:  An introduction to Large Language Models and their relevance for statistical offices – 2024 edition

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Applying to ESTP Courses


Eligibility for the ESTP program is mainly for employees of National Statistical Institutes or Other National Authorities from EU Member States, EFTA countries, and EU candidate countries. On a case-by-case basis, individuals from other administrations, international organizations, or statistical offices outside Europe may also apply. 

For inquiries and details about the application process, visit our page how to apply or contact the National ESTP points in your country. 

Participation in the program is free, sponsored by the European Commission and EFTA, but participants must cover their own travel and daily expenses. It's advised not to make travel arrangements until receiving written confirmation.