Available Dev Container Templates
This table contains all official and community-supported Dev Container Templates
known at the time of crawling each registered collection. This list is continuously
updated with the latest available Template information. See the
Template quick start repository to add your own!
Templates listed here will be presented in the UX of supporting tools.
Please note that if you need to report a Template, you should do so through the registry hosting the Template.
To add your own collection to this list, please create a PR editing this yaml file.
Template Name | Maintainer | Reference | Latest Version |
Alpine | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/alpine:3.4.0 |
3.4.0 |
Anaconda (Python 3) | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/anaconda:2.0.2 |
2.0.2 |
Anaconda (Python 3) & PostgreSQL | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/anaconda-postgres:2.0.2 |
2.0.2 |
C++ | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/cpp:3.0.2 |
3.0.2 |
C++ & MariaDB | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/cpp-mariadb:3.0.2 |
3.0.2 |
Debian | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/debian:3.0.2 |
3.0.2 |
Existing Docker Compose (Extend) | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/docker-existing-docker-compose:1.2.3 |
1.2.3 |
Existing Dockerfile | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/docker-existing-dockerfile:1.3.2 |
1.3.2 |
Docker in Docker | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/docker-in-docker:1.3.2 |
1.3.2 |
Docker outside of Docker | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/docker-outside-of-docker:1.3.2 |
1.3.2 |
Docker outside of Docker Compose | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/docker-outside-of-docker-compose:2.3.2 |
2.3.2 |
C# (.NET) | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/dotnet:3.4.0 |
3.4.0 |
F# (.NET) | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/dotnet-fsharp:3.1.2 |
3.1.2 |
C# (.NET) and MS SQL | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/dotnet-mssql:3.5.0 |
3.5.0 |
C# (.NET) and PostgreSQL | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/dotnet-postgres:3.4.0 |
3.4.0 |
Go | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/go:4.1.0 |
4.1.0 |
Go & PostgreSQL | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/go-postgres:4.1.0 |
4.1.0 |
Java | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/java:4.0.2 |
4.0.2 |
Java & PostgreSQL | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/java-postgres:4.0.2 |
4.0.2 |
Node.js & JavaScript | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/javascript-node:4.0.2 |
4.0.2 |
Node.js & Mongo DB | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/javascript-node-mongo:4.0.2 |
4.0.2 |
Node.js & PostgreSQL | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/javascript-node-postgres:4.0.2 |
4.0.2 |
Jekyll | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/jekyll:2.2.2 |
2.2.2 |
Kubernetes - Local Configuration | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/kubernetes-helm:1.4.2 |
1.4.2 |
Kubernetes - Minikube-in-Docker | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/kubernetes-helm-minikube:2.2.2 |
2.2.2 |
Markdown | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/markdown:1.1.2 |
1.1.2 |
Miniconda (Python 3) | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/miniconda:2.0.2 |
2.0.2 |
Miniconda & PostgreSQL (Python 3) | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/miniconda-postgres:2.0.2 |
2.0.2 |
PHP | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/php:4.2.0 |
4.2.0 |
PHP & MariaDB | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/php-mariadb:4.2.0 |
4.2.0 |
Python 3 & PostgreSQL | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/postgres:2.2.0 |
2.2.0 |
Powershell | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/powershell:1.2.2 |
1.2.2 |
Python 3 | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/python:4.1.0 |
4.1.0 |
Ruby | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/ruby:4.1.0 |
4.1.0 |
Ruby on Rails & Postgres | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/ruby-rails-postgres:4.1.0 |
4.1.0 |
Rust | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/rust:4.0.2 |
4.0.2 |
Rust & PostgreSQL | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/rust-postgres:4.0.2 |
4.0.2 |
Node.js & TypeScript | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/typescript-node:4.0.2 |
4.0.2 |
Ubuntu | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/ubuntu:1.3.2 |
1.3.2 |
Default Linux Universal | Dev Container Spec Maintainers | ghcr.io/devcontainers/templates/universal:1.1.2 |
1.1.2 |
.NET and Azure SQL | Azure SQL Developer Experiences Team | ghcr.io/microsoft/azuresql-devcontainers/dotnet:1.2.2 |
1.2.2 |
.NET with Aspire and Azure SQL | Azure SQL Developer Experiences Team | ghcr.io/microsoft/azuresql-devcontainers/dotnet-aspire:1.2.2 |
1.2.2 |
Node.js and Azure SQL | Azure SQL Developer Experiences Team | ghcr.io/microsoft/azuresql-devcontainers/javascript-node:1.2.2 |
1.2.2 |
Python and Azure SQL | Azure SQL Developer Experiences Team | ghcr.io/microsoft/azuresql-devcontainers/python:1.2.2 |
1.2.2 |
R (rocker/r-ver base) | Rocker Project | ghcr.io/rocker-org/devcontainer-templates/r-ver:1.1.2 |
1.1.2 |
R (r2u and bspm configured) | Rocker Project | ghcr.io/rocker-org/devcontainer-templates/r2u:0.2.1 |
0.2.1 |
Node.js | csutter | ghcr.io/csutter/devcontainer-templates/barebones-nodejs:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Barebones Ruby | csutter | ghcr.io/csutter/devcontainer-templates/barebones-ruby:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Basic Ruby application | csutter | ghcr.io/csutter/devcontainer-templates/basic-ruby:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
Azure Pipelines Agent | Marcel Lupo @Pwd9000-ML | ghcr.io/pwd9000-ml/devcontainer-templates/azure-pipelines-agent-devcontainer:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
GitHub Actions Runner | Marcel Lupo @Pwd9000-ML | ghcr.io/pwd9000-ml/devcontainer-templates/github-actions-runner-devcontainer:1.0.3 |
1.0.3 |
Thesis | Torben Wetter | ghcr.io/torbenwetter/iu-latex-container-templates/thesis:1.0.6 |
1.0.6 |
python with poetry | Israel Rescalvo | ghcr.io/standard-io/devcontainers-templates/python3-poetry-pyenv:0.0.3 |
0.0.3 |
ROS | Kenji Brameld | ghcr.io/ijnek/ros-devcontainer-template/ros:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
ROS 2 Workspace | Bruno-Pier Busque | ghcr.io/brunob81hk/ros2-workspace-devcontainer-template/ros2-workspace:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
Swift | Swift Server Workgroup | ghcr.io/swift-server/swift-devcontainer-template/swift:2.5.0 |
2.5.0 |
UNSW cs3231 OS Development | Hamish Cox | ghcr.io/hamishwhc/cs3231-devcontainer/cs3231:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
MultiversX: Smart Contracts Development (Rust) | MultiversX | ghcr.io/multiversx/mx-template-devcontainers/smart-contracts-rust:0.3.0 |
0.3.0 |
LaTeX Dev Container | John Muchovej | ghcr.io/jmuchovej/templates/latex:1.2.0 |
1.2.0 |
Typst Dev Container | John Muchovej | ghcr.io/jmuchovej/templates/typst:1.0.1 |
1.0.1 |
Rust on Nails | Ian Purton | ghcr.io/purton-tech/rust-on-nails/rust-on-nails:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
Viper Integrated Circuit Design Environment | Curtis Mayberry | ghcr.io/cascode-labs/viper-ic-devcontainers/viper-ic:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Viper Integrated Circuit Design Environment | Curtis Mayberry | ghcr.io/cascode-labs/viper-ic-devcontainers/viper-ic-analog:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Dart | devcontainers-community | ghcr.io/devcontainers-community/templates/dart:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
Jupyter Data Science Notebooks | devcontainers-community | ghcr.io/devcontainers-community/templates/jupyter-datascience-notebooks:2.0.0 |
2.0.0 |
Internet Computer | VVV Interactive | Internet Base | ghcr.io/vvv-interactive/ibdev/ic:1.7.0 |
1.7.0 |
Salesforce DX project | jayree | ghcr.io/jayree/devcontainer-templates/sf-project:1.0.2 |
1.0.2 |
Basic Node.js | Nafnix | ghcr.io/nafnix/devcontainers-templates/basic-nodejs:0.0.1 |
0.0.1 |
Basic Python | Nafnix | ghcr.io/nafnix/devcontainers-templates/basic-python:0.0.2 |
0.0.2 |
Hugo & pnpm | Nafnix | ghcr.io/nafnix/devcontainers-templates/hugo-pnpm:0.0.1 |
0.0.1 |
python3 & pyenv & pdm | Nafnix | ghcr.io/nafnix/devcontainers-templates/python3-pdm-pyenv:0.0.9 |
0.0.9 |
Data Science with Python and R | VS Code Data Science | ghcr.io/microsoft/datascience-py-r/datascience-python-r:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
WP & MySQL | Wpdevenv | ghcr.io/wpdevenv/dev_container_templates/wp-mysql:0.1.1 |
0.1.1 |
Python 3 & Microsoft Sql Server | Azure Developer CLI Team | ghcr.io/azure-samples/python-ms-sql-devcontainer/python-mssql:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
Julia | Julia Language Community | ghcr.io/julialang/devcontainer-templates/julia:1.0.1 |
1.0.1 |
Node.js & TypeScript & Mirror | AliuQ | ghcr.io/aliuq/devcontainers/typescript-node-mirror:1.0.1 |
1.0.1 |
LINO | CGI France | ghcr.io/cgi-fr/lino-devcontainer/lino:1.1.0 |
1.1.0 |
Plantuml DevContainer | lnyousif | ghcr.io/lnyousif/plantuml-devcontainer/plantuml:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
Logic App Standard | mcollier | ghcr.io/mcollier/logic-app-dev-container-template/logic-app-standard:1.0.2 |
1.0.2 |
Go & Typescript | Pablo Ulloa | ghcr.io/prulloac/devcontainer-templates/go_typescript:1.1.0 |
1.1.0 |
Java & Typescript | Pablo Ulloa | ghcr.io/prulloac/devcontainer-templates/java_typescript:1.2.0 |
1.2.0 |
Python & Typescript | Pablo Ulloa | ghcr.io/prulloac/devcontainer-templates/python_typescript:1.1.0 |
1.1.0 |
Ruby & Typescript | Pablo Ulloa | ghcr.io/prulloac/devcontainer-templates/ruby_typescript:1.1.0 |
1.1.0 |
Rust & Typescript | Pablo Ulloa | ghcr.io/prulloac/devcontainer-templates/rust_typescript:1.1.0 |
1.1.0 |
Zig & Typescript | Pablo Ulloa | ghcr.io/prulloac/devcontainer-templates/zig_typescript:1.1.0 |
1.1.0 |
Qiskit | Mohd Shukri Hasan | ghcr.io/hsm207/devcontainer-templates/qiskit:0.0.1 |
0.0.1 |
Azure Functions (.NET) | Tatsuro Shibamura | ghcr.io/shibayan/devcontainers/azure-functions-dotnet:1.1.4 |
1.1.4 |
Azure Functions (Java) | Tatsuro Shibamura | ghcr.io/shibayan/devcontainers/azure-functions-java:1.1.3 |
1.1.3 |
Azure Functions (Node.js) | Tatsuro Shibamura | ghcr.io/shibayan/devcontainers/azure-functions-node:1.1.4 |
1.1.4 |
Azure Functions (PowerShell) | Tatsuro Shibamura | ghcr.io/shibayan/devcontainers/azure-functions-powershell:1.1.4 |
1.1.4 |
Azure Functions (Python) | Tatsuro Shibamura | ghcr.io/shibayan/devcontainers/azure-functions-python:1.1.4 |
1.1.4 |
Deno | RSM HCD Engineering | ghcr.io/rsm-hcd/devcontainer-templates/deno:0.4.0 |
0.4.0 |
Deno & PostgreSQL | RSM HCD Engineering | ghcr.io/rsm-hcd/devcontainer-templates/deno-postgres:0.4.0 |
0.4.0 |
.NET (C#), Node.js (TypeScript) & MS SQL | RSM HCD Engineering | ghcr.io/rsm-hcd/devcontainer-templates/dotnet-node-mssql:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Bun | Marcos Gomes Neto | ghcr.io/marcosgomesneto/bun-devcontainers/basic-bun:0.0.6 |
0.0.6 |
Bun & MariaDB | Marcos Gomes Neto | ghcr.io/marcosgomesneto/bun-devcontainers/bun-mariadb:0.0.4 |
0.0.4 |
Bun & PostgreSQL | Marcos Gomes Neto | ghcr.io/marcosgomesneto/bun-devcontainers/bun-postgresql:0.0.3 |
0.0.3 |
Weik.io Integration Developer | Mikael Koskinen | ghcr.io/weikio/devcontainer-templates/weikio-integration-developer:1.1.1 |
1.1.1 |
ESP-IDF | johnluicn | ghcr.io/johnluicn/devcontainer-templates/esp-idf:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Idris 2 | joshuanianji | ghcr.io/joshuanianji/devcontainer-templates/idris2:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Node.js & EdgeDB | joshuanianji | ghcr.io/joshuanianji/devcontainer-templates/javascript-node-edgedb:0.0.3 |
0.0.3 |
Rust & EdgeDB | joshuanianji | ghcr.io/joshuanianji/devcontainer-templates/rust-edgedb:0.0.1 |
0.0.1 |
Alloy | heathprovost | ghcr.io/heathprovost/alloy-devcontainer-template/alloy:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
SPFx | Troy | ghcr.io/tpalacino/spfx-dev-container/spfx-dev-container:1.1.0 |
1.1.0 |
Fabric Runtime | E-gineering | ghcr.io/e-gineering/devcontainer-templates/fabric-runtime:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
ros2 devcontainer template | Tony Najjar | ghcr.io/tonynajjar/ros2_devcontainer_template/ros2:0.0.2 |
0.0.2 |
Minimal devcontainer with LTS JAVA, official Clojure and clj tools | Carsten Behring | ghcr.io/scicloj/devcontainer-templates/basecloj:1.0.2 |
1.0.2 |
scicloj datascience devcontainer template | Carsten Behring | ghcr.io/scicloj/devcontainer-templates/scicloj:1.1.2 |
1.1.2 |
Flutter | ThePhaseless | ghcr.io/thephaseless/devcontainer-templates/flutter:1.0.0 |
1.0.0 |
Local Colab (Google Colab Image) | matheusfvesco | ghcr.io/matheusfvesco/devcontainer-templates/local-colab:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Miniforge3 (GPU) | matheusfvesco | ghcr.io/matheusfvesco/devcontainer-templates/miniforge:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Miniforge3 Docker (DinD and GPU) | matheusfvesco | ghcr.io/matheusfvesco/devcontainer-templates/miniforge-dind:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Python Docker (DinD) | matheusfvesco | ghcr.io/matheusfvesco/devcontainer-templates/python-dind:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Python (Kagle Image) | matheusfvesco | ghcr.io/matheusfvesco/devcontainer-templates/python-kaggle:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Python Utils (Pipx Tools) | matheusfvesco | ghcr.io/matheusfvesco/devcontainer-templates/python-utils:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Pytorch GPU (NGC and pipx) | matheusfvesco | ghcr.io/matheusfvesco/devcontainer-templates/pytorch-gpu:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Tensorflow GPU (NGC and pipx) | matheusfvesco | ghcr.io/matheusfvesco/devcontainer-templates/tensorflow-gpu:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |
Mojo | sleter | ghcr.io/sleter/mojo-devcontainer/mojo:0.0.5 |
0.0.5 |
Adobe Experience Manager | Juan Ayala | ghcr.io/juan-ayala/devcontainer-templates/aem:1.2.0 |
1.2.0 |
LocalStack Docker-in-Docker | LocalStack GmbH | ghcr.io/localstack/devcontainer-template/localstack-dind:0.1.1 |
0.1.1 |
LocalStack Docker-outside-of-Docker | LocalStack GmbH | ghcr.io/localstack/devcontainer-template/localstack-dood:0.1.2 |
0.1.2 |
Universal for arm64 | Alex Wegener | ghcr.io/lx-0/devcontainer-templates/universal-arm64:0.1.0 |
0.1.0 |