This is the official GitHub page for the paper (Link):
Eric Müller-Budack, Kader Pustu-Iren, Ralph Ewerth: "Geolocation Estimation of Photos using a Hierarchical Model and Scene Classification". In: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Munich, Springer, 2018, 575-592.
12th December 2020 - PyTorch version:
We release a PyTorch implementation and provide weights of a pre-trained base(M, f*)
model with underlying ResNet50 architecture.
17th February 2020 - original_tf branch: Since our code is not compatible with TensorFlow 2 and relies on a Caffe model for scene classification, we have added a Dockerfile to simplify the installation. In addition, we have modified the inference script. It is now able to automatically generate the reported results in the paper for the testing datasets.
- Web Demo
- Reproduce Paper Results: A seperate branch (original_tf() where all information and pre-trained models are provided to reproduce the original results of the paper.
- PyTorch Implementation: A re-implemented version of the
base(M, f*)
model in PyTorch including code for training, validation, testing, and inference. - Citation
- License
A graphical demonstration where you can compete against the deep learning approach presented in the publication can be found on:
This demo additionally supports uploading and analyzing your own images. A simplified offline version is located in this repository:
We provide the original TensorFlow 1.14 implementation based on a ResNet101 to reproduce the results reported in the paper in the original_tf branch.
We have updated our code in PyTorch including scripts for training, inference and test. We have retrained the base(M, f*)
model using a ResNet50 architecture and it achieved comparable results despite its lower complexity.
To use the pre-trained model by default, first download the model checkpoint by running:
mkdir -p models/base_M
wget -O models/base_M/epoch=014-val_loss=18.4833.ckpt
wget -O models/base_M/hparams.yaml
Inference with pre-trained model:
python -m classification.inference --image_dir resources/images/im2gps/
Available argparse parameter:
--checkpoint CHECKPOINT
Checkpoint to already trained model (*.ckpt)
--hparams HPARAMS
Path to hparams file (*.yaml) generated during training
--image_dir IMAGE_DIR
Folder containing images. Supported file extensions: (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png)
Use GPU for inference if CUDA is available, default to true
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
--num_workers NUM_WORKERS
Number of workers for image loading and pre-processing
Example output that is also stored in a CSV file:
img_id p_key pred_class pred_lat pred_lng
Tokyo_00070_439717934_3d0fd200f1_180_97324495@N00 hierarchy 5367 41.4902 -81.7032
429881745_35a951f032_187_37718182@N00 hierarchy 8009 37.1770 -3.5877
104123223_7410c654ba_19_19355699@N00 hierarchy 7284 32.7337 -117.1520
The (list of) image files for testing can be found on the following links:
- Im2GPS: (can be downloaded automatically)
- Im2GPS3k:
Download and extract the two testsets (Im2GPS, Im2GPS3k) in resources/images/<dataset_name>
and run the evaluation script with the provided meta data, i.e., the ground-truth coordinate for each image.
When using the default paramters, make sure that the pre-trained model is available.
# download im2gps testset
mkdir resources/images/im2gps
wget -O resources/images/
unzip resources/images/ -d resources/images/im2gps/
wget -O resources/images/im2gps_places365.csv
wget -O resources/images/im2gps3k_places365.csv
python -m classification.test
Available argparse paramters:
--checkpoint CHECKPOINT
Checkpoint to already trained model (*.ckpt)
--hparams HPARAMS
Path to hparams file (*.yaml) generated during training
--image_dirs IMAGE_DIRS [IMAGE_DIRS ...]
Whitespace separated list of image folders to evaluate
--meta_files META_FILES [META_FILES ...]
Whitespace separated list of respective meta data (ground-truth GPS positions). Required columns: IMG_ID,LAT,LON
Use GPU for inference if CUDA is available, default to True
--precision PRECISION
Full precision (32), half precision (16)
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
--num_workers NUM_WORKERS
Number of workers for image loading and pre-processing
Results on the Im2GPS and Im2GPS3k test sets: The reported accuracies (in percentage) is the fraction of images localized within the given radius (in km) using the GCD distance. Note, that we used the full MP-16 training dataset and all 25600 images for validation, thus the results will differ when not all images are available.
Model | 1 | 25 | 200 | 750 | 2500 |
base(M, c) | 9.3 | 31.6 | 49.8 | 67.1 | 78.9 |
base(M, m) | 13.9 | 34.6 | 48.1 | 68.4 | 79.3 |
base(M, f) | 15.6 | 39.2 | 48.9 | 65.8 | 78.5 |
base(M, f*) | 14.8 | 37.6 | 48.9 | 68.4 | 78.9 |
base(M, f*) (original) | 15.2 | 40.9 | 51.5 | 65.4 | 78.5 |
Model | 1 | 25 | 200 | 750 | 2500 |
base(M, c) | 6.2 | 24.3 | 36.3 | 51.7 | 67.0 |
base(M, m) | 8.3 | 26.2 | 35.7 | 51.4 | 66.5 |
base(M, f) | 9.9 | 27.3 | 36.2 | 51.2 | 66.4 |
base(M, f*) | 10.1 | 28.0 | 36.9 | 51.1 | 67.0 |
base(M, f*) (original) | 9.7 | 27.0 | 35.6 | 49.2 | 66.0 |
ISN(M, f*, S3) (original) | 10.5 | 28.0 | 36.6 | 49.7 | 66.0 |
We provide a complete training script which is written in PyTorch Lightning and report all hyper-paramters used for the provided model. Furthermore, a script is given to download and pre-process the images that are used for training and validiation.
- Download training and validation images
- We provide a script to download the images given a list of URLs
- Due to no longer publicly available images, the size of the dataset might be smaller than the original.
- We also store the images in chunks using MessagePack to speed-up the training process (similar to multiple TFRecord files)
- Given multiple s2 partitionings (e.g. coarse, middle, fine from the paper), the respective classes are assigned to each image on both datasets.
- Training and hyper-paramters: All hyper-paramters can be configured in
as well as paramters from PyTorch LightningTrainer
Necessary steps:
# download and preprocess images
wget -O resources/mp16_urls.csv
wget -O resources/yfcc25600_urls.csv
python --output resources/images/mp16 --url_csv resources/mp16_urls.csv --shuffle
python --output resources/images/yfcc25600 --url_csv resources/yfcc25600_urls.csv --shuffle --size_suffix ""
# assign cell(s) for each image using the original meta information
wget -O resources/mp16_places365.csv
wget -O resources/yfcc25600_places365.csv
python partitioning/
# remove images that were not downloaded
# train geo model from scratch
python -m classification.train_base --config config/baseM.yml
The geographical cell labels are extracted using the S2 geometry library and can be visualized on Create a partitioning using the following command for a given dataset (as CSV file) which contains an image id, latitude and longitude. We provide the partitionings that are used in the paper below.
python partitioning/ [-h] [-v] --dataset DATASET --output OUTPUT --img_min IMG_MIN --img_max IMG_MAX [--lvl_min LVL_MIN]
[--lvl_max LVL_MAX]
# Optional arguments:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# -v, --verbose verbose output
# --dataset DATASET Path to dataset csv file
# --output OUTPUT Path to output directory
# --img_min IMG_MIN Minimum number of images per geographical cell
# --img_max IMG_MAX Maximum number of images per geographical cell
# --lvl_min LVL_MIN Minimum partitioning level (default = 2)
# --lvl_max LVL_MAX Maximum partitioning level (default = 30)
# --column_img_path CSV input column name for image id / path
# --column_lat CSV input column name latitude
# --column_lng CSV input column name longitude
All requirements are listed in the environment.yml
. We recomment to use conda to install all required packages in an individual environment.
# clone this repo
git clone && cd GeoEstimation
# install dependencies
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate geoestimation-github-pytorch
# download pre-calculated parititonings
mkdir -p resources/s2_cells
wget -O resources/s2_cells/cells_50_5000.csv
wget -O resources/s2_cells/cells_50_2000.csv
wget -O resources/s2_cells/cells_50_1000.csv
author = {Müller-Budack, Eric and Pustu-Iren, Kader and Ewerth, Ralph},
title = {Geolocation Estimation of Photos Using a Hierarchical Model and Scene
booktitle = {Computer Vision - {ECCV} 2018 - 15th European Conference, Munich,
Germany, September 8-14, 2018, Proceedings, Part {XII}},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {11216},
pages = {575--592},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2018},
url = {\_35},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-01258-8\_35},
This work is published under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007. For details please check the LICENSE file in the repository.