The website for
🏠 Homepage
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
The first step is to make sure that you've signed up as a volunteer at indicating your interest in contributing and reviewed our Code of Conduct. This will get you access to our Discord development channels for further information.
If you see a GitHub Issues you're interested in working on, comment on the task expressing your interest. A project manager will assign the task to you.
When contributing, please fork this repository by clicking the “fork” button at the top right. This creates your own copy of the repository where you’re able to make changes. Once you have forked the repository, please structure your branches using the following format.
- Feature branches are for all new feature work. The task description should be descriptive enough to quickly understand the work done in this branch. Please keep your features concise and ensure the work done in this branch directly relates to your task.
- Fix branches should be leveraged for bug fixes on existing features
- Hotfix branches should only ever be leveraged for critical bug fixes that need attention immediately. This would only be used if there is a broken feature or bug on production that needs to be addressed urgently.
To send your changes for review, open a pull request. If you’ve never opened a pull request before, read Thanoshan’s article on creating a pull request for more information!
Code reviewers will automatically be notified for a review.
- Data Types - Dynamic user-generated data for the various types of data used on the site. Currently this includes the following
- Business In Need
- Black Owned Business
- Service Organization
- Ally
The website is built using Gatsby, with UI components leveraging Chakra UI with custom theming for rapid and consistent component driven development. Unit tests are written with the React-Testing-Library
Data for the various user types is stored in Airtable. Each user type has its own table that the site pulls from and displays.
To get access to this data, sign up as a volunteer at to get access to the Rebuild Black Business Discord and express your interest in helping on Discord to your assigned Team Lead. They'll get you read access to the data in a timely manner.
Clone the repository
First, fork this repository by clicking the “fork” button at the top right. This creates your own copy of the repository where you’re able to make changes.
Second, clone your copy of the repo to your local machine:
# clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:YOUR_USERNAME_HERE/RBB-Website.git
# move into the new folder
cd RBB-Website/
# install dependencies
npm install
Add environment variables
This site uses Airtable to keep track of business data. We have set up a dummy database that mirrors the production database that you can get access to by signing up for Airtable via this link:
Upon clicking the above link, you will get "Read Only" access to the database.
Once you've obtained access, grab your API key clicking on HELP button in the upper right hand corner Airtable, and clicking the "API Documentation" link.
Check the “show API key” box at the top-right, then look for yours in the code sample displayed next to the “Authentication” docs.
Note: If you don't see this checkbox, make sure you're logged in to Airtable, and go to your account settings page to generate a key:
Once you have your API key, create a file called .env
and add your API key:
for a copy-pasteable template to get set up!
Additionally, the .env.EXAMPLE
pre-defined for you. This ID references the dummy database mentioned above. Copy and paste that directly into your newly created .env
file as well.
If you ever lose the base ID for the dummy database, it is appkenjGlBB01wr3i
We have a PHP backend setup for search, it does not have an API key as of right now however not too much of an issue as it is a public API anyway.
The search endpoint needs to be set in .env.development as Gatsby uses this method to separate out environment variables that are loaded on the frontend from the rest.
Please ask for the endpoint when running locally (also check pinned messages).
Our cloud name is used for every call to our useImage
hook. Having this on hand will be useful.
For our search functionality, we're making use of serverless functions through Netlify.
To test locally, you're going to want to set up the Netlify CLI and run
netlify dev
This will allow you to consume the env variables from our Netlify account and perform hits to our serverless functions (currently only search)
Now that you’ve got the files and an API key, you can start the site on your machine!
npm run develop
This will start Gatsby and show you a local development URL. Whenever you make code changes, Gatsby will automatically reload the browser to show you your changes.
To stop the development server, press control + C
in your terminal.
If npm run develop
throws an error like:
There was an error in your GraphQL query:
Cannot query field "allAirtableResources" on type "Query".
this is likely due to misconfigured environemnt variables for that particular resource (i.e., Airtable API key is missing or invalid). To resolve this issue you can double-check that you've followed the env setup instructions in this README or ask for help in Discord.
npm run test
👤 Rebuild Black Business
- Github: @Rebuild-Black-Business
© 2020 0x42 Software Engineering, LLC. All rights reserved.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!