ClimbInvest is a simulated stock trading platform that serves as a great risk-free exposure to the world of investing. Sign-up to be rewarded with an account worth $10,000 in simulated cash and trade your way to the top! Top performers ("Top Climbers") are highlighted on the home page as well as your current portfolio and a financial news feed. All prices are real-time via IEX Cloud Services api.
- Changing image for every page visit
- Account totals are updated with every page visit and every trade placed
- Get recent financial news on home page
- See list of top 10 ClimbInvest investors
- See if the market is currently open
- 10 day chart rendered with Highcharts JS library
- Find valid stocks and etfs
- Dynamic page responds to what stock you select and how many shares you currently own if any (with sell selection)
There is a Demo login for those wishing to tour the site.
If you would like to contribute to this project in any way, you may take the following steps
- Fork this repository
- Locally create a new branch
git checkout -b <new branch name>
- Make updates and push branch up to repo
git push -u origin <new branch name>
- Create a pull request - Please include clear details of changes
Please report any bugs/issues you may find via opening an issue in this repo
Follow these steps if you need guidance on setting up and running a local server for this project
- Clone or fork this repo
- cd into backend and run
npm install
- cd into frontend and run
npm install
- Create a .env file in the backend directory and follow the .env.example files
- You will need to create a free account with iexcloud to get an api key
- Create a postgresql database according to the
sections in .env.example - Start your Express server from backend with
npm start
- Start your React app from frontend with
npm start
- Server will be on