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zoffline enables the use of Zwift offline by acting as a partial implementation of a Zwift server. Currently it's designed for only a single user and the UDP game node is minimally implemented.


Setting up zoffline requires two primary steps. First, zoffline must be installed and run on a system before running Zwift (either on the system running Zwift or on another locally networked system). Second, Zwift must be configured to use zoffline instead of the official Zwift server.

Step 1: Install zoffline

There are three ways with which to install and run zoffline depending on your platform:

Simplest (Windows only) To install zoffline on Windows:
  • Download the latest zoffline release from
  • Run the downloaded zoffline.exe
    • Once run, zoffline will create a storage directory in the same folder it's in to store your Zwift progress.
  • Start Zwift with zoffline.exe running (after completing step 2)
    • It takes zoffline few seconds to start. Wait until text appears in the command prompt before opening Zwift.
  • When done with Zwift, press Ctrl+C in the command line to close zoffline.
Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X (from source) To install zoffline on Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X:
  • Install Python 2 or 3 ( if not already installed
  • Install dependencies: flask, python-protobuf, protobuf3_to_dict, stravalib (optional)
    • e.g., on Linux/Mac: pip install flask protobuf protobuf3_to_dict stravalib
    • e.g., on Windows in command prompt: C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install flask protobuf protobuf3_to_dict stravalib
      • Python 3 is installed by default in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32 instead of C:\Python27
  • Clone or download this repo
  • If you are not running zoffline on the same PC that Zwift is running: create a server-ip.txt file in the storage directory containing the IP address of the PC running zoffline.
  • Run before starting Zwift
    • e.g., on Linux/Mac: sudo ./
      • sudo is needed because we're binding to the privileged ports 80 and 443.
      • If using Python 3, but Python 3 is not your system default run sudo python3
    • e.g., on Windows in command prompt: C:\Python27\python.exe
      • For Python 3 the command will likely be C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\python.exe
  • Start Zwift with running (after completing step 2)
  • Note: When upgrading zoffline, be sure to retain the storage directory. It contains your Zwift progress state.

zoffline can be installed on the same machine as Zwift or another local machine.

Using Docker
  • Install Docker
  • Create the docker container with:
    docker create --name zwift-offline -p 443:443 -p 80:80 -v </path/to/host/storage>:/usr/src/app/zwift-offline/storage -e TZ=<timezone> zoffline/zoffline
    • You can optionally exclude -v </path/to/host/storage>:/usr/src/app/zwift-offline/storage if you don't care if your Zwift progress state is retained across zoffline updates (unlikely).
    • The path you pass to -v will likely need to be world readable and writable.
    • A list of valid <timezone> values (e.g. America/New_York) can be found here.
    • Adding --restart unless-stopped will make zoffline start on boot if you have Docker v1.9.0 or greater.
  • If you are not running zoffline on the same PC that Zwift is running: create a server-ip.txt file in the </path/to/host/storage> directory containing the IP address of the PC running zoffline.
  • Start zoffline with: docker start zwift-offline

Step 2: Configure Zwift client to use zoffline

Windows 10 Instructions
  • Install Zwift
    • If your Zwift version is 1.0.53028, you're all set.
    • If Zwift is not installed, install it before installing zoffline.
    • If your Zwift version is newer than 1.0.53028 and zoffline is running from source: copy C:\Program Files (x86)\Zwift\Zwift_ver_cur.xml to zoffline's cdn/gameassets/Zwift_Updates_Root/ overwriting the existing file.
    • If your Zwift version is newer than 1.0.53028 and zoffline is not running from source: wait for zoffline to be updated.
  • On your Windows machine running Zwift, copy the following files in this repo to a known location:
    • ssl/cert-zwift-com.p12
    • ssl/cert-zwift-com.pem
  • Open Command Prompt as an admin, cd to that location and run
    • certutil.exe -importpfx Root cert-zwift-com.p12
    • If you're prompted for a password, just leave it blank. There is no password.
  • Open Notepad as an admin and open C:\Program Files (x86)\Zwift\data\cacert.pem
    • Append the contents of ssl/cert-zwift-com.pem to cacert.pem
  • Open Notepad as an admin and open C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
    • Append this line: <zoffline ip>
      (Where <zoffline ip> is the ip address of the machine running zoffline. If it's running on the same machine as Zwift, use as the ip.)

Why: We need to redirect Zwift to use zoffline and convince Windows and Zwift to accept zoffline's self signed certificates for Zwift's domain names. Feel free to generate your own certificates and do the same.

Mac OS X Instructions (Thanks @oldnapalm!)
  • Install Zwift
    • If your Zwift version is 1.0.53028, you're all set.
    • If Zwift is not installed, install it before installing zoffline.
    • If your Zwift version is newer than 1.0.53028: copy ~/Library/Application Support/Zwift/ZwiftMac_ver_cur.xml to zoffline's cdn/gameassets/Zwift_Updates_Root/ overwriting the existing file.
  • On your Mac machine running Zwift, copy the following files in this repo to a known location:
    • ssl/cert-zwift-com.p12
    • ssl/cert-zwift-com.pem
  • Open Keychain Access, select "System" under "Keychains", select "Certificates" under "Category"
    • Click "File - Import Items..." and import ssl/cert-zwift-com.p12
    • Right click "*", select "Get Info" and under "Trust" choose "When using this certificate: Always Trust".
    • If you're prompted for a password, just leave it blank. There is no password.
  • Using a text editor open ~/Library/Application Support/Zwift/data/cacert.pem
    • Append the contents of ssl/cert-zwift-com.pem to cacert.pem
  • Using a text editor (with admin privileges) open /Applications/
    • Append these keys:
  • Using a text editor (with admin privileges) open /etc/hosts
    • Append this line: <zoffline ip>
      (Where <zoffline ip> is the ip address of the machine running zoffline. If it's running on the same machine as Zwift, use as the ip.)

Why: We need to redirect Zwift to use zoffline and convince OS X and Zwift to accept zoffline's self signed certificates for Zwift's domain names. Feel free to generate your own certificates and do the same.

Android (requires a rooted device)
  • Install Zwift on the device
  • Open Zwift once to complete installation (i.e download all extra files).
  • Append the contents of ssl/cert-zwift-com.pem to /data/data/com.zwift.zwiftgame/dataES/cacerts.pem on the device
    • Note: this file will only exist after the first run of Zwift since it's downloaded after the initial install
    • Simple approach to achieve this if your device doesn't have a text editor:
      • adb push ssl/cert-zwift-com.pem /data/data/com.zwift.zwiftgame/dataES/
      • In adb shell: cd /data/data/com.zwift.zwiftgame/dataES/
      • In adb shell: cat cert-zwift-com.pem >> cacerts.pem
      • However you do it, ensure the permissions and ownership of the file remains the same.
  • Modify the device's /etc/hosts file
    • Append this line: <zoffline ip>
      (Where <zoffline ip> is the ip address of the machine running zoffline.)
    • If no text editor on the device, recommend:
      • adb pull /etc/hosts
      • (modify on PC)
      • adb push hosts /etc/hosts
  • Start Zwift and sign in using any email/password
    • To change profile, sign in using player_id (numeric, default is 1000) and any password (Thanks @kienkhuat!)

Why: We need to redirect Zwift to use zoffline and convince Zwift to accept zoffline's self signed certificates for Zwift's domain names. Feel free to generate your own certificates and do the same.

Enabling/Disabling zoffline

To use Zwift online like normal, comment out or remove the line added to the hosts file before starting Zwift.

Step 3 [OPTIONAL]: Obtain current Zwift profile

If you don't obtain your current Zwift profile before first starting Zwift with zoffline enabled, you will be prompted to create a new profile (height, weight, gender). Your profile can be further customized and changed via the in game menu (e.g. name, nationality, weight change, etc).

To obtain your current profile:

  • Run scripts/ -u <your_zwift_username>
  • Move the resulting profile.bin (saved in whatever directory you ran in) into the storage directory.
    • If using zoffline.exe on Windows, create the storage directory within the same folder as zoffline.exe if it does not already exist.
    • If using Docker, move profile.bin into the path you passed to -v

Step 4 [OPTIONAL]: Obtain Strava API token

Step 5 [OPTIONAL]: Upload activities to Garmin Connect

  • Install dependencies: garmin-uploader
    • e.g., on Linux/Mac: pip install garmin-uploader
    • e.g., on Windows in command prompt: C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install garmin-uploader
  • Create a file garmin_credentials.txt in the storage/<player_id> directory containing your login credentials
    • Note: this is not secure. Only do this if you are comfortable with your login credentials being stored in a clear text file.

Step 6 [OPTIONAL]: Enable ghosts

  • Create a file called "enable_ghosts.txt" inside zoffline's storage directory
  • When you save an activity the ghost will be saved in storage/<player_id>/ghosts
  • Copy ghost files to storage/<player_id>/ghosts/load and they will be loaded in the next activity
  • You must ensure that the loaded ghost files are from the same map and route you are going to ride





Future Zwift updates may break zoffline until it's updated. While zoffline is enabled Zwift updates will not be installed.

Don't expose zoffline to the internet, it was not designed with that in mind.

If zoffline is out of date from Zwift's official client If zoffline is behind in support of the latest Zwift client it can be updated (if running Linux) to run using the latest Zwift version by running this script from within the zwift-offline repository:

Note: there is no guarantee that an untested Zwift update will work with zoffline. However, historically, Zwift updates rarely break zoffline.


Zwift is a trademark of Zwift, Inc., which is not affiliated with the maker of this project and does not endorse this project.

All product and company names are trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.


Use Zwift offline







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