XXth Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics A workshop series since 1981, founded by Wolfgang Hillebrandt, Ewald Müller, and Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
2. - 5.11.2021
Schloss Ringberg, Tegernsee (Germany)
Schloss Ringberg, Tegernsee (Germany)
This meeting is the 20th in the series of Nuclear Astrophysics Workshops on Ringberg Castle. As for previous workshops, the goal is to bring together scientists from nuclear astrophysics, galactic evolution, and stellar and supernova theory and observations. The number of participants is limited to at most 45, the maximum number of guests that can be accommodated on the Castle. This number might even be smaller in case the Castle is imposing some Covid-related further restrictions. If the number of registrations exceeds the permitted capacity limits, the organizers will have to make a selection.
The workshop will be held as a pure on-site event and not as a hybrid meeting.
Since November 1 is a holiday in Bavaria, the workshop starts only on Tuesday, November 2, though arrivals on Monday, after lunch, will be possible. Because the meeting starts only on Tuesday morning and ends on Friday evening, there is no plan for a free afternoon to make use of the full four days.
There is no registration fee. Accommodation on the Castle includes full board (rates for lodging and meals are listed here). Contrary to previous workshops, we will not accommodate additional workshop participants in hotels in Tegernsee. Please note that approximately 3-4 weeks before the workshop bookings become final and cannot be cancelled any longer. We also stress that pre-booked lodging/meals/full-board accommodation cannot be changed on short notice during the stay on the Castle but will be billed.
contact email for the workshop: nucast20 (at) mpa-garching.mpg.de
The workshop will be held on Ringberg Castle, 50 km south of Munich. It offers full-board accommodation and an inspiring atmosphere for intense communication, particularly fruitful for workshops.
Show on a map
Castle's website
accommodation rates are
listed here
How to reach Ringberg Castle
link to information how you reach the conference site (provided by Ringberg Castle)
Corona Information, 3G rules on Ringberg Castle
link to information about Corona regulations at the conference site
Please read and follow the COVID-19 aspects outlined by Thomas Janka and Achim Weiss for this year's conference