Site work begins for Y-12 Lithium Processing Facility
Darryl Creasy, NNSA Y‑12 APMO LPF Federal Project Director; Michael Bocskovits, NNSA Y‑12 APMO Contracting Officer; Gene Sievers, Y‑12 Site Manager; Dale Christenson, NNSA Y‑12 APMO Director; Frank Rose, NNSA Principal Deputy Administrator; Teresa Robbins, NNSA Production Office Manager; Rich Tighe, CNS President and Chief Executive Officer; Michael Robinson, CNS Vice President of Project Management; and Robert Spurling, CNS LPF Project Manager are joined by members of the LPF team.
Oak Ridge, Tenn. — The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and Consolidated Nuclear Security (CNS) hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the Lithium Processing Facility (LPF) at the Y‑12 National Security Complex on October 19, 2023. This event marked the beginning of site preparation in advance of construction for the project.
“Y‑12’s lithium processing capabilities are significant to the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration,” NNSA Principal Deputy Administrator Frank Rose said. “Both lithium processing and uranium processing are crucial to maintaining our nuclear weapons stockpile.”
The new 245,000‑square‑foot LPF will feature updated technology, increase processing capacity, and make the work environment safer for employees.
“Replacing our existing lithium processing capability is one of our highest priorities,” said NNSA Production Office Manager Teresa Robbins. “With today’s groundbreaking, we are moving forward with our dedicated vision to create safe, reliable, and modern facilities for our critical national security mission.”
Y‑12 is a supplier of lithium materials to support U.S. defense missions as the NNSA’s Lithium Center of Excellence. Y‑12 is the only DOE and NNSA facility with lithium processing and production capabilities.
LPF received federal approval to move ahead with site preparation at the end of August. At the same time, the facility also received approval to procure long‑lead equipment—equipment designed and built for specific site requirements.
“The Lithium Processing Facility is one of several transformational projects that are in progress or have been completed here on site,” said Y‑12 Site Manager Gene Sievers. “Everywhere you look, our site is transforming for the future.”
Construction of LPF is forecast to begin in mid‑2025, with completion projected in the early 2030s.
Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC operates the Pantex Plant, located in Amarillo, Texas, and the Y-12 National Security Complex, located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration. Bechtel National, Inc. is the lead member of CNS; minority members include Leidos, Inc.; ATK Launch Systems, LLC; and SOC LLC. Pantex and Y-12 are key facilities in the U.S. Nuclear Security Enterprise, and CNS performs its work with a focus on performance excellence and the imperatives of safety, security, zero defects, and delivery as promised.
For more information on each site, visit or Follow Pantex on Facebook, X or LinkedIn. Follow Y-12 on Facebook, X, and LinkedIn.
Kathryn King, APR
Office (865) 315.5996
[email protected]
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