Meet Our Team
Global editorial director: Katie Drummond
Deputy global editorial director: Greg Williams
Executive editor: Brian Barrett
Steven Levy Editor at large (Signal: stevenlevy.72)
John Gravois Features editor
Amit Katwala Features editor
Jason Kehe Features editor
Caitlin Kelly Features editor
Anthony Lydgate Features editor
Sandra Upson Features editor
Tim Marchman Director, science, politics, and security (Signal: timmarchman.01)
Rob Reddick Science editor (Signal: redique.97)
Emily Mullin Staff writer (Signal: emullin.06)
Matt Reynolds Senior writer (Signal: mattreynolds.45)
Leah Feiger Senior editor (Signal: leahfeiger.86)
Dell Cameron Senior writer (Signal: dell.3030)
Makena Kelly Senior writer (Signal: makenakelly.32)
Vittoria Elliott Staff writer (Signal: velliott88.18)
David Gilbert Contributor (Signal: DavidGilbert.01)
Andrew Couts Senior editor, security & investigations (Signal: couts.01)
Matt Burgess Senior writer (Signal: mattburgess.20)
Andy Greenberg Senior writer (Signal: Andy.01)
Dhruv Mehrotra Staff writer (Signal: dmehro.89)
Lily Hay Newman Senior writer (Signal: +1 347 722-1347)
Zoë Schiffer Director, business and industry (Signal: zoeschiffer.87)
Natasha Bernal Senior business editor
Louise Matsakis Senior business editor (Signal: louise_matsakis.83)
Lauren Goode Senior writer (Signal: ChaoticGoode.12)
Paresh Dave Senior writer (Signal: peard33.24)
Zeyi Yang Senior writer (Signal: zeyiyang.06)
Joel Khalili Staff writer
Kate Knibbs Senior writer (Signal: Kateknibbs.09)
Will Knight Senior writer
Michael Calore Director, consumer tech and culture
Jeremy White Senior editor
Verity Burns Associate editor (Signal: verityburns.01)
Boone Ashworth Staff writer (Signal: boone.10)
Aarian Marshall Staff writer (Signal: aarianm.30)
Reece Rogers Service writer
Angela Watercutter Senior editor
Megan Farokhmanesh Senior writer (Signal: meganfarokhmanesh.76)
Jason Parham Senior writer
Martin Cizmar Commerce category director, tech
Kat Merck Senior reviews editor
Julian Chokkattu Senior commerce reviews editor
Adrienne So Senior associate reviews editor
Parker Hall Senior associate reviews editor
Molly Higgins Operations coordinator
Simon Hill Senior writer and reviewer
Boutayna Chokrane Writer and reviewer
Nena Farrell Writer and reviewer
Scott Gilbertson Operations manager
Matthew Korfhage Product reviewer
Brenda Stolyar Writer and reviewer
Louryn Strampe Writer and reviewer
Ryan Waniata Writer and reviewer
Art, Design, and Photography:
Anna Goldwater Alexander Director of photography
Alyssa Walker Creative director
Anjali Nair Art director
Oliver Hazelwood Design director
Catherine Gargan Hall Photo editor
Skye Battles Photo editor
DJ Jackson Assistant photo editor
Jacqui VanLiew Senior designer
Ben Hinks Designer
Matt Giles Research director
Meghan Herbst Research editor
Daniel Roman Research editor
Samantha Spengler Research editor
Brian Dustrud Copy chief
Lee Simmons Story editor
Audience Development:
Indu Chandrasekhar Executive global director, audience development & analytics
Laura Cameron Associate manager, social media
Laura Fillbach Manager, audience development
Sophie Johal Manager, social media
Nathan May Senior manager, audience development
Yiwei Tian Senior analyst
Editorial Operations:
Hemal Jhaveri Global director, editorial operations
Mike Dent Managing editor, UK
Jay Dayrit Editorial operations director
Shireen Mohyi Senior operations manager
Daisy May Sitch Senior global content planning manager
Chuong Nguyen Associate editorial business manager
Elana Klein Editorial assistant
Kimberly Chua Digital operations manager
Theresa Thadani Contributing digital production artist
Molly Higgins Producer
Nicole Kinning Producer
Louryn Strampe Writer and reviewer
Finance and Marketing:
Andy Sonnenberg VP of revenue
Jane Garcia Buhks Senior marketing director
Roshe Anderson Associate marketing director
Florence Pak Design director
L. Paul Robertson Head of brand marketing
Annie Trinh Steinhaus Senior business director
Video and Multimedia:
Branden Smith Senior director, digital video
Christopher Bannon Head of global audio
Jordan Bell Executive producer, audio
Nico Steele Senior director, production operations, audio
Paula Martone Executive director, production management
Lacey Triplett Thistle Executive director, post production
Chris Dawson, Ryan Powell Director(s), post production
Lisandro Perez-Rey Video director
Jarrod Bruner Associate director, post production
Anna O'Donohue Creative development manager
Efrat Kashai Senior producer
Adam Lance Garcia Video producer
Justin Wolfson Producer
Anna O'Donohue Producer
Alana Yzola Senior multiplatform producer
Hallie Yearwood Multiplatform producer
Brandon White Associate producer
Paul Gulyas Researcher
Joe Buscemi Line producer, production managment
Peter Brunette Production manager, production management