Compte courant auprès de l’OMPI
Un compte courant auprès de l’OMPI est un compte financier, géré en francs suisses, conçu pour simplifier le processus de paiement des clients qui effectuent régulièrement des opérations avec l’OMPI.
Vous pouvez utiliser un compte courant auprès de l’OMPI pour effectuer un paiement pour les services en ligne de l’OMPI concernant les brevets, les marques, les dessins et modèles industriels, les indications géographiques, les litiges relatifs aux noms de domaine, l’arbitrage et la médiation et les cours en ligne de l’Académie de l’OMPI.
Le compte courant auprès de l’OMPI est‑il fait pour moi?
Si vous êtes une entreprise ou une personne effectuant régulièrement des opérations avec l’OMPI (au moins plusieurs fois par an), vous pouvez ouvrir un compte courant auprès de l’OMPI.
Lorsque vous détenez un compte courant auprès de l’OMPI, vous :
- acquittez les factures relatives à tous les services de l’OMPI avec votre compte courant auprès de l’OMPI
- réapprovisionnez votre compte courant auprès de l’OMPI avec des versements ponctuels
- personnalisez la gestion de votre compte
Quels sont les avantages à ouvrir un compte courant auprès de l’OMPI?
Économiser de l’argent
- Le compte courant est gratuit
- Économisez les frais de virement bancaire et obtenez un remboursement rapide
Payer de manière sécurisée
- Suivez tous vos paiements en ligne
- Obtenez immédiatement une confirmation de paiement
Payer rapidement et facilement
- Paiement en ligne
- Contrôle des paiements en un clin d’œil
- Personnalisation des notifications
Qu’est‑ce que vous voulez faire?
Ouvrir un compte courant auprès de l’OMPI
Suivez des étapes simples pour ouvrir un compte courant à l’OMPI. N’oubliez pas que vous avez besoin d’un compte OMPI.
Synchroniser votre compte courant et votre compte OMPI
Pour pouvoir payer avec votre compte courant auprès de l’OMPI, vous devez d’abord le synchroniser avec votre compte OMPI.
Consulter et gérer votre compte courant auprès de l’OMPI
Découvrez les rôles que vous pouvez assumer concernant la gestion de votre compte courant auprès de l’OMPI En fonction de votre rôle, vos activités seront différentes.
Payer vos émoluments et taxes avec un compte courant auprès de l’OMPI
Avant d’effectuer des paiements, assurez vous que votre compte courant auprès de l’OMPI est suffisamment approvisionné. Il est conseillé de mettre en place une notification de seuil : vous pouvez la personnaliser en fonction de vos besoins.
Vérifier votre solde et verser des fonds sur votre compte courant auprès de l’OMPI
- Consultez toutes vos opérations passées et le solde actuel à tout moment, en ligne, sur votre compte courant sur le portail de l’OMPI.
- Réapprovisionnez votre compte courant à l’OMPI par un virement bancaire en francs suisses (CHF).
Clôturer votre compte courant auprès de l’OMPI
Vous pouvez clôturer votre compte courant auprès de l’OMPI à tout moment, à condition que vos opérations soient payées et exécutées. Vous recevrez le solde restant sur votre compte bancaire.
Vous avez des questions concernant le compte courant auprès de l’OMPI?
Horaires : lundi – vendredi, 9 heures – 18 heures (heure de Genève)
What should I do to open a Current Account at WIPO?
Note: To open a Current Account at WIPO, you need a WIPO Account. Create a WIPO Account if you do not have one yet.
Step 1
Fill in the opening form
You will need to attach proof of identification (e.g. copy of company registration or passport). These supporting documents must be submitted in English or French.Please read carefully Terms and conditions before proceeding. -
Step 2
Get WIPO confirmation
Receive confirmation that your opening file, including additional information, is complete (different from the automatic acknowledgement).The confirmation takes place within 24 hours (Monday to Friday) if all documents submitted are correct. -
Step 3
Wire the initial deposit
Transfer a minimum of 2,000 Swiss francs into WIPO's bank account. When making your transfer, make sure to write in the additional information field: "Open a Current Account at WIPO".WIPO bank account details- Account name: WIPO / OMPI
- UBS Switzerland AG (formely Credit Suisse), CH-1211 Geneva 70
- IBAN: CH51 0483 5048 7080 8100 0
- Swift: CRESCHZZ80A
WIPO postal account details- Account name: WIPO / OMPI
- SWISS POST/Postfinance, Engelhaldenstrasse 37, CH-3030 Bern
- IBAN: CH03 0900 0000 1200 5000 8
Step 4
Access your current account
Upon the reception of the funds, we will communicate your Current Account number and the credentials to your online access.
How do I synchronize my Current Account at WIPO with my WIPO account?
Step 1
Follow the access link
Follow the link to access your Current Account. -
Step 2
Login with your WIPO account
Enter your WIPO Account username and password to sign in. -
Step 3
Login to your Current Account at WIPO
Enter your Current Account at WIPO username and password at the prompt.
Warning! Your Current Account at WIPO username and password will still be needed to make trademark online payments. Make sure you keep them!
How do I access my Current Account at WIPO?
Once your Current Account at WIPO is synchronized with your WIPO Account, you will be able to access your Current Account portal to manage your transactions, check your balance and download statements.
You will also be automatically recognized as Current Account holder when paying a transaction through our WIPO Pay payment application.
Which roles can I assume within my Current Account at WIPO?
You can manage your Current Account at WIPO assuming one of two roles:
- Focal point,
- Viewer.
Based on my role how can I manage my Current Account at WIPO?
For all current account users (focal points and viewers)
Monitor your transactions from the application
On your Current Account dedicated application, you can monitor your current account's transactions and its balance.
Monitor your transactions from the widgets
On your IP Portal Dashboard you can add the Current Account widgets (Summary and Detail) and see at a glance the status of all the transactions for which you used your Current Account.
Only for focal points
Manage as a focal point
1. Customize your notifications to receive information on the debits, credits and when you reach your minimum balance of your Current Account at WIPO.
2. Change the name and address of your Current Account at WIPO.
3. Set your minimum balance that is appropriate to your activity.
4. Authorize colleagues as viewer and allocate rights to them on the Current Account at WIPO.
5. Indicate contact details associated to your Current Account at WIPO.
2. Change the name and address of your Current Account at WIPO.
3. Set your minimum balance that is appropriate to your activity.
4. Authorize colleagues as viewer and allocate rights to them on the Current Account at WIPO.
5. Indicate contact details associated to your Current Account at WIPO.
Closely follow your activity
1. Receive by e-mail your monthly statement in the beginning of each month.
2. Receive daily notifications on your transactions.
3. Receive notifications every time you top-up your minimum amount.
2. Receive daily notifications on your transactions.
3. Receive notifications every time you top-up your minimum amount.
Note: Please let us know immediately if your company name or contact e-mail address changes.
How do I pay my fees with a Current Account at WIPO?
Note: Please ensure that there are sufficient funds in your Current Account at WIPO before making a payment. Transactions that would result in a negative balance are not allowed.
Two ways to pay fees with your Current Account at WIPO:
1. Pay online
For all the services using WIPO Pay as payment application, you must have synchronized your WIPO Account with your Current Account at WIPO so that you can be identified as Current Account holder and be able to pay with your Current Account at WIPO.
In other cases, please enter the credentials of your Current Account at WIPO to validate your online payment.
Service |
Online Filing Services |
Fees information |
Online payment system |
PCT (Patents) |
ePCT (digital certificate required) |
Madrid (Trademarks) |
Madrid System Online Payment (for irregularity only) |
Hague (Industrial design) |
Lisbon (Geographical indications) |
Domain Name Disputes |
Domain names (UDRP) |
WIPO Academy (online training) |
2. Indicate Current Account at WIPO NUMBER as the preferred payment method on the relevant downloadable form
How can I check my Current Account at WIPO balance?
You can check your account balance and view transactions you've made (payments and deposits) using your Current Account at WIPO portal at any time by simply logging in. You will receive a notification by email once your balance reaches the minimum threshold (200 CHF by default). This minimum can be changed. See under “Manage”.
Your account is updated daily and you will receive a monthly statement by email. You will receive an automatic email everyday listing the transactions that took place on the day before.
Once your payment has been processed, it will appear in your list of transactions.
Payments listed on your Current Account at WIPO statement begin with a five-letter code, followed by the relevant transaction code (Madrid and Hague only):
- Madrid System (trademarks) - TRDMK
- PCT (patents) - PCTRO
- Hague System (industrial designs) - INDES
- Lisbon System (geographical indications and appellations of origin) - LISBN
- Domain Name Disputes Resolution (UDRP) - ARBDN
- WIPO Academy / WIPO Seminars - WIPO1
Please notify us of any discrepancies in your list of transactions as soon as possible.
All deposits made into your Current Account at WIPO will appear as 'VERSEMENT' on your account statement. We'll send you an e-mail receipt within 10 days of processing your deposit. If you do not receive a receipt, please contact us.
How can I deposit funds in my Current Account at WIPO?
You can deposit funds only in Swiss Francs (CHF) in your Current Account at WIPO using either bank or postal transfer. The deposit instruction must include your Current Account at WIPO NUMBER (CA123456).
If your deposit is made in a currency other than Swiss francs, the amount will be converted at the bank’s exchange rate and credited to your Current Account at WIPO. If the currency cannot be freely converted into Swiss francs, it will be returned to you.
WIPO Bank transfer details
- Account name: WIPO / OMPI
- Credit Suisse, CH-1211 Geneva 70
- IBAN: CH51 0483 5048 7080 8100 0
- Swift: CRESCHZZ80A
Note: Please take into consideration that a bank transfer can take a minimum of three or more open days to reach our bank account depending on the originating country.
WIPO Postal transfer details
- Account name: WIPO / OMPI
- SWISS POST/Postfinance, Engelhaldenstrasse 37, CH-3030 Bern
- IBAN: CH03 0900 0000 1200 5000 8
Note: Please take into consideration that a postal transfer may take a minimum of seven or more open days to reach our postal account.
You must ensure that your Current Account at WIPO is sufficiently funded at all times. Funding must be made by means of single lump sum payments, based on activity forecast for your Account.
Warning! Your deposit should not exceed the amount required to cover transactions forecast for the next three months.
How can I close my Current Account at WIPO?
Note: You can close your Current Account at WIPO only when your transactions are paid and completed.
Step 1
Fill in the closing form
Please fill in and submit the closing form. -
Step 2
WIPO starts closing processes
- Any new debit instructions will be blocked/denied.
- Any ongoing transactions will be completed, subject to availability of funds.
Step 3
WIPO closes your account and refunds the balance
Your Current Account is now closed and the balance refunded to the bank account specified in the closing form.
Need more information?
If you need any assistance or further information, please contact us.