IP for Innovators Department
The mandate of the IP for Innovators Department (IPID) is to provide local innovation support to innovation stakeholders and facilitate global technology transfer diversity and inclusion.
To achieve its mission, the Department focuses on capacity building to develop institutional innovation ecosystems of universities, knowledge transfer organizations and other research and development institutions. This will enable them to effectively access and use the IP system, technological information, and knowledge from patent and scientific literature databases, as well as manage IP throughout the entire process, from creation to commercialization of products and services based on research outcomes.
The key activity pillars, inter alia, include:
- Developing resources, tools, and platforms to enable active local innovation support;
- Networking at national, regional, and virtual levels to foster the sharing of experiences and best practices;
- Providing thought leadership and global coordination in inclusive international technology transfer collaboration and patent analytics;
- Training Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) staff, Technology Transfer (TT) managers, and other innovation stakeholders to provide value-added services for innovation.
Our activities include:
- Creating and promoting sustainable national and regional TT structures - Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs), Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs), Techno Parks, Incubators and their networks to provide researchers, TT professionals, inventors and entrepreneurs with access to IP systems, locally based, high quality technology information and related services;
- Facilitating access to specialized technical content through public-private partnerships, in particular the ARDI (subscription-based journals) and ASPI (commercial patent databases) programs;
- Using patent analytics to translate complex data into actionable information and knowledge to support evidence-based decision-making. Key products and activities include the WIPO Technology Trends (WITT) publication and Patent Landscape Reports (PLRs) to identify developments and technology trends in areas of public interest, including transfer of knowledge to TISCs for preparation of PLRs.
- Providing the WIPO INSPIRE platform which includes patent database reports, patent register portal, patent analytics and technology transfer resources, and the eTISC knowledge-sharing platform;
- Providing resources, tools and programs, including WIPO IP Toolkit for universities and research institutions and a searchable Institutional IP Policy database, to upgrade capacity of innovation stakeholders to create and sustain their innovation ecosystems, focusing on enabling technology transfer legal framework, TT structures, human capital and market challenges;
- Creating specialized resources to support TT activities of academic institutions and spin-offs in the area of institutional IP policies, incentives for researchers, IP marketing, IP licensing, IP valuation, and others;
- Developing customized resources for specific areas including biotechnology, life sciences, and genetic resources;
- Providing basic and advanced resources and training programs related to technology transfer and IP commercialization for academic institutions, TT structures and spin-offs.
Responsible for:

Senior Director: Alejandro ROCA CAMPAÑA
- Reporting to: Marco ALEMAN
- Sector: IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector