People & CareersOur people
WIIT means care and attention to people, not only to our employees but also to the community in which we operate.
We believe that each of us can make a difference and we create the best conditions so that people can give their best and feel protagonists in the growth of our business.
Innovation does not produce results without the right people, and their well-being becomes an even greater challenge to our success.

97%Hired on a permanent basis
100%Employed in a job path
4000Training hours
People & careersOur Team
At WIIT we work in an international environment, enriched by the professional and cultural diversity of our team members. The enthusiasm and proactivity that our people put into their work on a daily basis allows us to make a difference.

People & careersTogether to make the difference
To support the Group’s growth, we have codified WIIT4 Future, a framework to support our excellence, which is based on three pillars.
Our commitment to people is renewed every day as they represent our distinctive value
With our solutions we help clients reduce their environmental externalities and develop new business models and services useful for the environment and mobility
With our solutions we help clients reduce their environmental externalities and develop new business models and services useful for the environment and mobility

People & CareersCorporate
Social Responsibility
WIIT has a governance structure in place to ensure the oversight of sustainability at different levels of the organization.
Our ESG Ambassadors promote the dissemination of a culture of sustainability within and outside the organization.
Our ambition is to become enablers of the sustainable transition by offering premium digital services that help revolutionize the way we live and work.

Join WIIT and let's build
a sustainable future together
Joining WIIT means being willing to change the status quo, taking on new challenges and believing in own abilities, in order to build together a better and sustainable future. We are looking for passionate and dynamic individuals who share our mission and empowering values.