Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki The Bleasdale Farmhouse Rework Leads the Charge for the Latest ‘Phasmophobia’ Update
The latest update for ‘Phasmophobia’ brings the reworked Bleasdale Farmhouse front and center, alongside other fixes to the game.
Screenshot: Microsoft Microsoft Is Allegedly Planning to Release a New Xbox Handheld by the End of 2025 With a Release Window for Next-Gen Consoles
Reliable industry sources have given a new life to Microsoft’s plans for their Xbox-branded handheld and next-gen consoles.
Screenshot: Xbox Game Studios PS5 Getting ‘Forza Horizon 5’ Will Still Require Players To Jump Into the Microsoft Pool
PS5 players should be aware of a *tiny* Microsoft-centric wrinkle when ‘Forza Horizon 5’ arrives in late April.
Screenshot: Frogwares Cthulhu Awakens With a Kickstarter of One of the Most Ambitious Game Sequels Ever (Plus, Two More New Eldritch Horrors?)
I’m sorry, I just found out about the three Cthulhu/Lovecraftian games that popped up last week? And one of them has an ongoing Kickstarter!
Screenshot: Kojima Productions/YouTube Only Kojima Could Get Away With Dropping a 10-Minute Trailer for ‘Death Stranding 2’ on a Sunday
Well, we’ve finally gotten more ‘Death Stranding 2: On the Beach’ news, and a random 10-minute-long trailer on a Sunday afternoon. No biggie.
Screenshot: Palindrome Interactive/Amplifier Studios ‘Shadowveil: Legend of the Five Rings’ is a Great Example of Bringing People Into Existing IP (Review)
‘Shadowveil: Legend of the Five Rings’ takes an already existing IP and turns it into a solid and accessible entry point into the lore.
Screenshot: 2K ‘WWE 2K25’ Grapples With Its First Major Early Access Update
‘WWE 2K25’ is turning out to be one of the most beloved entries in the ‘WWE 2K’ franchise, and here’s its first major Early Access update!
Screenshot: HBO ‘The Last of Us’ Has Its Final Season 2 Trailer Leaked, and Everyone’s Hyped
‘The Last of Us’ Season 2 is shaping up to be one of the best seasons of television ever, and the leaked final trailer only confirms it!
Screenshot: Yogscast Games ‘Stray Path’: The VICE Games Interview
Stray Path has shot to the top of my favorite games I’ve played this year. Here’s an interview with the developer on the game and its future.
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki Waypoint Weekend Episode 17: It’s Time To Get Down, Medieval Style
It’s another episode of Waypoint Weekend, where the squad gathers together to chat about what they’re getting into for the weekend.
Screenshot: Matt Vatankhah I Think I’ve Fallen Out of Love with FFXIV
‘FFXIV’ has changed since its 2013 release, and while many are happy with its direction, I find myself more detached than ever.
Screenshot: Cybernetic Walrus ‘Order 13’ Made Me Box Up Orders While Dealing With Manmade Horror Beyond My Comprehensions, and I Dig It (Review)
‘Order 13’ is a walking sim, mixed with a stark bit of horror that surpassed all of my expectations, delivering scares in one day or less.