
‘FFXIV’ From Eorzea to the Real World: How the MMO Keeps Friendships Thriving All Across the Globe (Community Feature)

‘FFXIV’ has been a major player when it comes to my friend and I gaming together, and it turns out that we aren’t alone.

Chetus Jetus and his friend in FFXIV
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki

Fun fact: one of my best friends lives halfway around the world from me. We’ve never met in person, yet we’ve chatted nearly every day for over half a decade. And some of our best memories have been shared over a plethora of different video games. It doesn’t matter if we’re diving deep in the ocean in Subnautica, or working to honor Karl in Deep Rock Galactic, we’ve shared plenty of memories. But if one game has solidified itself as a driving force for our dwindling hours of game time, it would have to be Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV).

After convincing me to give the game a try, FFXIV has sapped away more hours from both of us than we’d likely care to admit. Hanging out in Limsa Lominsa, completing dungeons, or riding around the sky in the Fat Moogle Mount while “Good King Moggle Mog” sends us into hysterics, the amount of memories we’ve made while playing is immeasurable. The best part is: I know we aren’t alone in this sentiment, either.

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Chetus Jetus and Wisty hanging out on the Fat Moogle Mount
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki

Maybe the Real ‘Final Fantasy’ Is the Friends We Made Along the Way

My friend made significantly more progress through the main story of FFXIV than I have. But, he’s still quick to make a return to help me through Dungeons, Raids, and MSQ. We make sure that we take enough time to hit a quick /eatpizza and /eategg respectively after completing a major turning point. And even after hundreds — if not thousands — of hours venturing into the lands of Eorzea, there’s always something waiting for us.

After breaking through the ending of Dawntrail, my friend and I have had plenty of laughs about our earliest memories in FFXIV. As I was lagging behind, even at this point, I remember hearing about how Haukke Manor would be the wildest thing I’d experience. Looking back at it now, it’s almost comical. Even after starting, I’m still lagging far behind my friend; he’s already rolled credits on Dawntrail, and I’m still stuck in Stormblood. But even then, he’s happy to jump back in and roll through these legacy dungeons with me.

Looking back at all of the adventures we’ve shared roaming throughout the world of Eorzea, it’s hard to pinpoint one specific memory that stands out in my mind. All of the adventures we’ve gone on, through dungeons, raids, and just general messing around are meaningful. I will say that the first time I saw someone spamming the /paint emote in rapid succession and almost died after spitting the drink I had out of my nose, that may need to be at the top of the list. I can’t apologize enough for the nose my friend likely heard on the other side of our Discord call, but I know it was unholy to the highest degree.

Chetus eating an egg while his friend eats a piece of Pizza in Final Fantasy XIV
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki

It Turns Out, ‘FFXIV’ Is a Great Way for Friends Around the World To Stay Connected

I had the opportunity to work with Tom Stone, a PR representative for FFXIV in the UK, to help pull some additional friends into the conversation. After reaching out to me once he read an article I had posted, we came up with a small case study, using a Discord server to chat with other players about their experience in Final Fantasy XIV.

William was seemingly eager to let us know about his adventures in Eorzea with his pals:

Have you made friends through ‘FINAL FANTASY XIV’ from different countries or continents? If so, how did you find these new friends?

Yes — mostly through FanFest, occasionally via Discord groups serving in-game communities (Fellowships, CWLS, FC, etc.) I also created a cross-DC network of fellowships with a shared interest in books (the Sharlayan Book Club) which has members from all regions.

What is your fondest memory with these friends?

Going out for dinner with a group of players from Spain, Ireland, and the Netherlands during FanFest London! I met one of them on the platform for the Heathrow Express heading into London. Ended up learning about the world of Spanish-language FFXIV content creators, which was fascinating. (I speak Spanish but never explored it before then.)

Is there anything else you would like to share regarding friendships formed in ‘FFXIV’?

I think the in-person events and special-interest Discord groups really help cement these friendships, the latter of which the Fellowship system helps us identify. I’m an American who moved to the UK a decade ago, and the game both allows me to stay in touch with old friends while making new ones.

'Final Fantasy XIV' Drops a Big Crossroads Patch for 'Dawntrail'
Screenshot: Square Enix

But Sometimes, ‘FFXIV’ Can Lead To Romance in Real Life, Too!

But sometimes, Final Fantasy XIV can lead to bigger and better things. Romance is a major part of the game, as Nikki was quick to find out:

Have you made friends through ‘FINAL FANTASY XIV’ from different countries or continents? If so, how did you find these new friends?

Yes! Through the FC system. In fact, one of them is much more than just a friend now, and I have FF to thank for that!

What is your fondest memory with these friends?

Raiding Savage, doing treasure maps. Honestly, there’s a lot to do in the game, I could keep writing for hours.

Is there anything else you would like to share regarding friendships formed in ‘FFXIV?

Final Fantasy XIV is a really great medium through which you can make friends. From searching for people to do high-end content with, to just randomly being approached in a major city, to even just circumstance, like something funny happening in a dungeon. It’s this that makes FFXIV so special, and it’s what makes making friends so easy!

But Nikki isn’t alone here, as Lucrezia also found her significant other thanks to Final Fantasy XIV.

Have you made friends through ‘FINAL FANTASY XIV’ from different countries or continents? If so, how did you find these new friends?

Yes, I found them through raiding. One of them is my fiancé now.

What is your fondest memory with these friends?

In the game, doing all sorts of game content together, like glamour, raids, dungeons, and story. In real-life, meeting my fiancé for the first time and spending holidays together with our shared friend coming to visit us as well.

Is there anything else you would like to share regarding friendships formed in ‘FINAL FANTASY XIV’?

They need to be cherished like real-life friendships are.

And in another happy memory, Meg was happy to share how they met their significant other, thanks to the help of FFXIV. We love to hear a happy story like this!

Have you made friends through ‘FINAL FANTASY XIV’ from different countries or continents? If so, how did you find these new friends?

Through raiding and in-game events.

What is your fondest memory with these friends?

I met my girlfriend, Evelyn Starlight (Raiden), through FFXIV and we have been in a happy relationship for two whole years.

Chetus Jetus and Toko Loko dancing in FFXIV
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki

A Sense of Community Hides Behind Every Door in ‘Ffxiv’

Lili is another passionate player, who has found plenty of ways to connect with players outside of her own region. Since Final Fantasy XIV allows players to create an account on any server in any region, things like this become a reality.

Have you made friends through ‘FINAL FANTASY XIV’ from different countries or continents? If so, how did you find these new friends?

I found friends from different countries because I joined a FC. I found friends there who come from different countries respectively.

What is your fondest memory with these friends?

By now, we are friends outside of FFXIV, so it is hard to pick one. When we met up in real life and spent time together in person, it was probably the fondest memory. Finding out who’s behind the screen and spending some quality time together.

But for other players like Kelsie, Final Fantasy XIV means more to her than anything. It not only allowed her to find new friends, but family, as well.

Have you made friends through ‘FFXIV’ from different countries or continents? If so, how did you find these new friends?

Free Companies and Public Chat.

What is your fondest memory with these friends?

Meeting my best friend — who became my sister.

Is there anything else you would like to share regarding friendships formed in ‘FFXIV’?

It’s a great initiative, I believe it connects people across the world.

Final Fantasy XIV Cheering in Leap of Faith
Screenshot: Matt Vatankhah

Meeting UP WIth Friends You’ve Met in ‘Final Fantasy XIV’ Sounds So Wonderful, Doesn’t It?

Lulu has met many new people through FFXIV, and would one day love to meet up with her online friends for even more adventures.

Have you made friends through ‘FINAL FANTASY XIV’ from different countries or continents? If so, how did you find these new friends?

Yes, through joining free companies, meeting their friends, and making new friends through those friends. As well as sending /tells to people after hard party finders — and because I think their glams are really cool.

What is your fondest memory with these friends?

I have made some of my now-closest friends across the globe through Final Fantasy XIV, going through hard times together and giving each other advice and comfort!

Is there anything else you would like to share regarding friendships formed in ‘FINAL FANTASY XIV’?

I have met lovely, genuine people all over the world that I would love to travel to and meet and go to Fan Festivals together. That is my dream for the future, coming from a country (South Africa) where FFXIV is not very big and hoping to participate in events and go to cafes that we do not have here.

And it seems that Fate and I share a lot more in common than I thought, initially. As a North American player who has met players on NA and EU servers, he’s made countless new friends just by playing Final Fantasy XIV and not being afraid to be social.

Have you made friends through ‘FINAL FANTASY XIV’ from different countries or continents? If so, how did you find these new friends?

I, myself, am actually a North American player, but I have characters I use on both European servers and American. In this, I’ve had the chance to meet many friends, ranging from as close to Canada, to as far as Germany, Italy, Japan, and even Australia. I met the majority of my friends by simply hanging out, chatting with people as they ran up to me, through my own connections, or even doing in-game content, such as raiding.

What is your fondest memory with these friends?

My fondest memory isn’t one specific thing, but rather the hundreds upon hundreds of hours I’ve spent in-game with my friends, chatting the hours and days away. The connections I’ve been able to form with these people I can now call my friends have been one of the most influential and meaningful experiences I’ve been able to enjoy.

Is there anything else you would like to share regarding friendships formed in ‘FINAL FANTASY XIV’?

Just that I love my friends, and each of them means the world to me.

Chetus and his friend hanging out in Final Fantasy XIV
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki

“Never Be Afraid To Reach Out” Are Words To Live By in ”Final Fantasy XIV’ and Elsewhere

Shistar has some amazing advice for players who just want to have the greatest of times playing Final Fantasy XIV. I may need to take some of her ideas and implement them into my gameplay.

Have you made friends through ‘FINAL FANTASY XIV’ from different countries or continents? If so, how did you find these new friends?

Yes, I’ve made many and also brought others to this wonderful game! I was introduced to XIV by a German, so I started playing in EU despite living in South America back then. Through XIV, I’ve met people from the US, Romania, Poland, Spain, the UK, and Italy! I met many of them through my old FC, but the ones I treasure most nowadays came from PFing and putting statics together for harder content such as Criterion Savage!

What is your fondest memory with these friends?

My fondest memory (and a tradition we keep to this day among my friend group) is doing treasure maps together and making a line in front of the door and emote for the camera as it zooms in, showing everyone on its way to the door. We scream and cheer as if the game could hear us, and make up our own stories and headcanons about the different RNG events that can happen during maps. It’s always a great time!

Is there anything else you would like to share regarding friendships formed in ‘FFXIV’?

Never be afraid to reach out, even about the smallest things! Friendships are just one /tell away sometimes.

And just as Attha mentions, don’t be afraid to get a little social during the game. Even after all this time, that’s something I struggle with, so I’ll need to take his words to heart.

Have you made friends through ‘FFXIV from different countries or continents? If so, how did you find these new friends?

Yes, I have, through the Novice Network and my FC.

What is your fondest memory with these friends?

Doing holiday-themed social events like Halloween and Christmas parties.

Is there anything else you would like to share regarding friendships formed in ‘FFXIV‘?

Everyone should try to socialise more, the community is cool, naturally diverse, and welcoming!

Much like Matt mentioned during his farewell piece to FFXIV, Kamixato loves the legacy content offered in Final Fantasy XIV. He has offered some of his favorite memories of the game.

Have you made friends through ‘FFXIV‘ from different countries or continents? If so, how did you find these new friends?

I’ve met many amazing people through Novice Network, and through my current Free Company. People that come from many different countries in Europe, and that I’m grateful for. Novice Network also helped me grow more and more in love with the game. Since it’s always much more pleasant to play and share your experiences in real-time with other people, who may have already done the content — or are at the same stage as you.

What is your fondest memory with these friends?

My fondest memories for now must be with my FC. One is us trying to beat old content (Coils of Bahamut) with minimum item level and no echo. It’s a really hard battle, but we are slowly pushing through. The second must be our little photoshoot (which happens every once in a while) during the winter event. We gathered around with thematic glams (things like Santa outfits, cozy and warm outfits, or costumes), most of us also unlocked the throw emote, so we had fun throwing snowballs at each other.

Is there anything else you would like to share regarding friendships formed in ‘FFXIV’?

I want to once again say that I’m grateful for the people I’ve met in FFXIV. Doing various activities, playing minigames, clearing hard content, and simply having fun are the things I love the most about the game. I was able to have so much fun with people who come from different backgrounds, different countries, and with different ideas, only thanks to FFXIV. It allows for so much while being accessible to the average person.

Chetus and his friend hanging out in FFXIV
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki

Near, Far, Wherever They Are, Friendships Thrive Forever in ‘FFXIV’

I haven’t been as active on FFXIV as I should be. However, I can’t think of being without the game now. I know my friend made meaningful relationships in the game, and I couldn’t be happier about that. Seeing pictures of what he and his group are getting up to always brings a smile to my face. No matter if it’s a Drip Check or a raid photo, it’s always a joy to see them.

At the rate I’m going, it’ll take another year and a half to get through Dawntrail. But, I already know that my friend will be there every step of the way. Offering advice to help me with optimal team composition or just a way to make my experience all the better. There’s absolutely no way you get past the most iconic FFXIV Dungeon boss, Magitek Airship, without knowing exactly what to do.

It also warms my heart to see how much a game like FFXIV can influence and change the lives of countless other players. I would like to thank everyone who decided to chime in and chat with me and Tom about their experiences in the world of Eorzea, and how Final Fantasy XIV has affected their lives.