Network Security Tools
Add application testing to your network security tools.
As companies strive to protect their computer systems, data and people from cyber attack, many have invested heavily in network security tools designed to protect the network perimeter from viruses, worms, DDoS attacks and other threats. Fewer companies have invested in application security testing, which is intended to eradicate flaws and vulnerabilities from applications that could open the door to other kinds of attacks.
But as applications – and especially web applications – have become the number one attack vector for cyber criminals, more organizations are counting application security testing solutions among their most important network security tools. While intrusion detection, transport layer security, network access control and penetration testing remain important network security tools, application security testing can help to identify and remediate the new and existing weaknesses in applications that can lead to serious breaches, compromising network and cyber security.
Everything You Need to Know About Maturing an AppSec Program
Veracode: on-demand testing services and network security tools.
Veracode provides cloud-based application security testing solutions that help organizations protect the software that drives their businesses. Built on a unified platform, our comprehensive testing services are available on-demand, enabling development teams and IT administrators to test code more quickly, easily and affordably. From static analysis and services that detect flaws as code is being written to dynamic analysis and web scanning services, we deliver the application and network security tools organizations need to test applications at any point in the SDLC.
With Veracode application and network security tools, organizations can achieve greater security without compromising speed or time-to-market. Developers can submit code for review through the Veracode Application Security Platform, receiving results for most applications within four hours. Our results are highly accurate, reducing false positives to save time and effort. Step-by-step remediation guidance enables developers to find and fix flaws fast, and our solutions integrate easily with IDEs so developers never have to interrupt coding to open a separate testing system.
Comprehensive, automated application and network security tools.
Our application testing and network security tools are unified on a cloud-based platform, with role based access controls that provide maximum flexibility and granular control. Our services include:
- Static Analysis, for scanning compiled binaries to find weaknesses in web, mobile and desktop applications as well microservices.
- Software Composition Analysis, for identifying vulnerabilities in open source components.
- Web Application Scanning, an Internet security test that inventories, scans and monitors all public facing web applications.
- Veracode Static Analysis IDE Scan, a service that runs in the background of an IDE to alert developers about flaws as they are writing code.
- Runtime Protection, for defending against application-layer attacks in real-time.
Learn more about application and network security tools from Veracode, or visit our AppSec knowledgebase to learn more about load testing and get answers to questions like “What is BYOD?”