Salman Nazir

Institutt for maritime operasjoner
Fakultet for teknologi, naturvitenskap og maritime fag
Campus Vestfold
Salman Nazir is a Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway, in the Department of Maritime Operations. He is the Head of Training and Assessment Research Group (TARG). After his Masters from South Korea, and PhD from Italy, Prof. Nazir focused his research on Human Factors, Training Methods, Virtual Reality Training Simulators, Performance Assessment, Learning Processes, Complex socio-technical systems, Safety, Crisis Management, and Situational Awareness. He is author/co-author of more than 100 peer reviewed scientific articles, conference proceedings and book chapters in esteemed international journals and conferences. Prof. Nazir has won several awards, research projects and grants during his career (please see below for further details). His works emphasize on multi-disciplinary approach, collaborating with Human Factors Specialists, Cognitive and Computer Scientists, Maritime Experts and Practitioners for the utmost outcome and optimum solutions.




  • Human Factors and Safety in complex systems
  • Training Methods
  • Impact of Training on Performance
  • Maritime Education and Training
  • Training Simulators
  • Performance Management
  • Distributed Situation Awareness (DSA)
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Operator performance indicators (OPIs)
  • Design of Experiments
  • Virtual and Augmented Virtual Environments
  • Accident Analysis
  • Safety


  Projects, Awards and Achievements (selective)

  • Scientific Leader in COAST (Centre of Excellence in Maritime Simulator Training and Assessment), one of the 12 SFUs (Center for Excellence in Education) in Norway awarded by DIKU (Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education) for demonstrating excellence in education and driving towards innovative, student-centred teaching practices.
  • Project Coordinator and Leader in the EU Horizon2020 project: Enhancing Human Performance in Complex Socio-technical Systems (ENHANCE)
  • Session Chair at the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) conference, 2019, Washington D.C.
  • Participated as Scientific Committee at the Automated And Digital Maritime Workshop at the Liverpool John Moores University funded by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), July 2019
  • Invited by the Executive Committee as the Session Chair of the Social Impact Session at the IAMUC in AGA20, 1 November 2019.
  • Won a grant of 400 000 NOK (approx. 50 K Euros) under MARKOM 2020 (Workshops on Training and Performance Assessment in the maritime domain, 2015)
  • Won a grant for PhD position funded by Maritime Technology and Innovation, MTDI, funded by MARKOM 2020
  • Chair of Human Factors in Management and Leadership
  • Achieved Cum Laude (highest honour) for the PhD title
  • Recognized as the highest published PhD researcher at Politecnico di Milano
  • Invited guest speaker at 2nd Offshore safety & risk, Forum 24 to 25 March 2015, Bergen, Norway
  • Invited guest speaker (entitle: Advances in Training Methods and Assessment procedures for industrial operators) at Buskerud and Vestfold University College, Norway (August 2013)
  • Invited guest speaker at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (entitle: Impact of Training on Operator Performance) (September 2013)
  • Participated (officially) in the organization of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (1200 delegates from 62 countries)
  • Designed and conducted series of experiments to determine the effectiveness of different types of training methods and contributed to introducing novelty in training and assessment methods for complex systems
  • Won research grant (aimed at young researchers) from Politecnico di Milano (March to September 2011) under supervision of prof. Davide Manca
  • Won research grant (aimed at young researchers) from Politecnico di Milano (from July to September 2013) under supervision of prof. Davide Manca
  • Adapted models for Situation Awareness (SA) and identified relevant factors influencing SA for the operators of the process industry and for the mariners/seafarers
  • Introduced the theoretical concept of evaluating Distributed Situation Awareness by devising performance indicators and later validated the theory with an experiment.
  • Contributed in development of the simulated virtual/3D model of a refinery section of the process industry (from both engineering and human factors perspective)
  • Worked with a team of different backgrounds (computer scientists, experiment psychologists, cognitive scientists, and process engineers) to develop a training (and performance assessment et) simulator for catalyst injection in polymerization processes
  • Developed and conducted an experiment to investigate the impact of training on a chemical operation i.e. the catalyst injection in polymerization processes
  • Developed Key Performance Indicators and Operator Performance Indicators for industrial processes, training evaluations and performance assessment

Career timeline

September 2019

  • Professor at the Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences, Department of Maritime Operations, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)

September  2015

  • Associate Professor at Maritime Technology and Innovation Department, HBV

January 2015 – September 2015

  • Postdoc at Department of Maritime Technology and Innovation (Training and Assessment Research Group), USN

August 2014 – December 2014

  • Researcher at the Department of Maritime Technology and Innovation, Buskerud and Vestfold University College

March 2014 – July 2014

  •  Postdoc (temporary research fellow) at PSE-Lab at Department of Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

2011 - 2013

  • PhD in Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (with cum laude/honours), Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Specialization: Human Factors for complex systems

2009 - 2011

  • Lecturer in the chemical engineering department of a growing university named COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan

 2007 - 2009

  • Masters in Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, South Korea, CGPA 4.06/4.5 (Grade A). Specialization: Process System Engineering
  • Graduate research assistant at Process System Engineering, Hanyang University, South Korea.

 2002 - 2006

  • B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Bahuddin Zakariya University,   Pakistan (2nd position among 106 students, 2nd annual)
  • Invited guest speakers at the international symposium in Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of information and technology, Islamabad (June 2010)
  • Qualified for a prodigious scholarship for masters in Chemical Engineering from South Korea (2007 – 2009)
  • Awarded with merit scholarship by Hanyang University, South Korea (2008)
  • Selected for attending 18th (July 2007) & 19th (July 2008) International Youth Forum held in Seoul, South Korea
  • Contributed in development of curriculum, infrastructure and laboratories at the department of chemical engineering at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan (2010)
  • Editor of e-Newsletter of Chemical Engineering Department, COMSATS, Lahore, (2010 to 2011)
  • Ranked in top 5 positions among 106 students in bachelors at NFC-IET, Pakistan (2006)
  • Attained 2nd position in the first professional of Bachelors of Engineering at NFC-IET, Multan, Pakistan (2002)
  • Declared as best debater in various competitions in high school (Multan Gems School, 1999)


  • On-going: 6 Master Students 
  • Completed: 3 Master Students + 6 Bachelor Students
  • Ongoing PhD Automated Performance Assessment in Maritime Operations.
  • Co-supervision of PhD students from Liverpool John Moores University, UK

Academic Experience

  • Researcher at the Department of Maritime Technology and Innovation (Human Factors research group), Buskerud and Vestfold University College (from August to December,
  • Research Fellow at PSE-Lab at Department of Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (from March to July 2014)
  • Research grant holder (aimed for young researchers) under the supervision of prof., Davide Manca, Chemical engineering department, Politecnico di Milano (June 2013 till July 2014)
  • Visiting researcher at the Department of Computer Science and Cognitive Science, University of Duisburg-Essen (from September to November 2013)
  • Visiting researcher at the Department of Maritime Technology and Innovation (Human Factors research group), Buskerud and Vestfold University College (from July to September 2013)
  • Research grant holder (aimed for young researchers) under the supervision of prof. Davide Manca, Chemical engineering department, Politecnico di Milano (March to September 2011)
  • Lecturer (teaching assistant) for the laboratory lessons and exercises for courses Instrumentation and Process Control of Chemical Plants, Process Systems Engineering (2011 to 2014) at Chemical Engineering Department, Politecnico di Milano
  • Visiting lecturer for the course Risk-Based Decision Making In Complex Systems at Chemical Engineering Department, Politecnico di Milano
  • Lecturer/researcher in the chemical engineering department of a growing university named COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan (2009 - 2011)
  • Graduate researcher in Process Systems Engineering laboratory as a graduate student at Hanyang University, South Korea (2007 - 2009)
  • Part-time teaching experience (private) of English, responsible for the coaching of IELTS and for speaking, writing and presentation skills (2005-2006)

Teaching Experience


  • Extended Reality Technology - XR course (visiting lecturer, USN)
  • Human Technology Organization (MTDI, Norway)
  • Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer 
  • Process Economics (2009) (Chemical Engg. department, COMSATS)
  • Instrumentation and Process Control of Chemical Plants, (Chemical Eng. department, Politecnico di Milano) 
  • Process Systems Engineering (Chemical Eng. department, Politecnico di Milano)
  • Calculus for Chemical Engineering (Chemical Engg. department, Politecnico di Milano)
  • Risk-Based Decision Making in Complex Systems (visiting lecturer, Chemical Engg. department, Politecnico di Milano)
  • Organization and leadership (visiting lecturer, USN)
  • Human Element in Shipping (visiting lecturer, USN)

Selective Scientific Collaborations

  • Prof. Zaili Yang, Professor of Maritime Transport, Co-Director of Liverpool Logistics, Offshore and Marine (LOOM) Research Institute, School of Engineering, Technology and Maritime Operations, Liverpool John Moores Universit
  •  Prof. Annette Kluge, Computer Science and Cognitive Science, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
  •  Prof. Alberto Gallace, Department of Psychology, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy.
  • Dr. Nicola Paltrinieri, Scientist at SINTEF, Norway.
  •  Prof. Alessandra Beretta, Professor in Catalysis and Catalytic Processes research group at POLIMI.
  •  Prof. Davide Manca. PSE-Lab, Chemical Engineering department Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Prof. Hokyoung Blake Ryu, Professor at the Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Department of Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University, South Korea.
  •  Prof. Paulo Carvalho, Leading expert on resilience engineering and safety in sociotechnical systems, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  •  Dr. Sashidharan Komandur, Associate professor, Ålesund University College.
  • Beata Mrugalska, Ph.D., Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management, Chair of Ergonomics and Quality Management
  •  Working closely with prof. Kjell Ivar Øvergåard at USN and Collaborating with prof., Halvor Schøyen, prof., Anne Haugen Gausdal, prof. Karina Bakke Lokken Hjelmervik from MTDI as well as with Bent Moskvil from IMAR, Norway


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