Université Laval ID card
Got questions about the Université Laval ID card?
Contact the Registrar's Office.
Your Université Laval ID card is virtual. So, you can display it on an electronic device, like a smartphone. Your card gives you access to certain on-campus services:
- It gets you into PEPS (sports complex)
- It lets you borrow items from the library
New students
If this is your first time enrolling at Université Laval, it is important that you provide a photo online so your Université Laval ID card can be issued. You will get a message about this through monPortail at the appropriate time. For help with taking your photo, see the guide.
Once the Registrar’s Office has received and approved your photo, you will get a second important message. It will say that your virtual ID card is available under the “Documents officiels” (Official Documents) section in your monPortail account and that it can be accessed by downloading the monPortail app to your smartphone. Download the free monPortail app to your smartphone: Apple (iOS 11.4 and higher) or Android (8.0 and higher).
Note: You have to provide a passport-style, portrait photo.
Students who already have a Université Laval ID card
Since you have already provided a photo through monPortail, your virtual ID card will automatically be available at the beginning of the school year. Keep an eye out for important messages in monPortail for more details. We recommend that you use your new virtual card, but your plastic card will still be valid.
Students who don’t have a mobile device
If you don’t have a mobile device to display your Université Laval ID card on and you don’t have a valid card yet, write to us at [email protected].
Proof of student enrolment for businesses
If a merchant needs to see proof of enrolment as well as your Université Laval ID card, you can show them your class schedule or a proof of enrolment document on your mobile device. We recommend that you first find out from the merchant what documents are required.