HRC Foundation’s Welcoming Schools Program is the most comprehensive bias-based bullying prevention program in the nation to provide LGBTQ+ and gender inclusive professional development training, lesson plans, booklists and resources specifically designed for educators and youth-serving professionals.
The Welcoming Schools Program uses an intersectional, anti-racist lens dedicated to actionable policies and practices. We uplift school communities with critical tools to embrace family diversity, create LGBTQ+ and gender inclusive schools, prevent bias-based bullying, and support transgender and non-binary students.
To learn more, visit
In 44 states and DC, Canada and Taiwan have received Welcoming Schools Training since 2011.
Have benefited from an inclusive learning climate at schools trained by the Welcoming Schools Program.
Have visited the Welcoming Schools website for free classroom resources and information since its launch in 2010.
HRC Foundation’s Welcoming Schools program has certified facilitators across the country ready to work with your school or district to improve school climate with gender and LGBTQ+ inclusive trainings. Teachers, school staff, and administrators will receive professional development and accompanying lesson plans, book lists, and practical tips on topics like: preventing bias-based bullying in your school, helping transgender and non-binary students to thrive, and creating classrooms that welcome all families.
Welcoming Schools wants every educator to have the resources, books and lesson plans they need to create affirming and welcoming school climates for all students. Welcoming Schools provides educators with the tools and training they need to embrace teachable moments, interrupt bias-based bullying, support transgender and non-binary students, and be prepared to answer important questions about LGBTQ+ and gender topics with students and families.
Contact the Welcoming Schools Program: [email protected]