
Tips about structure

A smiling man in a suit jacket and tie is standing in an ornate interior with stained glass windows in the background.

Once a week, I share tips on creating good structure and efficient work procedures for you and your colleagues.

I will send the tips to you via e-mail. They are also available as a podcast.

They are entirely free.

Sign up for the tips

You will find my privacy policy here. If you sign up for my tips, you thereby consent to me sending weekly emails to you.

Here’s what oth­er read­ers think

My read­ers say:

  • They are like a drug. Once you have begun to read, you want one every week!”
  • Excel­lent tips — just the right length, rea­son­able and easy to implement!”

Get your first tip right away!

A person is holding a smartphone displaying an email or webpage about the "DONE!" method, which provides steps for better structure.

If you sign up now, I’ll immediately send you a tip with 10 steps you can take to improve your structure today.

These are the 10 most essential steps my clients take to create better structure in their workday.

Have you taken them yet?

Pre­vi­ous editions

What the tips you receive look like? Here are some select­ed examples:

No. 622: Make a minimum list

Let me read this issue

No. 620: Notify that you will soon be on vacation

I'll have a look

No. 613: Ask the AI what you missed in the meeting

Show me this edition

Com­mon top­ics I cover

In the week­ly newslet­ter, I write about things like:

  • what you can do to make time for tasks you don’t auto­mat­i­cal­ly have time for
  • how to use apps in Microsoft 365, for exam­ple, in a struc­tured way
  • what you can do to keep track of every­thing you must not forget
  • how to achieve a more rea­son­able work­load when it just feels like too much”
  • how to man­age all your infor­ma­tion flows in a struc­tured way so you don’t feel overwhelmed
  • how to use AI to get your tasks done with less effort

… and much more.