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Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort
Lets make reading & writing Bash scripts fun again!
Aaron Zauner
Highly-Available, Scalable & Secure Distributed Systems
DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014
Working towards a community style guide
Doing it wrong
Modern Bash scripting (Welcome to 2014!)
Caveat Emptor
I’m not endorsing Bash for large-scale projects, difficult or
performance critical tasks. If your project needs to talk to a
database, object store, interact with a filesystem or dynamically
handle block devices - you SHOULD NOT use Bash in the first
place. You can. But you’ll regret it - I speak from years of
experience doing completely insane stuff in Bash for fun (certainly
not for profit).
Bash is useful for one thing and one thing only: as glue!
..and it’s the glue that holds Linux distributions, Embedded
Appliances and even Commercial networking gear together - so you
better use the best glue on the market, right?
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Do we really need another style guide?
For starters: It’s not only a style guide, but more on that later.
A lot of the internet actually runs on poorly written Bash.
Your company probably depends on a lot of Bash-glue.
Everyone uses it on a daily basis to glue userland utilities
Some scripts unintentionally look like they are submissions for
an obfuscated code contest.
There are some style guides (e.g. by Google) and tutorials -
but nothing definitive.
Most books on the subject are ancient and often reflect
personal opinions of authors, outdated Bash versions and
userland utilities and most haven’t been updated in decades.
I don’t know a single good book on Bash. The best resource is
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Working towards a community style guide
I’ve started collecting style guides, tutorials, write-ups, tools
and debugging projects during the last couple of years.
..chose the best ideas and clearest styles and combined them
into one big community driven effort.
People started contributing.
Nothing is written in stone. Come up with a better idea for a
certain topic and I’ll gladly accept it.
I’ve also included a lot of mistakes people do or even rely on
when writing their (often production) scripts.
I’ve also collected a lot of tricks and shortcuts I’ve learned over
the years specific to bash scripting and the Linux userland.
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Bad Example
Here’s a cool and bad example at the same time. rpm2cpio
reimplemented in bash.
As Debian package: Installed-Size: 1044
As Bash script: 4
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Bad Example (cont.)
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Common bad style practices
overusing grep for tasks that Bash can do by itself.
using bourne-shell backticks instead of $() for subshell calls.
.. ever tried to nest backtick subshells? yea. you’ll have to
escape them. instead of e.g.:
$(util1 $(util2 ${some_variable_as_argument})).
manual argument parsing instead of using the getopts builtin.
using awk for arithmetic operations bash can do very well.
.. same goes for expr(1). please stop using it in bash scripts.
.. same goes for bc(1). please stop using it in bash scripts.
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Common bad style practices (cont.)
using the echo builtin where printf can (and probably
should) be used.
using seq 1 15 for range expressions instead of {1..15}
many coreutils you do not need & you save on subshell calls.
.. a lot is set as a variable in your environment already
(protip: see what env gives you to work with in the first place)
worst of all: endless and unreadable pipe glue. . . . . . . . . . . .
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Common bad style practices (cont.)
So what is more readable to you and probably the angry sysadmin
that might take over your codebase at some point in time?
ls ${long_list_of_parameters} | grep ${foo} | grep -v
grep | pgrep | wc -l | sort | uniq
ls ${long_list_of_parameters} 
| grep ${foo} 
| grep -v grep 
| pgrep 
| wc -l 
| sort 
| uniq
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awk(1) for everything
But why?
$ du -sh Downloads | awk ‚{ print $1 }‚
$ folder_size=($(du -sh Downloads))
$ echo ${folder_size[1]}
$ echo ${folder_size[0]}
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DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort
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Debugging is a mess
One of the reasons nobody should aim for big projects in Bash is
that it is terrible to debug, most of you will know this already.
This project aims to make it easier for you to debug your scripts.
By writing beautiful, solid and testable code.
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Modern Bash scripting
Most people don’t know that there are a lot of useful paradigms and
tools that are used for software engineering in serious languages
available also to Bash.
Let’s not kid ourselves: some Bash scripts will run in production,
even for years. They’d better work. And not take your business
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I’ve come up with a few conventions:
use #!/usr/bin/env bash
do not use TABs for (consistently use 2, 3 or 4 spaces)
but conditional and loop clauses on the same line:
if ..; then instead of
if ...
there’re no private functions in Bash, RedHat has a convention
for that, prepend with two underscores function
as in Ruby, Python; don’t use indents in switch (case) blocks
always “escape” varabiles. Bad: $MyVar, Good: ${MyVar}.DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort
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DocOpt is a Command-line interface description language with
support for all popular programming languages.
..also for Bash
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Test Driven Development and Unit tests with Bash
#!/usr/bin/env bats
@test "addition using bc" {
result="$(echo 2+2 | bc)"
[ "$result" -eq 4 ]
@test "addition using dc" {
result="$(echo 2 2+p | dc)"
[ "$result" -eq 4 ]
. . .
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Test Driven Development and Unit tests with Bash (cont.)
1. Sam Stephenson (of rbenv fame) wrote an automated testing
system for Bash scripts called ‘bats’ using TAP (Test Anything
2. Sharness: another TAP library. there’s even a Chef cookbook
for it:
3. Cram: a functional testing framework based on Marcurial’s
unified test format -
4. rnt: Automated testing of commandline interfaces -
5. shUnit2: is a xUnit framework (similar to PyUnit, JUnit et
cetera) -
6. shpec: Tests/Specs -
..there are more, but these I’ve found to be most useful.
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A online Bash style linter:
Ubuntu ships with a tool called checkbashisms based on
Debians lintian (portability).
shlint tests for portability between zsh, ksh, bash, dash and
bourne shell (if need be):
For Node fans: Grunt task that checks if a Bash script is valid
(not anything else, btw):
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Inter-shell portability
Personal opinion:
Inter-shell portability doesn’t matter. I’ve spent years writing OS
agnostic bourne-shell scripts. Today every modern OS ships with a
reasonably recent version of Bash. These days Solaris (and FOSS
forks like SmartOS) ship even with a GNU userland. Use Bash.
I love zsh and it can do a lot more. I still use Bash for (semi-)
production scripts. They run basically everywhere when done right.
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Defensive Bash programming
As you would in every other language, write helper functions,
test these functions.
Set constants readonly.
Write concise, well defined and tested functions for every
Use the local keyword for function-local variables.
Prepend every function with the function keyword.
Return proper error codes and check for them.
Write unit tests.
Some people write a function main() as people would with
Python. So one can import and test ones main call as well.
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Defensive Bash programming (cont.)
function fail() {
local msg=${@}
# handle failure appropriately
cleanup && logger "my message to syslog"
echo "ERROR: ${msg}"
exit 1
et cetera
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Defensive Bash programming (cont.)
function linux_distro() {
local releasefile=$(cat /etc/*release* 2> /dev/null)
case ${releasefile} in
*Debian*) printf "debiann" ;;
*Suse*) printf "slesn" ;;
*CentOS* | *RedHat*) printf "eln" ;;
*) return 1 ;;
[[ $(linux_distro) ]] || fail "Unkown distribution!"
readonly linux_distro=$(linux_distro)
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Defensive Bash programming (cont.)
function debian_version() {
# convert debian version to single unsigned integer
local dv=$(printf "%.f" $(</etc/debian_version))
printf "%u" ${dv}
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Defensive Bash programming (cont.)
function is_empty() {
local var=${1}
[[ -z ${var} ]]
function is_file() {
local file=${1}
[[ -f ${file} ]]
function is_dir() {
local dir=${1}
[[ -d ${dir} ]]
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Signal Handling
Bash supports signal handling with the builtin trap:
# call the fail() function if one
# of these signals is caught by trap:
trap ‚fail "caught signal!"‚ HUP KILL QUIT
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Anonymous Functions (Lambdas)
You’ll probably never ever need this in Bash, but it’s possible:
function lambda() {
_f=${1} ; shift
function _l {
eval ${_f};
_l ${*} ; unset _l
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Bash Profiling
Sam Stephenson also wrote a profiler for Bash scripts:
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Bash Debugging
Hopefully you’ll write code that you do not have to debug often, but
eventually you’ll have to. There’s only one real way to debug a
Bash script unfortunately:
bash -evx
or setting set -evx in your script directly
that being said, someone wrote a Bash debugger with gdb
command syntax:
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There’s a lot more to tell (just ask me afterwards) - but this
was supposed to be a lightning talk.
All this, a lot of references and other projects are mentioned in
my Community Bash Style Guide which is on GitHub.
Please contribute in any way you can if you come up with
useful Bashisms, tricks or find any cool projects.
Any input is very much appreciated!
Fork and open Pull Requests, Issues or Complaints!
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Trivia: Do not try this at home
OOP in Bash:
LISP Dialect implemented in Bash:
The original Macros used in the source of Bourne Shell (To make it
look like ALGOL68 - the author was a big fan):
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Thanks for your patience. Are there any questions?
GPG Fingerprint:
7CB6 197E 385A 02DC 15D8 E223 E4DB 6492 FDB9 B5D5
[I have ECDSA (Brainpool) & EdDSA (Curve25519) subkeys as well.]
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Beautiful Bash: Let's make reading and writing bash scripts fun again!

  • 1. Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Lets make reading & writing Bash scripts fun again! Aaron Zauner [email protected] Highly-Available, Scalable & Secure Distributed Systems DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014
  • 2. Introduction Working towards a community style guide Doing it wrong Modern Bash scripting (Welcome to 2014!) Conclusion
  • 3. Caveat Emptor I’m not endorsing Bash for large-scale projects, difficult or performance critical tasks. If your project needs to talk to a database, object store, interact with a filesystem or dynamically handle block devices - you SHOULD NOT use Bash in the first place. You can. But you’ll regret it - I speak from years of experience doing completely insane stuff in Bash for fun (certainly not for profit). Bash is useful for one thing and one thing only: as glue! ..and it’s the glue that holds Linux distributions, Embedded Appliances and even Commercial networking gear together - so you better use the best glue on the market, right? DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 1/30
  • 4. Do we really need another style guide? For starters: It’s not only a style guide, but more on that later. A lot of the internet actually runs on poorly written Bash. Your company probably depends on a lot of Bash-glue. Everyone uses it on a daily basis to glue userland utilities together. Some scripts unintentionally look like they are submissions for an obfuscated code contest. There are some style guides (e.g. by Google) and tutorials - but nothing definitive. Most books on the subject are ancient and often reflect personal opinions of authors, outdated Bash versions and userland utilities and most haven’t been updated in decades. I don’t know a single good book on Bash. The best resource is still DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 2/30
  • 5. Working towards a community style guide I’ve started collecting style guides, tutorials, write-ups, tools and debugging projects during the last couple of years. ..chose the best ideas and clearest styles and combined them into one big community driven effort. People started contributing. Nothing is written in stone. Come up with a better idea for a certain topic and I’ll gladly accept it. I’ve also included a lot of mistakes people do or even rely on when writing their (often production) scripts. I’ve also collected a lot of tricks and shortcuts I’ve learned over the years specific to bash scripting and the Linux userland. DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 3/30
  • 6. Bad Example Here’s a cool and bad example at the same time. rpm2cpio reimplemented in bash. As Debian package: Installed-Size: 1044 As Bash script: 4 DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 4/30
  • 8. Common bad style practices overusing grep for tasks that Bash can do by itself. using bourne-shell backticks instead of $() for subshell calls. .. ever tried to nest backtick subshells? yea. you’ll have to escape them. instead of e.g.: $(util1 $(util2 ${some_variable_as_argument})). manual argument parsing instead of using the getopts builtin. using awk for arithmetic operations bash can do very well. .. same goes for expr(1). please stop using it in bash scripts. .. same goes for bc(1). please stop using it in bash scripts. DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 6/30
  • 9. Common bad style practices (cont.) using the echo builtin where printf can (and probably should) be used. using seq 1 15 for range expressions instead of {1..15} many coreutils you do not need & you save on subshell calls. .. a lot is set as a variable in your environment already (protip: see what env gives you to work with in the first place) worst of all: endless and unreadable pipe glue. . . . . . . . . . . . DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 7/30
  • 10. Common bad style practices (cont.) So what is more readable to you and probably the angry sysadmin that might take over your codebase at some point in time? ls ${long_list_of_parameters} | grep ${foo} | grep -v grep | pgrep | wc -l | sort | uniq or ls ${long_list_of_parameters} | grep ${foo} | grep -v grep | pgrep | wc -l | sort | uniq DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 8/30
  • 11. awk(1) for everything But why? $ du -sh Downloads | awk ‚{ print $1 }‚ 366G $ folder_size=($(du -sh Downloads)) $ echo ${folder_size[1]} Downloads $ echo ${folder_size[0]} 366G DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 9/30
  • 12. DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 10/30
  • 13. Debugging is a mess One of the reasons nobody should aim for big projects in Bash is that it is terrible to debug, most of you will know this already. This project aims to make it easier for you to debug your scripts. By writing beautiful, solid and testable code. DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 11/30
  • 14. Modern Bash scripting Most people don’t know that there are a lot of useful paradigms and tools that are used for software engineering in serious languages available also to Bash. Let’s not kid ourselves: some Bash scripts will run in production, even for years. They’d better work. And not take your business offline. DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 12/30
  • 15. Conventions I’ve come up with a few conventions: use #!/usr/bin/env bash do not use TABs for (consistently use 2, 3 or 4 spaces) but conditional and loop clauses on the same line: if ..; then instead of if ... then ... fi there’re no private functions in Bash, RedHat has a convention for that, prepend with two underscores function __my_private_function() as in Ruby, Python; don’t use indents in switch (case) blocks always “escape” varabiles. Bad: $MyVar, Good: ${MyVar}.DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 13/30
  • 16. DocOpt DocOpt is a Command-line interface description language with support for all popular programming languages. ..also for Bash DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 14/30
  • 17. Test Driven Development and Unit tests with Bash #!/usr/bin/env bats @test "addition using bc" { result="$(echo 2+2 | bc)" [ "$result" -eq 4 ] } @test "addition using dc" { result="$(echo 2 2+p | dc)" [ "$result" -eq 4 ] } . . . DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 15/30
  • 18. Test Driven Development and Unit tests with Bash (cont.) 1. Sam Stephenson (of rbenv fame) wrote an automated testing system for Bash scripts called ‘bats’ using TAP (Test Anything Protocol): 2. Sharness: another TAP library. there’s even a Chef cookbook for it: 3. Cram: a functional testing framework based on Marcurial’s unified test format - 4. rnt: Automated testing of commandline interfaces - 5. shUnit2: is a xUnit framework (similar to PyUnit, JUnit et cetera) - 6. shpec: Tests/Specs - ..there are more, but these I’ve found to be most useful. DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 16/30
  • 19. Linting A online Bash style linter: Ubuntu ships with a tool called checkbashisms based on Debians lintian (portability). shlint tests for portability between zsh, ksh, bash, dash and bourne shell (if need be): For Node fans: Grunt task that checks if a Bash script is valid (not anything else, btw): DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 17/30
  • 20. Inter-shell portability Personal opinion: Inter-shell portability doesn’t matter. I’ve spent years writing OS agnostic bourne-shell scripts. Today every modern OS ships with a reasonably recent version of Bash. These days Solaris (and FOSS forks like SmartOS) ship even with a GNU userland. Use Bash. I love zsh and it can do a lot more. I still use Bash for (semi-) production scripts. They run basically everywhere when done right. DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 18/30
  • 21. Defensive Bash programming As you would in every other language, write helper functions, test these functions. Set constants readonly. Write concise, well defined and tested functions for every action. Use the local keyword for function-local variables. Prepend every function with the function keyword. Return proper error codes and check for them. Write unit tests. Some people write a function main() as people would with Python. So one can import and test ones main call as well. DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 19/30
  • 22. Defensive Bash programming (cont.) function fail() { local msg=${@} # handle failure appropriately cleanup && logger "my message to syslog" echo "ERROR: ${msg}" exit 1 } et cetera DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 20/30
  • 23. Defensive Bash programming (cont.) function linux_distro() { local releasefile=$(cat /etc/*release* 2> /dev/null) case ${releasefile} in *Debian*) printf "debiann" ;; *Suse*) printf "slesn" ;; *CentOS* | *RedHat*) printf "eln" ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } ... [[ $(linux_distro) ]] || fail "Unkown distribution!" readonly linux_distro=$(linux_distro) ... DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 21/30
  • 24. Defensive Bash programming (cont.) function debian_version() { # convert debian version to single unsigned integer local dv=$(printf "%.f" $(</etc/debian_version)) printf "%u" ${dv} } DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 22/30
  • 25. Defensive Bash programming (cont.) function is_empty() { local var=${1} [[ -z ${var} ]] } function is_file() { local file=${1} [[ -f ${file} ]] } function is_dir() { local dir=${1} [[ -d ${dir} ]] } DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 23/30
  • 26. Signal Handling Bash supports signal handling with the builtin trap: # call the fail() function if one # of these signals is caught by trap: trap ‚fail "caught signal!"‚ HUP KILL QUIT DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 24/30
  • 27. Anonymous Functions (Lambdas) You’ll probably never ever need this in Bash, but it’s possible: function lambda() { _f=${1} ; shift function _l { eval ${_f}; } _l ${*} ; unset _l } DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 25/30
  • 28. Bash Profiling Sam Stephenson also wrote a profiler for Bash scripts: DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 26/30
  • 29. Bash Debugging Hopefully you’ll write code that you do not have to debug often, but eventually you’ll have to. There’s only one real way to debug a Bash script unfortunately: bash -evx or setting set -evx in your script directly that being said, someone wrote a Bash debugger with gdb command syntax: DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 27/30
  • 30. Conclusion There’s a lot more to tell (just ask me afterwards) - but this was supposed to be a lightning talk. All this, a lot of references and other projects are mentioned in my Community Bash Style Guide which is on GitHub. Please contribute in any way you can if you come up with useful Bashisms, tricks or find any cool projects. Any input is very much appreciated! Fork and open Pull Requests, Issues or Complaints! DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 28/30
  • 31. Trivia: Do not try this at home OOP in Bash: object-oriented-programming-in-bash.html LISP Dialect implemented in Bash: The original Macros used in the source of Bourne Shell (To make it look like ALGOL68 - the author was a big fan): DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 29/30
  • 32. Thanks for your patience. Are there any questions? Twitter: @a_z_e_t E-Mail: [email protected] XMPP: [email protected] GitHub: GPG Fingerprint: 7CB6 197E 385A 02DC 15D8 E223 E4DB 6492 FDB9 B5D5 [I have ECDSA (Brainpool) & EdDSA (Curve25519) subkeys as well.] DevOps/Security Meetup Vienna - 17/12/2014 Beautiful Bash: A community driven effort Aaron Zauner 30/30