
Skeptics Society and Skeptic magazine

Michael Shermer

Executive Director & Editor-in-Chief

[email protected]

Alexander Reiman

Director of Strategy

[email protected]

William Bull

Art Director

[email protected]

Frank Miele

Senior Editor

[email protected]

Kevin McCaffree

Research Scientist

[email protected]

Anondah Saide

Research Scientist

[email protected]

Barry Bakalor

Copy Editor

Carol Tavris

Contributing Editor

Katherine Brodsky

Contributing Editor

Tim Callahan

Contributing Editor

Donald Prothero

Contributing Editor

Frank Sulloway


Diane Knudtson

Financial Officer

David Patton


Jerry Friedman, JD


Jared Diamond

Advisor, Editorial Board Member

Steven Pinker

Advisor, Editorial Board Member

Christof Koch

Advisor, Editorial Board Member

Pat Linse (1947–2021)

Co-Founder & Art Director, Skeptics Society

Click here to learn about Pat and her legacy.

Editorial Board

Arthur Benjamin

Professor of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College 

Roger Bingham

Science Author 
Television Essayist

April Bleske-Rechek

Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

K.C. Cole

Science Writer, Los Angeles Times

Richard Dawkins

Emeritus Professor, University of Oxford

Jared Diamond

Professor of Geography & Environmental Health Sciences, UCLA

Clayton J. Drees

Professor of History, VWU

Mark Edward

Professional Magician & Mentalist

Gregory Forbes

Professor of Biology, Grand Rapids Community College

John Gribbin

Science Writer

Christof Koch

Professor of Cognitive & Behavioral Biology, California Institute of Technology

Robert Maranto

Professor of Education & Education Reform, University of Arkansas

William McComas

Director, Project to Advance Science Education, University of Arkansas

Leonard Mlodinow

Physicist, Caltech

Bill Nye

Executive Director, The Planetary Society

Steven Pinker

Cognitive Psychologist, Harvard University

Donald Prothero

Professor of Geology, Cal Poly, Pomona

Catherine Salmon

Professor of Evolutionary Psychology, Human-Animal Studies, University of Redlands

Nancy Segal

Professor of Psychology, CSU, Fullerton

Eugenie Scott

(Retired) Executive Director, National Center for Science Education

Frank Sulloway

Research Scholar, MIT

Julia Sweeney


Carol Tavris

Social Psychologist 

Stuart Vyse

Behavioral Scientist, Author


To explore complex issues with careful analysis and help you make sense of the world. Nonpartisan. Reality-based.

About Skeptic Magazine