The information in this section is specific to International Students - please read carefully.
Accident insurance
The Accident Compensation Corporation provides accident insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents, and temporary visitors to New Zealand, but you may still be liable for all other medical and related costs. Further information can be viewed on the ACC website at
Code of Practice
SIT has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students. Copies of the Code are available from the New Zealand Ministry of Education website at : The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021
Recently there have been a few key changes to the work entitlements of certain student visa holders, and the post-study visa options have also changed. Click HERE for more information.
Eligibility for health services
Most international students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand. If you receive medical treatment during your visit, you may be liable for the full costs of that treatment. Full details on entitlements to publicly funded health services are available through the Ministry of Health, and can be viewed on their website at
Medical and travel insurance
International students (including group students) must have appropriate and current medical and travel insurance while in New Zealand. SIT automatically organises insurance for mainstream students through your resource fee. SIT can also organise insurance for English language students.
Visas and immigration
Full details of immigration requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying, and reporting requirements are available from Immigration New Zealand, and can be viewed on their website at
Fee protection
SIT is a New Zealand Government institution, which maintains additional reserve funds to cover any event that may eventuate. Should the Institute cancel the programme indicated on the student’s Offer of Place before its due start date, an alternative may be made available to the student. If this alternative is not acceptable to the student, a full refund will be provided.
Accommodation refunds
The following applies to all international students who utilise SIT Accommodation, including homestays.
- When a student wishes to leave their accommodation, they must give a minimum of seven days written notice to SIT International and their accommodation provider (if different, eg. homestay host).
- When a student does not give seven days written notice, they must pay seven days accommodation to the accommodation provider.
- When a student is asked to leave their accommodation, they will need to pay for an additional seven days accommodation. Exemptions will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
- When a student is away from their accommodation for a minimum of seven consecutive nights during a holiday break, they may be eligible for a reduced accommodation fee. This will be assessed on a case by case basis.
Withdrawal and refund policy
Students should note that the Offer of Place is a contractual agreement for the full duration of their time at SIT. Payments indicate an acceptance of this contractual agreement.
Each request for refund is decided on its individual merits. There is no automatic right to a refund of fees if a student changes their mind about studying at SIT.
Refund due to programme cancellation
If SIT cancels the programme indicated on the student’s Offer of Place, an alternative may be made available to the student. If there is no suitable alternative, or if this alternative is not acceptable to the student, a full refund will be given.
Refund due to visa status
A student who has paid fees for a programme, and is subsequently refused an initial visa by Immigration New Zealand, will be paid a full refund of fees.
SIT will not be liable for any exchange rate loss upon repayment.
A student who has paid fees for a programme and is subsequently refused a visa renewal by Immigration New Zealand on the basis of poor attendance, unsatisfactory academic performance and/or late visa application may apply for a partial refund.
Withdrawal due to directive
No refund will be given if a student withdraws or is withdrawn due to a SIT, Immigration New Zealand or other legal directive.
Withdrawal before programme commencement
A student who withdraws 14 or more days prior to their programme’s commencement will be entitled to a refund of 80 per cent of the tuition and resource fees.
A student who withdraws less than 14 days prior to their programme’s commencement will not be entitled to a refund Students facing exceptional circumstances may be eligible to apply for a partial refund. Please see conditions outlined under “Exceptional Circumstances”.
Withdrawal after programme commencement
No fees are refundable for students withdrawing after their programme’s commencement.
Programme commencement
The programme is considered to have commenced upon the student arriving onsite and signing their enrolment contract or the start of classes, whichever comes first.
Exceptional circumstances
Where exceptional circumstances arise which are beyond the student’s control and which necessitate withdrawal from a programme of study, the student may apply to SIT for a partial refund. Information to support the claim for exceptional circumstances must be supplied in writing.
Bereavement or serious illness
Where students suffer a serious illness or a bereavement or medical illness in the family, SIT will, instead of providing a partial refund, hold the student’s fees for a period of up to one year to be credited against possible re-enrolment. No refund will be available after that point.
Deferral of studies
Students who wish to defer their programme to the next intake must notify SIT International a minimum of two weeks before the programme starts. Students who receive a deferment are not subsequently entitled to apply for a refund.
Partial refund
SIT may, in its sole discretion, approve a partial refund on a pro-rata basis after consideration of the circumstances relevant to the case. A partial refund will be calculated after the resource fee and 40 per cent of the tuition fees are retained.
Impact of permanent residency on international fees
An international student who obtains New Zealand permanent residency or the rights to domestic student status while studying on a student visa, and provides evidence of such, is entitled to be treated as a domestic student. S/he will not receive a refund of fees for the semester during which the permanent residency is granted however the student will be entitled to pay domestic fees for subsequent semesters, and will be refunded any international fees paid for those semesters.
For non-semestered courses, international fees are payable for the full year or period of study. If permanent residency is granted during that time, no part of the international fee for that year or period of study is refundable.
Processing of refund applications
All applications for refunds must be submitted in writing to SIT International. Students seeking a refund should complete a Withdrawal Form and attach any relevant written evidence.
Refunds will take into consideration any outstanding accounts or unpaid fees for programmes the student was enrolled on. SIT reserves the right to withhold payment of all or part of a refund to recover any outstanding debts a student has incurred with SIT.
All refunds will be paid in New Zealand dollars or the equivalent of the New Zealand dollar amount converted into foreign currency to:
- The offshore account from which the fees were paid from, on receiving evidence that the student has returned home; or
- The agent who forwarded the fees, on receiving evidence that the student has returned home; or
- To another institute from which SIT has directly received written evidence of an Offer of Place and a supporting letter written by the parents or the student.
Processing of refunds may take up to 4 weeks.
Please note that the refund of international fees as stated above abide by the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009.
Application date
This policy, dated 25 September 2017, overrides all previous course refund and withdrawal policies issued by the Southern Institute of Technology.