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Our Commitments

We are committed to conduct our business as ethical and responsible investors,
remaining dedicated to a shared and sustainable growth model

Our values.

Be Involved

We create the most value when we're at the heart of the action. We build a trusting relationship with company leaders to which we provide advice and solutions.

Be responsible

Companies are a focal point of tomorrow's issues. As are our investments. Without distinction, we base the E, S and G are at the heart of our choices

Aim for excellence

Thanks to our experience with over 350 client investors, our management is unfailingly thorough, responsible, and innovative.

Responsible Investor

For almost 50 years, we have had an ethical, dedicated vision of our profession as investors, convinced that financial and extra-financial performance, vectors of perennial growth, are inseparable in value creation.

ESG is an integral part of the investment cycle of our activities and the life of our Group, in particular in respect to our CSR approach. For each company in our portfolio, as well as for our Group, we aim for rapid progress in all three aspects of ESG.

Siparex is a signatory of the UN’s “Principles for Responsible Investment” and France Invest’s “Charte d’Engagements des Investisseurs pour la Croissance“.

Discover Siparex's responsible investment charter Download Siparex Group's 2023 ESG report

Moving for the planet.

The fight against climate change is one of our major CSR and ESG priorities. Siparex is a signatory and active member of the initiative Climat International (iCI). With almost 40 % of our assets in industry, we aim to make a decarbonised economy our strategic transformation objective.

In 2021, we launched a new sectorial strategy dedicated to energy transition. TiLT Capital Fund 1, classified Article 9, targets companies that offer solutions that allow current climate issues to be addressed.

Discover iCI Discover TiLT

Moving for a better health.

Created on the initiative of the Mutualité Française and financed by over 60 mutual insurance companies, Mutuelles Impact is the first French social and environmental impact investment fund devoted to health, prevention, and the medico-social field. This one-of-a-kind fund benefits from the support of the mutual insurance ecosystem, in particular through commercial opportunities and innovative experiments.

Discover Mutuelles Impact

Moving for Parity.

Siparex is a signatory of France Invest’s charter for Gender Parity and the Assises de la Parité’s International Women’s Forum Manifesto.

Siparex has also formalised its own “Parity & Diversity” charter, structured around 3 areas for progress, which are recruitment, career management, and parenthood.

The Fondation Siparex

Founded in 2020, the Fondation Siparex aims to finance projects relative to the access to entrepreneurship (training, academic or professional reintegration, help in company creation or buyouts, etc.). These actions must allow vulnerable people or those facing difficulties to access tools that are susceptible to help them attain or maintain their place in working life, and more globally within society.

Discover the Fondation Siparex

The ESG Team


Group Partner
Chief Operating Officer
Member of the Executive Committee

Antoine JOINT

Climate Director


Director – Product & Sustainability


ESG project officer