Accueil » The Group » The Governance

Governance: Independence and balance between financiers & industrials

Siparex is an independent group with strong, outstanding governance.


Bertrand Rambaud has been CEO of Siparex Group since 2009.


The Group is majority owned by its Partners, who hold 60 % of its capital.
Siparex Associés, the sponsorship that brings together Siparex’s major industrial and financial partners, holds 40 %.

One of Siparex's key strengths is its shareholding, made up of the Partners and the Group's key corporate and financial investors. This alliance is a guarantee of trust and success, and the basis for the Group's independence.
Bertrand Rambaud, CEO of Siparex

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee brings together the Partners who represent the Group’s business lines and corporate support functions.


Managing Partner
Member of Executive Committee


Managing Partner Siparex Midcap, Member of the Executive Committee

Priscille CLEMENT

Group Partner, Communications and Brands Director, Member of the Executive Committee

Richard DALAUD

Managing Partner
Siparex Mezzanine
Member of the Executive Committee


Managing Partner, Investor relations & Business Development
Member of the Executive Committee


Managing Partner
Siparex Entrepreneurs
Member of the Executive Committee


Group Partner
Chief Operating Officer
Member of the Executive Committee

Florent LAUZET

Group Partner
Siparex ETI
Member of the Executive Committee

Nicolas PIAU

Group Partner, Partner TiLT, Chairman of the board,
Member of the Executive Committee

Marie-Clothilde VIAL

Group Partner, Group General Counsel, Member of the Executive Committee


Siparex is an independent group majority owned by its Partners, who hold 60 % of its capital.

Siparex Associés, 40 % shareholder, brings together the main subscribers to the funds the Group manages. It is headed by its chairman, Yves Chapot, and its vice-chairman, Cyril Balas, and counts among its shareholders large family-owned industrial groups (Michelin, Seb, Edify, Mérieux), French institutional investors (Crédit Agricole Centre Est, Crédit Agricole Assurances, Banque Populaire Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Apicil, MACSF, Pactinvest), and foreign institutional investors (Mouvement Desjardins).

Siparex Associés, the group's funds sponsorship, which includes corporate, financial, and family office shareholders, supports the group's development strategy
Yves Chapot Co-Manager of the Michelin Group,
Chairman of Siparex Associés