Journal/Conference Articles and Media coverage

The Impact of AI on Developer Productivity: Evidence from GitHub Copilot [with E.Kalliamvakou (GitHub), P. Cihon (GitHub), M. Demirer (MIT)] Link to Data [Council of Economic Advisor’s Annual Report to the President, 2024]

Online Search and Product Rankings: A Double Logit Approach [with G. Compiani (U Chicago), G. Lewis (MSR) and P. Wang (Unity)] [Marketing Science, 2023]

Regression Discontinuity Design under Self-selection [with Yang Ning (Cornell)] [AISTAT, 2021]

Local Regression Smoothers with Set Valued Outcome Data [with Q. Li (University of Bern), I. Molchanov (U of Bern), and F. Molinari (Cornell)][International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Jan 2021]

Mostly Harmless Regulation? Health Warnings, Electronic Cigarettes, and Consumer Welfare [with D. Kenkel (Cornell), M. Pesko (Georgia State), and H. Wang (Cornell)] [Journal of Health Economics, Aug 2020]

High Dimensional Propensity Score Estimation via Covariate Balancing [with Yang Ning (Cornell), Kosuke Imai (Harvard)] [code] [Biometrika, Jun 2020]

Working papers

The Effects of Generative AI on High-Skilled Work: Evidence from Three Field Experiments with Software Developers [with Kevin Cui, Sonia Jaffe, Leon Musolff, Sida Peng and Tobias Salz​​]

Measuring the Impact of AI on Information Worker Productivity [with Ben Edelman and Donald Ngwe]

Randomized Controlled Trials for Microsoft Copilot for Security [with James Bono, Ben Edelman Roberto Rodriguez, and Sandra Ho]

Data, Privacy Laws and Firm Production: Evidence from GDPR [with D. Hernandez (Fed), D. Li (MIT), M. Demirer]

Digitization and Employment in the Pandemic:Evidence from Seventy Billion Emails [with P. Wang (MSR), E. Auerbach (Northwestern), H. Liang (Microsoft) and A. Wu (HBS)]

Network Peer Effects without Network Data: Identification and Estimation of Network Structure in the Presence of Latent, Unobserved Factors [with Alan Griffith (U of Washington)]

Estimation and Inference for Partially Linear Models with Estimated Outcomes Using High-Dimensional Data [with Y. Ning (Cornell) and J. Tao (U of Washington)]

A Graphical Lasso Approach to Estimating Network Connections: The Case of U.S. Lawmakers [with M. Battaglini (Cornell), F. Crawford (Yale), and E. Patacchini (Cornell)]

Heterogeneous Endogenous Effects in Networks [Appendix] [package + empirical replication] [Slides]

On Testing Continuity and the Detection of Failures [with Matthew Backus (Columbia)] [code]

econet: An R package for parameter-dependent network centrality measures [with M. Battaglini (Cornell), V. Sciabolazza (U of Naples) and E. Patacchini (Cornell)] [code] [R&R]

Work in Progress

Estimating the Effects of a New Technology using a Duration Model for Staggered Adoption [with Aureo de Paula (UCL)]

Partial identification and credible estimation for stochastic epidemics with missing data [with Forrest Crawford (Yale)]

Effort Provision in a Social Coding Platform: Evidence from GitHub and StackOverflow Linked Data [with L. Barseghyan (Cornell), F. Molinari (Cornell) and M. Thirkettle (Rice)]