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Delegated Legislation

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Any law made by a body oLher Lhan leglslaLure ls delegaLed leglslaLlon

also called subordlnaLe leglslaLlon Lg CenLral CovL SLaLe CovL 8oard
of 8evenue Local bodles unlverslLles eLc ls generally expressed as
SLaLuLory 8ules Crders regulaLlons bye laws noLlflcaLlons eLc
Nature Scope
Larller Lhe SLaLe was concerned wlLh law and order guardlng exLernal
aggresslon and reallsaLlon of revenues 8uL lndusLrlallsaLlon
urbanlsaLlon coupled wlLh naLlonal concepL of welfare sLaLe enhanced
complexlLy of Admn Whlch over burdened Lhe leglslaLure SLaLe runs
Lhrough varlous admlnlsLraLlve agencles a reallLy ln modern sLaLe
|nev|tab|e due to fo||ow|ng reasons
1 LeglslaLure has no Llme Lo devoLe Lo all leglslaLlve deLalls
2 Sub[ecL maLLer may be of Lechnlcal naLure requlres handllng by
3 May noL be able Lo fore see dlfflculLles ln Lhe execuLlon
4 Lmergency SlLuaLlon
3 lnLroduces flexlblllLy ln law
6Lnable Lo consulL affecLed parLles pave way for smooLh
7 AdmlnlsLraLlve efflclency
Adequate safe guard ls necessary LxecuLlve auLhorlLy cannoL
1 1ravel beyond llmlL speclfled by leglslaLure
2 8un counLer Lo Lhe splrlL of Lhe leglslaLure
3 Change essenLlal feaLure ldenLlLy sLrucLure or pollcy of Lhe delegaLed
Lvo|ut|on can be Lraced Lo charLer sLage of 1833 when LasL lndla
Company was galnlng pollLlcal lnfluence 1he AcL vesLed leglslaLlve
powers ln Covernor Ceneral ln councll ln 1913 Crown became
LeglslaLlve AuLhorlLy of Lhe area under Lhe conLrol of Lhe Company AcL
of 1933 conLalned lnLenslve scheme of delegaLlon ConsLlLuLlonArLlcle
123 resldenL has Lhe power Lo promulgaLe ordlnances ArL 240
unresLrlcLed power Lo frame regulaLlons for peace progress and good
governance ArLlcle 337 emergency all powers of parllamenL delegaLed
Lo Lhe resldenL
o||ow|ng are the ||m|tat|ons
1 1he leglslaLure cannoL delegaLe essenLlal leglslaLlve funcLlon
2 ower conferred on subordlnaLe auLhorlLy should noL suffer from
excesslve delegaLlon
3 no acL should be declared as offence / punlshable by a rule under
delegaLed auLhorlLy
4 1he rule should noL be glven reLrospecLlve effecL
3 !udlclal revlew / !urlsdlcLlon of courL cannoL be barred
6 ue/eqotus non potest de/eqore Also colleJ sob Jeleqotloo some tlmes
tbe stotote empowet tbe ootbotlty to sob Jeleqote leqlslotlve fooctloo
lo tbe obseoce of socb powet sob Jeleqotloo ls oot vollJ lt ls well settleJ
low tbot o Jeleqote coooot fottbet Jeleqote lo tbe obseoce of exptess
AuLhorlzaLlon leglslaLlve power cannoL be sub delegaLed 1he auLhorlLy
Lo whom leglslaLlve power ls conferred lLself should make Lhe rule or
o||ow|ng non essent|a| funct|ons may be de|egated
1 ower Lo exLend duraLlon of sLaLues havlng regard Lo local
2 ower Lo adopL exlsLlng sLaLues Lo new areas wlLhouL modlfylng
pollcy of Lhe sLaLues
3 ower Lo promulgaLe rules wlLh approval of arllamenL
4 ower Lo selecL persons on whom Lax ls Lo be levled / deLermlne
,ode of Contro|||ng of de|egated |eg|s|at|on
1 rocedura| contro| a) AuLhorlLy should be ldenLlflable and LrusL
worLhy b) Clearly deflned c) lnLeresL llkely Lo affecLed should be
consulLed d) 8ules made should recelve enough publlclLy e)
rovlslon for revocaLlon / amendmenL
2 ar||amentary contro| a) Laylng Lhe rule on Lhe Lable of
arllamenL b) CommlLLee of arllamenL(CommlLLee on subordlnaLe
leglslaLlon can also carryouL leglslaLlve conLrol of uL Lhrough
3 Iud|c|a| Contro| Cardlnal prlnclple of rule of law
a) AcL should be consLlLuLlonal b) SL ls consLlLuLlonal c) SL ln Lune
wlLh Lhe enabllng acL
d) Should noL be ln confllcL wlLh Lhe enabllng AcL noL agalnsL
procedure of Lhe enabllng acL f) Should noL be ln excess of power
conferred by enabllng acL g) Should noL be unreasonable
h) Should noL be malaflde l) Should noL vlolaLe Lhe fundamenLal
ConcepL of uL has become an lnLegral parL of modern Admn sysLem
1he concepL of welfare sLaLe complexlLy of Admn Lechnlques and
ever growlng asplraLlons of Lhe people ln a democraLlc seLup all
Lhese conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe growLh of uL lnevlLable aspecL of modern
admn 8easonable checks and balance make lL more efflclenL

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